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October 2024

Forced labor and prostitution among underage migrants more than tripled under President Joe Biden.

Inside America’s Fastest-Growing Criminal Enterprise: Sex Trafficking

Biden’s border policies have led to an explosion in the forced prostitution of migrant boys and girls in the U.S. ‘If I wanted to, I could order a girl within 15 minutes. It’s that easy.’ Madeleine Rowley

DALLAS, TEXAS — Lisa slides a Hellcat pistol into her backpack, slinging it over her shoulder. She jumps out of the driver’s seat of her massive Ford F-250 as we head into a barbecue joint for lunch. Steel brass knuckles glint in the console beside a pencil-shaped, pronged object. She sees me looking at it. 

“That’s my stabby-stick,” Lisa says before I even ask. “In case I can’t bring my gun somewhere. These guys are dangerous.”

“These guys” are sex traffickers, and dangerous doesn’t begin to describe them. 

Many traffickers are members of Mexican or Salvadorian gangs, part of Cuban rings or the vicious Venezuelan group Tren de Aragua. Their modus operandi is luring migrant women and girls across the southern border, promising them good jobs once they get to America, and then forcing them into prostitution once they’re here, ostensibly to pay off the debt they incurred to get into the U.S. Hunting down sex traffickers is not for the faint of heart, and Lisa is not about to take any chances. 

An athletic, no-nonsense blonde in her 50s, Lisa runs a small nonprofit foundation called Shepherd’s Watch, dedicated to bringing down sex-trafficking rings. Prior to starting Shepherd’s Watch in 2016, Lisa had been a telecom engineer and an expert at analyzing cell phone data used in court cases. In that job, she says, she saw a “disturbing” amount of child exploitation. “I couldn’t ignore it anymore.”

Lisa, who asked that we not use her real name, calls herself “an informant.” She lacks the authority to arrest a trafficker, and any attempt to rescue the girls herself could well get her killed. Instead, Lisa and a small handful of other Shepherd’s Watch investigators work to locate victims and their pimps and then turn the information over to police departments, sheriff’s offices, and other law enforcement agencies. Because Lisa and her team have gained credibility with law enforcement over the years, the police usually follow up on the information the Shepherd’s Watch informants provide. Sometimes they hit pay dirt, arresting the traffickers and removing the girls to a safe place.

“Law enforcement is understaffed and stretched too thin,” says Lisa. “That’s where we come in.”

At the barbecue joint off Route 75 in Dallas, Lisa pulls out her phone to show me the dozen or so online platforms that traffickers and pimps use to sell girls for sex. The platforms—which include apps like TikTok, OnlyFans, and Facebook—are chockablock with ads of women, usually wearing lingerie, their faces covered to prevent anyone guessing their age. The sheer number of ads is astonishing. “Each week, we track over 12,000 ads for women in Houston, 2,600 in San Antonio, 3,500 in Austin, and 14,000 in Dallas,” says Lisa.

I ask her if the sex trafficking of migrant girls had increased since the Biden administration threw open the border, leading to 8 million migrants crossing the southern border since 2021. “Yes,” she says. “Nearly all of my sex-trafficking rings now are migrant girls. The ads exploded within the first three months of the border being open. We started noticing new sites and ads in Spanish. That was very few before. Then sites dedicated to Latino girls popped up everywhere.” Since the border opened, Lisa added, over 90 percent of the ads are for migrant girls.



Vice presidential candidate Tim Walz is in the midst of a media blitz designed to woo male voters. And it’s not going great. On Friday, former NFL player Michael Strahan gave “Coach Walz” a thorough grilling in a Good Morning America interview. On Saturday, Walz—who loves to remind voters that he is a keen hunter—fumbled about with a shotgun in a way that didn’t exactly scream “I do this all the time.” 

Walz’s clumsy push for male votes is a reminder of one of the silliest ideas going this election cycle: that the Minnesota governor is a paragon of modern masculinity whose selection as Kamala Harris’s running mate was a masterstroke that would win over male voters. 

Or at least that’s what the press insisted. (See here and here and here.) One Bloomberg headline summed it up: “Tim Walz’s Masculinity Is Terrifying to Republicans.” 

“Any liberal Democrat whose résumé includes football coach, military veteran, and sharpshooting hunter is a challenge to MAGA mythology,” wrote reporter Francis Wilkinson. 

