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October 2024

Immoral Clarity-Ta-Nehisi Coates by Noah Rothman


The promotional tour for Ta-Nehisi Coates’s latest book revealed to all who can accept the evidence of their own eyes that the celebrated author is a shallow political observer. Coates, who famously rejects complexity, determined that we were all overthinking the generations-old conflict in the Middle East after an eleven-day sojourn to Israel. He papered over the existence of non-Jewish Israeli citizens. He flattened the causes of the wars in 1948, 1967, and 1973. He all but erased the PLO, the intifadas, and Iran’s “ring of fire” terror campaign against the Jewish state. When this cognitive labor was complete, he applied the template of U.S. race relations to Israel-Palestinian discord, pronounced a perfect overlap, and expected to be fêted for his insight. It didn’t quite work out that way.

The question this episode raises is why it took so long for that revelation to dawn on so many. The reaction CBS News anchor Tony Dokoupil generated from his employer’s “race and culture unit” following his gentle pushback against some of the premises the author promulgated is instructive. As some of my colleagues observed, Coates’s pronouncements aren’t meant to be scrutinized and fact-checked. They are catechisms. Reading his work as though it were intended as a scholarly contribution to the sum of human knowledge is a mistake. He proclaims orthodoxies. And when his word is challenged, it is not because his observations conflict with reality. It is merely because first contact with this blinding brand of enlightenment can “scare people.”

The enforcers of Coates’s dogmas in the press long ago internalized the notion that their job wasn’t to challenge the factually deficient canon of their credo. It was to promote their conception of “moral clarity.”

To hear the promoters of this alternative mission statement tell it, moral clarity exists in opposition to conventional definitions of objectivity.

Poll: Majority Favors Federal Ban on Transgender Surgeries for Minors By Eric Lendrum


A new poll shows that nearly two-thirds of voters support a federal ban on so-called “sex change” operations for minors, as Democrats continue pushing transgenderism on children across the country.

As reported by Just The News, the new survey from the Center Square Voters’ Voice Poll found that 59% support the ban, including 82% of Republican respondents and 56% of independents. Only Democrats were against the ban, with just 36% of Democratic respondents favoring it.

Along gender lines, men were more likely to support such a ban than women, with 63% of men favoring it while 56% of women voiced their support for it. When broken down by ethnicity, a total of 61% of White respondents favored the ban, while 46% of black respondents favored it, compared to 32% who opposed it and 22% who remained unsure.

The age groups which most favored the ban were the 45-54 and 54-65 demographics, both at 61% support. Meanwhile, the 18-34 bloc supported such a ban by a narrow majority, at 52%.

Lastly, 55% of voters with a college degree supported such a proposal compared to 61% of voters without a college degree, while 61% of voters with children supported a ban, compared to 52% of voters without children.

Transgenderism, the false and scientifically-debunked belief that there are more than two genders, and that anyone can simply change their gender at any time, has been promoted by Democrats for the last several years; the ideology has only recently begun facing serious pushback from conservatives, with laws banning such treatments for minors in 25 different states.

The Scent of a Harris Panic in the Air Are the cures for the Harris slide far worse than the malady itself? by Victor Davis Hanson


The 2024 race is still close.

But then so was the 1980 Carter-Reagan race at this same juncture.

Indeed, incumbent president Carter was then comfortably up in the last two October Gallup polls—before utterly and suddenly evaporating on Election Day.

But in the last seven days, there seems a sense of panic in the Harris campaign.

How do we know that?

Why are Democratic pundits—from Axelrod to Carville—blasting the Harris campaign and otherwise warning of bad things to come?

Why are some of the once Democrat sure-thing senate races—e.g., in Ohio, Wisconsin, and even Michigan—tightening up?

Pundit poll-watchers are suggesting that Trump is close, even, or slightly ahead in the swing-state polls, suggesting that he is nearing a margin that could cancel out anticipated “ballot irregularities”.

The expected October Harris-Biden surprises—the opportune Fed interest rate cut, the transparently desperate Jack Smith beefed-up re-indictment, the current new Hollywood Trump-hit movie, the desperate Zelensky fly-in to Pennsylvania, the election-cycle customary Bob Woodward unsourced gossip book—seemed so far to have had no effect.

Why would any campaign send out the bumbling Tim Walz to a Fox Sunday interview after his disastrous debate?

Why is a suddenly smiling Biden so eager to claim candidate and VP Harris as a co-conspirator to his disastrous four years?

Why would Harris pivot and now agree to (admittedly mostly softball) interviews, thus confirming to the voting public why she wisely had previously avoided all press conferences, interviews, and town halls?

The Victory That Saved Western Civilization Commemorating the anniversary of the battle of Tours. by Mark Tapson


We have just passed the anniversary of an epic event that is not widely known in America except among history buffs, but which nonetheless dramatically shaped the future of the Western world, and which may still hold inspiration for us in the West today.

