Displaying posts published in

December 2024

Why are we surprised about Jew hatred in Quebec? Diane Bederman


While Second Cup CEO Peter Mammas was at a theatre watching Gladiator II with his children, he learned about a franchise owner in Montreal spewing vile antisemitism. Without hesitation, he took decisive action to shut it down immediately. Contrast this with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who was at a Taylor Swift concert with his children as Montreal faced chaos. He did nothing. Leadership is defined by action in moments of crisis. One acted. One didn’t. Let that sink in.

In my not so humble opinion, Quebec is the most Jew hating province in Canada. I think it comes by it honestly. Quebec was settled by the French. Or should I say colonized?

Let’s take a peek at the Jew hatred from France, which, sadly continues today under the leadership of Macron. French President Emmanuel Macron called for an arms embargo on Israel as she fights for her life against Jew hating terrorists. And “France supports the International Criminal Court, its independence and the fight against impunity in all situations.” (Arrest warrants have been issued for Netanyahu and Gallant for crimes including “wilful killing”, “extermination and/or murder”, and “starvation” during the war in Gaza.) Canada’s French-Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, also stands with the ICC. A recent biography of Pierre Trudeau, long-serving prime minister of Canada and Justin’s father, revealed that in his twenties even he was part of fascist, nationalist, and anti-Semitic movements, before he evolved into a committed democrat and civil libertarian. Hmmm

The Experts, Science, Medicine—All Amazing, All Fallible Joan Swirsky


For thousands of years, going back to the Bible, women have wept and grieved and pleaded to God over their miscarriages. Indeed, it took all these millennia for modern-day pharmaceutical companies to develop solutions to this ongoing nightmare.

In the 1940s, they were happy to offer doctors the ability to prescribe diethylstilbestrol (DES) to prevent miscarriage. “You can tell them you would give it to your wife,” the marketing mavens from Big Pharma suggested to physicians.

And with good reason. This “miracle drug” worked! Women who had experienced no trouble conceiving but were plagued by constant miscarriages were now able to carry their babies to term and deliver quite “perfect” bundles of joy!

But then disaster hit with unspeakable horror. After one or two years of watching their beautiful babies smile and roll over and teethe and then walk and speak and thrive, the little girls began developing hideous vaginal cancers, and those who survived to adulthood experienced higher-than-normal premature births, miscarriages, and ectopic pregnancies.

The little boys, too, had horrible anomalies in their urogenital tracts and are still being watched for higher-than-average cases of testicular and prostate cancers.

In 1971, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) took DES off the market.

So much for the science!


In 1957, another miracle medication, originally marketed as a sleeping pill but also found to prevent miscarriages,was developed in West Germany, and soon found its way to America, where women eagerly took the drug––approved by the FDA––and, again, were thrilled to carry their babies to term.

But unlike DES, where the monstrous effects took months to years to develop, the grotesque and tragic effects of the new drug––Thalidomide––were obvious from the moment of birth: children born with missing arms and legs, eye and urinary tract anomalies, heart problems, et al. The list of horrors went on and on.

So much for the science!