In an article titled “Tim Walz, Doug Emhoff, and the Nice Men of the Left,” New York magazine’s Rebecca Traister praised this species of Democratic man as “newly confident in his equal-to-subsidiary status: happily deferential, unapologetically supportive of women’s rights, committed to partnership.” She contrasts that with the Republican Party’s view of manhood, with its “furious resentments toward women and their power, its mean obsession with forcing women to be baby-makers.” 

MSNBC, meanwhile, is running an entire series on “MAGA and Masculinity in 2024” that promises to “examine the societal fallout from right-wing hypermasculinity—and the people fighting its toxic messaging by positively redefining what it means to be a man.”

Meanwhile, Doug Emhoff can be praised for “redefining masculinity” while copping to an affair with his kids’ nanny and being accused of hitting an ex-girlfriend. What was that about believing all women? 

If any of this was supposed to win the votes of American men, shockingly it doesn’t seem to have worked. The latest NBC poll suggests the gender divide is as wide as ever, with a 30-point gap between the voting preferences of men and women. And in this battle of the sexes, Trump appears to have the edge, up 16 points among men compared to Kamala’s 14-point lead among women. 

Things are so bad that, on Friday in Pennsylvania, Barack Obama admonished black men for not supporting Kamala Harris in greater numbers. “You’re thinking about sitting out or supporting somebody who has a history of denigrating you because you think that’s a sign of strength because that’s what being a man is? Putting women down? That’s not acceptable.” 

In other words: Vote Democrat, you sexist pigs! 

Kamala Harris’s Plagiarism Problem Christopher Rufo


Kamala Harris has become famous, in part, for her unique rhetorical style. She switches freely between various accents and peppers her speeches with catchphrases: pondering falling “out of a coconut tree,” discussing “the significance of the passage of time,” and moving the nation toward “what can be, unburdened by what has been.”

To her supporters, the vice president’s rhetorical flourishes represent the values of compassion and optimism. To her detractors, her reliance on platitudes and tautologies demonstrates her unfitness for the presidency.

But, as we have discovered in this exclusive report, another element appears to exist within Kamala Harris’s rhetorical universe: plagiarism.

At the beginning of Harris’s political career, in the run-up to her campaign to serve as California’s attorney general, she and co-author Joan O’C Hamilton published a small volume, entitled Smart on Crime: A Career Prosecutor’s Plan to Make Us Safer. The book helped to establish her credibility on criminal-justice issues.

However, according to Stefan Weber, a famed Austrian “plagiarism hunter” who has taken down politicians in the German-speaking world, Harris’s book contains more than a dozen “vicious plagiarism fragments.” Some of the passages he highlighted appear to contain minor transgressions—reproducing small sections of text; insufficient paraphrasing—but others seem to reflect more serious infractions, similar in severity to those found in Harvard president Claudine Gay’s doctoral thesis. (Harris did not respond to a request for comment.)

Let’s consider a selection of these excerpts from Harris’s book, beginning with one in which Harris discusses high school graduation rates. Here, she lifted verbatim language from an uncited NBC News report, with the duplicated material marked in italics:

In Detroit’s public schools, only 25 percent of the students who enrolled in grade nine graduated from high school, while 30.5 percent graduated in Indianapolis public schools and 34 percent received diplomas in the Cleveland Municipal City School District. Overall, about 70 percent of the U.S. students graduate from public and private schools on time with a regular diploma, and about 1.2 million students drop out annually. Only about half of the students served by public school systems in the nation’s largest cities receive diplomas.

There’s more. In another section of the book, Harris, without proper attribution, reproduced extensive sections from a John Jay College of Criminal Justice press release. She and her co-author passed off the language as their own, copying multiple paragraphs virtually verbatim. Here is the excerpt, with the airlifted material in italics and abbreviations, such as percentages and state names, treated as verbatim substitutions:

High Point had its first face-to-face meeting with drug dealers, from the city’s West End neighborhood, on May 18, 2004. The drug market shut down immediately and permanently, with a sustained 35 percent reduction in violent crime. High Point repeated the strategy in three additional markets over the next three years. There is virtually no remaining public drug dealing in the city, and serious crime has fallen 20 percent citywide.