After the death of the Muslim prophet Muhammad in 632, Islam spread like a bloody tide throughout the Arabian peninsula, north to the Caspian Sea and east through Persia and beyond, westward through Egypt and across North Africa all the way to the Atlantic Ocean. From there it crossed the Straits of Gibraltar and consumed virtually all of the Iberian peninsula, or al-Andalus as the Saracens called it. In a mere one hundred years, the warlord Muhammad’s imperialist legacy was an empire larger than Rome’s had ever been.

By 732 that fallen Roman empire had devolved into a patchwork of warring barbarian tribes across what is now continental Europe. When Abd-al-Rahman al-Ghafiki, the governor of al-Andalus, crossed the Pyrenees with the world’s most successful fighting force and began pillaging through the south of what would become France toward Paris, there was no nation, no central power, no professional army capable of stopping them.

No army except one – led by the Frankish duke Charles, the eventual grandfather of Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne. His infantrymen, as historian Victor Davis Hanson puts it in a fascinating chapter of Carnage and Culture, were “hardened veterans of nearly twenty years of constant combat against a variety of Frankish, German, and Islamic enemies.” Hanson writes that the Roman legions had crumbled “because of the dearth of free citizens who were willing to fight for their own freedom and the values of their civilization.” But the seasoned warrior Charles had gathered spirited, free fighters under his command who were willing to defend their Christian society, and he led them to intercept the marauding infidels leaving a ravaged trail toward the ultimate prize, Paris.

Why the Recent Vice-Presidential Debate Matters — By Nicole Kiprilov


In the days following last week’s vice-presidential debate, there has been a barrage of polling and commentary focused on how the debate does not matter. While it is true that, historically and statistically, vice-presidential debates do little to shift public opinion, this particular debate between Vance and Walz is different in three important ways.

First, the debate showed that Vance complements Trump in a way that expands the ticket’s vision for America. This is important because Americans ultimately vote for a vision. Second, the debate is taking place in the context of unprecedented political times, which puts more emphasis on every public forum the candidates engage in, including last week’s debate. Third, both Harris and Walz, since becoming a ticket, have given the fewest number of interviews and press conferences out of any presidential duo in history. This fact increases the significance of the debate as one of the few significant ways Americans can learn about the little-known Walz.

On the first point, Trump and Vance are complementary in a way that is unusual for a Republican ticket. Since 1984, which is when the first vice-presidential debate took place, there have been few tickets in which the vice-presidential pick has contributed positively to the presidential candidate’s vision. For example, in 2008, John McCain’s pick, Sarah Palin, ended up hurting McCain in the polls due to uncertainty about her qualifications and competence. McCain even acknowledged later on that he regretted picking Palin. In 2016, Mike Pence, Trump’s pick, was a standard, run-of-the-mill conservative who neither brought a fresh perspective on Trump’s vision nor was particularly engaging or charismatic to voters.

The debate last week showed that Vance is a unique pick in that he supplements Trump’s America-First vision. Trump’s vision, fundamentally, is about common sense, strength, and competence. Vance not only possesses common sense, strength, and competence, but also complements this vision with the additions of humaneness, empathy, relatability, and intellect. Unlike Pence, Vance is a force to be reckoned with. Taken as a collective, the comprehensive vision that the Trump-Vance ticket is putting forth is not just about Making America Great Again, which is the root of the vision; it is also a people-first, rather than party-first or elite-first. It is vision that focuses on fixing a country that has never been so broken in our lifetime. Even before Vance became the vice-presidential nominee, his relatability was evident through the popular appeal of his book, Hillbilly Elegy. The debate last week allowed the American people to see that crucial aspect come through in a direct way as Vance answered each question with strength, intellect, and poise, and also treated Walz with respect. On the immigration issue, Trump brought an unmistakable urgency and call to action to the issue during his debate with Kamala Harris. During the vice-presidential debate, Vance supplemented that urgency with specific facts and stories.

Noncitizens Will Vote In November, The Only Question Is How Many?


Eight years ago, the mainstream media told us in no uncertain terms that noncitizens don’t vote in American elections. “There is no evidence,” they said. The likely number “is zero.”

They were provably wrong then – there’d been multiple accounts of noncitizens who’d registered and voted in elections. In the years since, the evidence of this problem has piled up higher. But the media are still at it. It’s “extremely rare,” they say. It never “affects the outcome of a race.” Republicans are looking to “blame illegals” if Donald Trump loses, etc.

Here’s one example of the disconnect.

An audit of Texas voter rolls in 2019 found 95,000 noncitizens who’d registered, 58,000 of whom voted in an election. This year, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced that he’d removed 6,500 noncitizens from the state’s voter rolls, nearly 2,000 of whom voted.

Yet just this weekend, ABC News ran a piece titled: “In South Texas, the myth of noncitizen voting takes center stage.”

But it’s the media that’s peddling the myth. Voter rolls are criminally outdated and error prone. Some states are so eager to register voters that they don’t put up needed safeguards. When election officials do bother to audit their registration rolls, they keep turning up thousands of noncitizens.