The Donald Trump you never see By Gamaliel Isaac

On October 9, the renowned lawyer and professor Alan Dershowitz posted a video on his show, The Dershow, titled “Is Harris winning or is Trump losing?”  In it, he argued that the polls are beginning to trend in favor of Harris.  Professor Dershowitz asked:

What is the reason for that?  Is it that Harris is winning more voters, or Trump is losing more voters?

Professor Dershowitz said that he doesn’t think the election is about policy as much as it is about personality.  He said,

A lot of people I know are saying, “Look, I much prefer Trump’s foreign policy, and economic policy, but I just can’t bring myself to vote for the guy … because he did this or said that.”

Trump does say and do things that turn people off.  In addition, when he says things that are perfectly okay, the left wing, the media, and his political opposition twist what he says to mean something terrible and then claim he said it.  A classic example of that is when Trump said that there were “some very fine people on both sides,” referring to a clash in Charlottesville between people who wanted to remove the statue of General Lee and people who wanted to protect the statue.  Malevolent distortions of what Trump said about that clash never end.  Headlines include “Trump again blames both sides for violence at white supremacist rally in Charlottesville” (Politico), “Why Can’t Trump Just Condemn Nazis?” (The Atlantic), “Trump revives his controversial claim equating white supremacists and anti-racism protestors in Charlottesville clashes” (The LA Times), etc.  The press leaves out Trump’s clarification, which he made in the same press conference:

And I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white Nationalists. They should be condemned totally.

The left wants us to think that Trump makes Nazi-like statements and that he is a right-wing antisemitic extremist who is against freedom and democracy.  Leftists are successful in persuading people.  At one point, they even convinced J.D. Vance, Trump’s current running mate, that Trump is like Hitler.

But it is the Democrats who are a threat to our freedoms and our democracy.  Through their deception, intimidation, and demonization of Trump, they mislead and silence voters.  They are the ones who have weaponized the Justice Department and the FBI to go after Trump-supporters.  They are the ones who have criminalized dissent.  They are the ones who have endangered and disenfranchised voters by inviting illegal aliens to pour into the United States.

It is because of this demonization that the Trump campaign must do more than attack Kamala’s policies and track record if Trump is to win.  The Trump campaign must get the message across to people who can’t bring themselves to vote for Trump that he is not the racist Hitler that the left-wing media have convinced them he is.  One easy and simple step Trump-supporters can take to accomplish this is to share videos such as “Is President Trump a Racist Misogynist Monster?” and “Ben Carson Points to Trump’s Policies to Prove He’s Not a Racist” on social media.  More importantly, they need to publicize Trump’s acts of kindness.

Trump-supporters should heed the words of Melissa Young.  She grew up in abusive foster homes.  Despite that, she became an actress for The Young and the Restless and was crowned Miss Wisconsin in 2005.  Donald Trump got to know her when he owned the Miss Universe pageant.  Since then, she became ill with cancer.  Trump helped her and promised to take care of her son when she is gone.  Melissa said that Trump has done many acts of kindness but will not “toot his horn” about what he has done.

The problem is that someone has to say something if the people who can’t bring themselves to vote for Trump are to change their minds and vote for him.  The next election will be very close, and it could be the vote of the NeverTrumps that determines who wins and who loses.  It is up to Trump-supporters to get the message out about Trump’s acts of kindness.  It’s up to them to toot the horn that Trump won’t.  There is a beautiful video titled “The Donald Trump You Never See.”  Disseminating that video on social media is a good place to start.

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