http://The Curious Attraction of Donald Trump

Despite the fact that he is coarse, rude and humorless, Donald Trump is attractive to millions of Americans. Most are religious and believe in their families and communities; they are patriotic, diligent, and endowed with an uncommon level of common sense. But what accounts for this attraction? While I don’t pretend to have all the reasons, simply addressing the question is instructional. He is despised by those who have made service in government their life’s work. He is despised by those who find vulgar his ravaging of the English language. He is despised by those who cannot stand his orange hair and red ties. On the other hand, he is loved by those who represent what Franklin Roosevelt once referred to as the “Forgotten Man” – America’s working men and women at the middle and lower end of the economic scale. His acolytes are those who do not neatly fit into an elitist identity – meaning they are largely white, working class people from fly-over states, those who Barack Obama once derided as clinging “to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them.” In other words, he is attractive to America’s broad middle class.

These people have watched as Democrat-led, Washington’s establishment divided people into identifiable sectors – women, people of color, proponents of LGBTQ, etc. – those seen as victims of white oppressors. His fans, the so-called oppressors regardless of social position or economic status, love that he is nemesis to progressive politicians; to administrative lawyers who feed off government; to university professors and administrators who rely on public grants; to private sector union leaders (but not union members); to school boards who protect predators and approve schools dispensing tampons in boy’s bathrooms; to spoiled college students who want their student loans paid off; to a media enriched by political ads, and to those enthralled with a sense of their own virtue; and to an entertainment industry that lacks any moral sense.

Using data from Statista and OpenTheBooks, spending on federal elections (President, Senate and House) compounded annually at roughly 14% between 2000 and 2020, while government spending compounded at about 7.5% over that same time. However, over those same twenty years median household income only compounded at two percent. The consequence is that lower and middle-income families have been left behind, as government bureaucrats, bankers, and media people have grown fat. Has this increased spending helped the middle classes? Last week, The Connecticut Mirror reported that United Way estimates that 40% of Connecticut’s households faced poverty in 2022. Keep in mind, Connecticut ranks eight when states are measured by median household income. Also donors, be they individuals, corporations or unions, expect a return on their investment. Remember Solyndra, the California-based solar panel company that in September 2009 received $535 Million from President Obama’s Energy Department and two years later filed for bankruptcy.

What do Men Want? It Sure Isn’t Harris Roger Franklin


The rain that devastated  Appalachia’s hollers was petering out by the time what was left of Hurricane Hellene barrelled up the Mississippi Valley’s eastern flank and ran out of puff for good in northern Ohio. But we still got five inches in half that many days — drizzle when it wasn’t pelting and a chill at dawn that recommended a jumper for the first time in what is a fast-faltering Indian summer.

Another downpour was hammering the motel when the TV news cut to footage from New York of thousands filling Fifth Avenue, waving Hamas flags and mourning among so many other unholy recent martyrs the man who in 1983 sent a fellow death cultist to blow up 238 of their fellow Americans in their Beirut barracks. Decades later, back in 2001, thousands dusted white with shock and ash trudged north along the same Fifth Ave from the piles of the Twin Towers. But today, not even a full generation later, people who might quietly have cheered those earlier  massacres were openly and aggressively making common cause with the latest iterations of the original 9/11 monsters. You see and hear some odd and wonderful things in New York, but a 20-block ‘*f***  you’ never seemed likely, especially in this most Jewish of diaspora cities. Not until October 7, 2023, when anti-Semitism came out from under its rock.

Here in Toledo, though, all is quiet. Well almost quiet, the News from Detroit, two hours to the north over the nearby Michigan border, tells of anti-Semitic pamphlets turning up on scores of driveways in the comfortably middle-class suburb of Farmington, about 20 miles from Motor City’s gutted heart. But it wasn’t much more than a police blotter item as far as the papers’ news editor was concerned. Nothing much to dwell upon, not when the country’s best universities are seeing the same and worse displays of enthusiasm for rapists and butchers. So the pamphlets, which also turned up in their hundreds in two other nearby towns, weren’t man-bites-dog stuff, just business a bit more than usual in a state where pro-Hamas/Hezbollah barrackers were chanting  ‘Death to America’ in gorgeously multicultural Dearborn. Also  getting a run on that recent afternoon’s Koranic concert card, a reminder that Allah wants Jews to get what’s good for them wherever they be found. You can understand why the Detroit News back-benchers gave the story just eight column inches and buried it on page four. When something is commonplace, what’s the news in it?

