Is There an Islamic Terror Group UK Labour Leader Corbyn Didn’t Meet With? Corbyn may have lost Patrick Stewart’s vote, but he’ll always have Hamas. Daniel Greenfield

Some politicians are so ensconced in sex scandals that another one just doesn’t make a noise.

In recent weeks, we’ve learned that Jeremy Corbyn, the radical leftist leader of the UK Labour Party, had been caught making the Muslim Brotherhood’s version of its Nazi salute, and had laid wreaths at the graves of the Munich Olympics terrorists.

Professor Shaul Ladany, who represented Israel at the racewalking competition in the 1972 Munich Olympics and survived the massacre, told the Daily Telegraph of his feelings upon seeing photos of British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn laying a wreath on the terrorists’ graves.

The massacre, carried out by Black September terrorists, claimed the lives of 11 Israeli athletes.

“I was really upset,” he told the Daily Telegraph. “Going there and laying a wreath is a stand. It is saying, ‘Look, I am in favor of it, I admire it.'”

Is anyone really surprised that he made a secret trip to meet with Hamas? It would be more surprising if he hadn’t met with Hamas.

eremy Corbyn visited Israel and the West Bank in November 2010 with an Islamist lobby group to meet senior Hamas officials, and failed to declare the funding for the trip in violation of parliamentary rules, i24NEWS can reveal.

The Labour leader, then a backbencher, made the trip from 5-9 November 2010 as part of a delegation with Islamist lobby group Middle East Monitor (MEMO) and met two groups of Hamas parliamentarians.

But there is no record of Corbyn’s visit to Israel in the British Parliament’s Register of Members’ Financial Interests, even though a colleague on the trip declared that the it cost above the threshold required for MPs to report gifts.

Rules at the time required MPs to declare any gifts above £660 ($840). Corbyn’s fellow Labour MP Andrew Slaughter declared the total cost of flights and accommodation for the same trip as £927, which he said was paid for by Friends of Al-Aqsa and Middle East Monitor.

It’s okay.

This will just solidify Corbyn’s appeal to Labour’s core base of Guardian readers, Jihadists and people who think Jews faked the Holocaust and secretly run the world. But I repeat myself. Corbyn may have lost Patrick Stewart’s vote, but he’ll always have Hamas.

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