Communism Is Still the Enemy Eileen F. Toplansky

As the bloviating disciples of Biden’s administration prattle on about the dignity of law-breaking illegals who cross into this country, it behooves every American to take note of the abiding trespass of Communism to destroy America.  When geographical boundaries of a nation are ignored, it is a military invasion even when no bullets are shot.  Change the demographics and communists win a major victory.

In the blurb to Ralph de Toledano’s The Greatest Plot in  History, (1963) one learns that “fiction yields no stranger plot — treason rewarded, traitors left free, patriots hounded and duped.  Liberals still in the seats of the mighty. Above all, it is the story of how superbly trained communist agents were infiltrated into key positions; how vital materials and knowledge of secrets processes were transferred to Russia — with the eager cooperation of highly place Liberals and why Liberal naiveté was and remains America’s greatest handicap in dealing with Communists.”

Toledano writes about Arthur Alexandrovitch Adams who in May of 1938 crossed the Canadian border into the United States.  Immigration officials paid casual attention to the fraudulent Canadian birth certificate he carried with him. Customs officials at the time had no idea that Moscow had prepared Adams safe cover for  the theft of America’s most closely guarded nuclear secrets.

In fact, “Communists had given [diplomatic espionage] a new dimension by including . . . industrial, technological and scientific espionage — preying on the private sector by stealing patented processes [.]” Moreover, “nationals of Western countries whose loyalties were subverted and whose idealism was corrupted” were enlisted.

According to Trevor Loudon, this is communism’s big secret.  In essence, how could a relatively tiny communist party influence public policy?  When European revolutions failed in the 1920s, “the communist movement began a long-term plan to move individual countries to socialism by force where possible, by infiltration and manipulation when not.”  Consequently, “education, the churches and the media were all targeted.”  Equally alarming, is the systematic infiltration and manipulation of the legislative bodies of major Western nations.  Currently, most major Western  communist parties, including the Communist Party, USA tend to look to China for leadership.

Consider the Chinese Communist Party and the assistance they receive from American universities who “make a compound of moral treason and sophistry, excusing the betrayal of principle and common decency with the argument that they are ‘helping the working class’ or ‘fighting fascism.'”

In the 1950s,  the meaning of the great purges  by Stalin was still relatively unknown. Today, the appalling ignorance of the murder of millions under communism dictatorship coupled with the complacency of a population lulled into a servile state is the perfect recipe for communism’s ascendancy, i.e., Democrats hail the purge by Big Tech of conservative voices.

How many communists or left-leaning people are in the U.S. Congress?  Loudon emphasizes the impact on U.S. radicals of the late Italian Communist Party theoretician Antonio Gramsci, who emphasized that communism can best be achieved “by infiltrating civil society – political parties, churches, labor unions, universities, the media, community groups, to turn them into revolutionary vehicles.”

Loudon documents how “the Communist Party of the USA has adopted a stealth plan to achieve revolutionary goals by decisions made in the 1970s to infiltrate and manipulate the Democratic Party. The plan is to form alliances with the radical elements in organized labor in conjunction with radicals in the African-American community and the feminist movement to establish a progressive coalition on the left that could dominate the national political agenda for decades to come.”

Listen to what BLM leaders have to say.  Their Marxist agenda is clear.  And lest one think there is a distinction between socialists and communists, it should be emphasized that the U.S. Democratic Socialists of America is “so thoroughly compromised by admitting former communist parties and even bona fide terrorist groups such as Fatah, that its ‘line’ is almost identical to that of the openly communist movement.”

Yet as Toledano wrote, most Americans viewed communist espionage “with laughter or indignation” in the 1950s.  Currently, those of us who speak out against Communist progressive infiltration into America are denigrated, ridiculed and adamantly told that we are racist. How dare, they cry, we engage in “red-baiting” even when the proof is there of left wing party domination by the labor movement so that  communist policies become union policies and eventually mainstream political party policies.

When in 1963, Toledano describes the “subject of Moscow’s solicitous interest [for] foreign politicians who [were] considered vulnerable; trade unionists active on labor’s left bank; intellectuals infected by the more polite forms of the Marxist virus’ [and] business men who put profit above the national interest” he was quite prophetic.

Consider the more recent iterations, i.e., Eric Swalwell and Chinese spy Fang Fang; Randi Weingarten, Union President of the American Federation of Teachers and  academia across the country who have shut down free speech and who indoctrinate students with communism; Nike, Coca-Cola and others who gladly do business with communist China; and finally the social media giants, who acquiesce to the communist demands of China.  Consider this move from Merrill Lynch. Mao would be proud.

In a totalitarian state “there are no excuses for failure” so the march forward to achieve their goals is one of infinite and never-ending steps.

Loudon’s “. . . congressional profiles of current members of Congress provides extensive evidence of radical leftist ties in the backgrounds of top Democratic Party legislators, including Democratic Party Senators Barbara Boxer, Dick Durbin, Tom Harkin, Barbara Mikulski, Elizabeth Warren, Ed Markey, Debbie Stabenow, Al Franken,” to name only a few.

One billion people have “been impounded in totalitarian states and gulags, and one hundred million people have been murdered in our lifetime by Marxists [.] That they should be endorsed today by anyone at all is a moral disgrace.”

Furthermore, there is a new twist in the communist arsenal — David Horowitz writes in The Enemy Within: How a Totalitarian Movement is Destroying America that while “Karl Marx was intent on fomenting war between economic classes, Cultural Marxists have expanded the scope of the target to races, genders, and religious Christians.  Identity Politics, or Cultural Marxism has been the core curriculum of American public and private schools for several generations now.  To distance themselves from the Communist atrocities they made possible, and to absolve their ideas from responsibility for the catastrophic results, radicals have changed the name of their utopia to ‘social justice’ But their political mission — civil war in pursuit of a totalitarian ambition to remake the world and dominate its inhabitants – remains the same.”

To ignore the continuing pattern of the communists, and to “belabor those who expose it, . . . to hamper those who must detect it — and to turn a blind eye to those who would aid and abet the communists and give them cover and supply them with a constant stream of new recruits” is an existential issue.

If the intellectual community in the mid 20th century had not absorbed “almost with the air it breathed, the notion that the world’s most vicious tyranny was an occasionally misguided but essentially idealistic experiment in social engineering,” how many lives could have been saved?

We in the 21st century must continue to sound the clarion warning that no matter what they call themselves, be it communists, Leftists, Marxists or progressives, they are all dedicated to “the organization of catastrophe.”

It is why communist perfidy whether in the guise of Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Critical Race Theory, or the Democrat Party, must be identified and stopped.

Americans need to ask: how does any action  help the communist cause? The answers will bring clarity to the issues. We can no longer be cowed by accusations of paranoia when daily it is clear how communism is advancing in the country.

Freedom loving Americans must start using the word communism to describe what is occurring in the country.  We need to constantly reiterate the words of Winston Churchill: “Throughout the world, Communist fifth columns . . . constitute a growing challenge and peril to Christian civilization.”

Whether gussied up as leftism, socialism, progressivism or Marxism, communism is the animating force behind the evisceration of American values.


Eileen can be reached at



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