As Kamala Harris and the census-crunchers running her ground game see it, being nice about Islam is a requisite courtesy on the path to Inauguration Day.

The Obscene Public Humiliation Ritual of CBS’s Tony Dokoupil Jeffrey Blehar



The mainstream media has been afire over the past week about a major internal controversy at CBS, where CBS Mornings anchor Tony Dokoupil has been called on the carpet, publicly upbraided by his own network, and forced to apologize to his colleagues, all for the crime of asking literary activist Ta-Nehisi Coates a series of challenging questions.

In fact, I already covered many of those angles half a month ago. For those unfamiliar with who Ta-Nehisi Coates is, or the public controversy surrounding his new book The Message — in which Coates, after a ten-day visit to Israel as part of a “Palestine Festival of Literature” junket, concluded pre–October 7 that the Jewish state was illegitimate, identical to the Jim Crow South yet worse, and must be abolished — I invite you to read my piece about him from late September.

To summarize: Coates is an overpromoted naïf with profoundly radical priors and a proud ignorance of history — this is in fact part of his purported appeal, the supposedly untutored “freshness” with which he approaches things — a black autodidact whose ability to write passable prose got him advanced to the forefront of American racial, political, and literary discourse during the ferment of the later Obama era. After accumulating a mountain of elite hosannahs — to the point of literary deification — he ducked out of the public conversation, but has now re-emerged to use that moral capital to plead for the elimination of Israel in the wake of the October 7 massacres.

More DOJ And FBI Corruption Francis Menton


A couple of weeks ago I posed the question of whether the recently-initiated federal prosecution of New York Mayor Eric Adams is legitimate, or whether it is yet another instance of abject corruption by our Department of Justice and FBI, in this instance pay-back by the prosecutors for Adams’s criticism of the regime’s immigration policies. To help you as you ponder that question, it might be useful to look at a few other things that the DOJ and FBI are recently up to.

As Item Number 1, Justice “Special Counsel” Jack Smith chose the date of October 2 — 34 days before the upcoming election — to file his brief laying out his reasons why ex-President Trump does not qualify for immunity from prosecution under the Supreme Court’s July 1 ruling in Trump v. United States. Smith’s brief, which is 165 pages long, was then promptly unsealed by the District Judge in the case, Tanya Chutkan. I am not going to quote from it here, but it is fair to say that the brief goes out of its way to be as inflammatory as possible against the former President.

In a New York Times op-ed on October 9, Professor Jack Goldsmith of Harvard Law School raises completely legitimate questions about the timing of the filing. Note that Goldsmith is no fan of Trump. From the op-ed:

[T]he timing of the release should receive more scrutiny, because the Department of Justice should not have allowed the information to be disclosed so close to Election Day. This event is the latest of many examples of Biden administration officials paying insufficient public attention to executive branch rules that are designed to ensure that prosecutions are, in appearance and reality, conducted fairly and apolitically. . . . It is . . . vital . . . for the executive branch to take scrupulous care to assure the public that the prosecutions are conducted in compliance with pertinent rules. On this score, Mr. Smith has failed. . . . The filing is in clear tension with the Justice Department’s 60-day rule, which the department inspector general has described as a “longstanding department practice of delaying overt investigative steps or disclosures that could impact an election” within 60 days of an election.

‘Do You Hear Yourself?’: Vance Blasts ABC Host for ‘Nitpicking’ Trump’s Rhetoric on Immigration Haley Strack


Ohio Senator and Republican vice-presidential candidate J. D. Vance, in an interview on Sunday morning, blasted ABC News anchor Martha Raddatz’s criticism of Donald Trump’s comments on immigration, days after the former president had claimed that Aurora, Colo., has been “invaded and conquered” by illegal immigrants.

Trump’s claim that the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua has taken over apartment complexes was labeled “grossly exaggerated” by Aurora’s mayor, Raddatz pointed out.

“Well, Martha, you just said the mayor said they were exaggerated. That means that there’s gotta be some element of truth here,” Vance said. “Of course, President Trump was actually in Aurora, Colorado, talking to people on the ground, and what we’re hearing is people are terrified by what has happened with some of these Venezuelan gangs —”

Raddatz interrupted the candidate.

