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October 2024

William Jefferson Clinton, Election Denier What in the world does the 42nd president mean by the suggestion that the election will come down to whether we can get an honest vote count?


Bill Clinton, election denier? That’s the prospect heaving into view now that the 42nd president is raising doubts about the legitimacy of the vote tallies on November 5. What he said is that he’s wondering “whether we can get an honest, open count.” With the presidential contest in a “dead heat,” as NBC News puts it, Mr. Clinton’s remarks suggest an emerging Democratic strategy if the votes don’t go their way: Challenge the integrity of the balloting.

On the hustings in Georgia for Vice President Harris, Mr. Clinton mused that “what will decide the outcome,” NBC reported, is “who wants it bad enough.” A Clinton aide clarified that “various reports of threats and intimidation against election officials” prompted the remarks. Yet Mr. Clinton’s comments remind that while President Trump is often excoriated for his refusal to accept the outcome in 2020, the Democrats are better on this head.

Feature, say, Secretary Clinton and other members of her party who, after Trump’s win in 2016, insinuated that Russian meddling in the race had made him an “illegitimate president.” Mrs. Clinton, after losing, pointed to “the many varying tactics” deployed during the 2016 campaign, “from voter suppression and voter purging to hacking to the false stories” as among “just a bunch of different reasons why the election turned out like it did.”

Then again, too, what about the Democrats who doubted the fairness of the 2000 and 2004 elections won by President George W. Bush?

Americans Are Suffering From ‘Crisis in Confidence’ in Major Institutions, Especially the Press: Gallup Polling The press is the least trusted group of ten major institutions — including local and state governments and the judicial branch.Maggie Hroncich


The percentage of Americans who trust the press — including television, radio, and newspapers — has fallen to a historic low, new Gallup polling indicates.

With 36 percent of Americans saying they don’t trust the press to report the news “fully, accurately, and fairly” compared to only 31 percent who trust it a fair amount or a great deal, those who distrust the news outnumber those who trust it for the third year in a row.

In addition to the 36 percent of American adults who said they have no trust in the press, an additional 33 percent said they had “not very much” confidence in it. Trust has plummeted deeply since Gallup first started tracking the issue in the 1970s, when trust in news institutions was ranging between 68 and 72 percent. 

Confidence levels had a slight rebound after the 2016 election but spiraled downwards in 2019 and in the years since. The polling also indicates a deep difference in trust levels along partisan lines — 54 percent of Democrats have at least a fair amount of trust in the news, compared to 27 percent of independents and a mere 12 percent of Republicans. 

The press is also the “least trusted group among 10 U.S. civic and political institutions involved in the democratic process,” Gallup says. A majority of Americans, or 67 percent, expressed trust in their own local governments to handle local issues, and 55 percent trust their state governments to handle state problems. When it comes to making decisions about issues facing the country, 54 percent of American adults trust the “American people as a whole.” 

Trust in the federal government to handle international and domestic issues also outweighs trust in the press, and more Americans trust the judicial branch and the executive branch more than they trust news institutions, the polling showed.

‘Progressive’ California At War With Progress The Golden State is Moving Backwards


Much has been made, as it should have been, about the stark differences with Elon Musk’s SpaceX and the once-great NASA’s pathetic woke-DEI-politically correct existence. Musk wins on merit, but in California, that’s not what counts. So Musk has been vilified because he dared to leave the progressive plantation.

SpaceX has been launching rockets from the Vandenberg Air Force base in Santa Barbara County for more than a decade. It wants to increase the number of annual launches from six to 36, and maybe even more. The Air Force has no problem with the plans. The California Coastal Commission does. It voted 6-4 last week to block the increase.

As one would expect, the opposition was based on Musk’s political transformation. He also has the temerity to be successful in a society that has increasingly come to devalue success and deem failure and the amenability to be offended to be virtues. That will get him nowhere in California.

“​​We’re dealing with a company, the head of which has aggressively injected himself into the presidential race,” said Commissioner Chair Caryl Hart.
“​​Elon Musk is hopping about the country, spewing and tweeting political falsehoods and attacking FEMA while claiming his desire to help the hurricane victims with free Starlink access to the internet,” said Alternate Commissioner Gretchen Newsom.
“This company is owned by the richest person in the world with direct control of what could be the most expansive communications system in the planet,” Commissioner Mike Wilson said. “Just last week that person was talking about political retribution.”

The “official” reason for the commission’s decision is due “concerns that all SpaceX launches would be considered military activity, shielding the company from having to acquire its own permits, even if military payloads aren’t being carried,” reports Politico.

But it’s obvious that was concocted for public consumption.