Australian Media Mocks CNN’s Glowing Coverage of Bumbling Joe Biden By Matt Margolis

As you know, if you’re looking for some honest reporting on Joe Biden, don’t look to the American mainstream media.

We’ve been saying this for years now, but there’s something quite disturbing when foreign news networks are literally mocking American media for their absurdly glowing coverage of Joe Biden, particularly in light of his embarrassing performance at the G7.

Below is a video from “Kenny on Media” from Australia’s Sky News earlier this week, where the panel, hosted by Jack Houghton, literally mocks the way the media, particularly CNN, covered Joe Biden at the G7 Summit, especially compared to how negative the media was about Trump.

“They drive to give the illusion that [Biden] doesn’t have any disputes with any of these international leaders,” Houghton said.

Related: Here’s What the Foreign Press Is Saying About Presidentish Biden

“I just think Joe Biden is a lucky person,” said Sophie Elsworth of The Australian. “He has got all the media on his side—or most of the media on his side—particularly CNN. Completely at odds with what they did to Trump. So his popularity surely can only win from this because he’s getting so much positive PR through the journalists who are massive fans of him. It’s quite appalling to watch. And what happened to straight news reporting, which doesn’t seem to be existent there?”

Nick Cater of the Menzies Research Centre joked, “Give Biden his due, he got to the top of the Air Force One steps without tripping over his shoelaces.”

“The reality is if you talk to … anybody who knows about foreign affairs there are considerable question marks over Biden’s foreign affairs policy—it’s not proven yet—whereas it was the one area, in fact, in which Trump did very well,” he said, noting Trump’s policy towards China and the Abraham Accords as examples.

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