“Senator Vance, I’m going to stop you because I know exactly what happened. I’m going to stop you. The incidents were limited to a handful of apartment complexes, and the mayor said, ‘Our dedicated police officers have acted on those concerns.’ A handful of problems,” Raddatz said.

“Only, Martha? Do you hear yourself?” Vance responded. “Only a handful of apartment complexes were taken over by Venezuelan gangs, and Donald Trump is the problem, not Kamala Harris’s open border? Americans are so fed up with what’s going on, and they have every right to be,” Vance responded. “I really find this exchange, Martha, sort of interesting because you seem to be more focused with nitpicking everything that Donald Trump has said rather than acknowledging that apartment complexes in the United States of America are being taken over by violent gangs.”

The Strange, Mythological Campaign of Kamala Harris Harris is distancing herself from her record, misrepresenting her past, and shifting blame for policy failures onto Donald Trump, creating a disconnect between her actions and campaign messaging. By Victor Davis Hanson


Increasingly, little if anything remains real about the Harris campaign.

Take ideology and the issues.

It is now well known that Kamala Harris was rated as the most left-wing of all current senators, including Bernie Sanders—according to GovTrack, a non-partisan compiler of evaluators in Congress. The Voteview project found her voting record the most liberal of all senators of the 21st century, except for radical Elizabeth Warren.

Harris as vice president in a 50/50 Senate has proven the decisive passing vote on more deadlocked bills than any other vice president in history—all thirty-three of them proudly progressive legislation. She has done more to ensure left-wing government at the national level than any prior vice president.

Indeed, Harris, as both a California state official and its senator, and as vice president, has for some thirty years championed almost every issue dear to the left—Medicare for all, an end to private health care plans, banning fracking, mandatory EV requirements, unrestricted abortion, wealth taxes, income and inheritance tax hikes, defense cuts, price controls, open borders, ending the border patrol, stopping all deportations, opposition to a border wall, mass amnesties, free transition surgeries for illegal aliens, and mandatory buyback of semi-automatic firearms.

In most of these cases, Harris not only voiced support but did so proudly and emphatically in front of hard-left constituencies. She has declared that she is a radical and woke.

During the 2020 Antifa and BLM riot after the death of George Floyd, Harris unabashedly helped to raise bail for arrested violent demonstrators in Minnesota. Indeed, she went on national television to warn the nation that the protests were a “movement” that would not and should not stop.

Given such a long record, Harris should have been proud of her politics, which had done so much, especially over the last four years, to change the very nature of the nation. Why, then, is she not campaigning on the allegedly superior record of the Biden administration, the innate advantages to voters of the progressive project, and the need to implement a further left-wing agenda? Rather than promising “change,” should she not be advocating “four more years of the same?”

Answer—Joe Biden has proven to be one of the most unpopular presidents in history. His approval ratings hover around 40 percent, and less on the very left-wing policies he and Harris implemented.

So, Harris is not proudly boasting of her past efforts to open wide the southern border, to support defunding the police, or to call for reparations. Instead, she has renounced most of her prior radical agendas and embraced their antitheses. In eerie examples of projection, whatever particular unpopular policy is most associated with Biden-Harris, she claims Trump, out of office since January 2021, was responsible for the fiasco.

Sheriff: Possible Third Trump Assassination Attempt Thwarted


Sheriff Chad Bianco of Riverside County, California, said he may have prevented a third assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump after stopping a man at a road checkpoint who was allegedly in possession of an illegal firearm, or firearms, and fake rally passes.

On Saturday, just before 5 p.m, deputies assigned to Trump’s security detail for his Coachella Valley rally stopped the driver of a black SUV, Vem Miller, 49, half a mile from the rally entrance, according to a press release from the Riverside County Sheriff’s Office. Miller “was found to be illegally in possession of a shotgun, a loaded handgun, and a high-capacity magazine,” as well as fake press and VIP passes.

“We probably stopped another assassination attempt,” Bianco said, according to the New York Post.

The sheriff’s office said that Miller was taken into custody “without incident” and booked at the John J. Benoit Detention Center for “possession of a loaded firearm and possession of a high-capacity magazine.”

He was released Saturday on $5,000 bail and is scheduled to appear at the Indio Larson Justice Center on Jan. 2, 2025.