Transgender Hormones Increase Heart Attacks and Strokes, but the Left Still Pushes Them on Kids By Kevin Downey Jr.

What happens when men hoover up estrogen and women scarf testosterone? Aww, you know!

Specialists at Pennsylvania’s Mercy Catholic Medical Center are reporting that transgendered people taking hormones face serious risks of heart attack, stroke, and myocarditis.

The study compared transgender people who do and do not take hormones, hormone blockers, or any other medication associated with those looking to “change their gender.”

Those transgendered people — many of them teens — who take the drugs are facing a handful of bad news, including:

  • They are seven times more likely to have a stroke.
  • They are six times more likely to have a myocardial infarction.
  • They have a five-times higher risk of pulmonary embolism, which blocks the arteries in the lungs.

“It’s all about risks and benefits,” Dr. Ibrahim Ahmed, lead author of the study, reported. “Starting transitioning is a big part of a person’s life and helping them feel more themselves, but hormone replacement therapy also has a lot of side effects.”

FACT-O-RAMA! Testosterone and estrogen can cause blood clotting, yet the trans ghouls can’t wait to fill confused kids with both.

Researchers also pointed out that, though the odds of heart-related illness are far greater when taking the meds, the odds of a heart-related illness still remain small.

Related: When the Left Eats Its Own – the ‘Gaystapo’ Has Come for the New York Times

Many people who have “transitioned” from one gender to another are realizing they made a mistake and — more importantly — they are speaking out to warn others against mutilating their bodies.

A male-to-female trans patient calling himself “Shape Shifter” has publicly denounced his transition, wants to be a man again, dreams of his penis, and wants it back, something that is surgically impossible.

“I miss just being an average dude and obsessing over sex, money, and my career,” Shape Shifter told reporters. “It sucked being heteronormative and doing the whole emotional thing. Now I feel like a man trapped in a woman-lookalike body. I will never be able to get my penis back which is extremely traumatic for me. I want it back and I can’t. Sex is traumatic for me now because I’ve had botched surgeries.”

Other factors might contribute to the findings. Trans people are way more likely to experience anxiety and depression. Up to 50% of transgender people will attempt suicide.

Despite the study’s findings — and the horrendous suicide attempt rate — the left continues to force the transgender narrative down the throats of impressionable kids.


Another transitioner complained that the progressives push pro-trans narratives but ignore — or attack — trans people who regret their choices.

A female-to-male transgendered person, Sinead Watson, went on social media to decry her “transition” only to receive rape and death threats from the same commies who cheered when she had her breasts carved out.

The message is loud and clear — support the trans-rage narrative or you’re out of the club.

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