When Democrats Incite an Assassination By J.B. Shurk

I monitor a lot of lefty chat rooms to see how the Marxist Borg is processing new information.  Wading through a sewer of fractured psyches is borderline torture, but it’s helpful to watch the commie hive mind in action.  The hogwash that self-described “smart people” claim to believe would make you cry for the sorry state of public education.

After the assassination attempt on President Trump, I tiptoed back over to Club Xanax to see how that hellscape was holding up.  By far, the great majority of leftists were flipping out that the gunman had been unsuccessful.  Reading through such hateful sludge masquerading as higher-order thinking is a chilling reminder that these terrorists-in-training have no qualms about putting us in shallow graves, so that they might build their rancid “Utopia” right atop our bones.  They are sick people with sick thoughts who express support for some very sick things.  But what else would one expect from a crowd of kooks who think pedophilia is no big deal but that meat-eaters should be hanged for heating the planet?

There’s no obvious way to reason with a bunch of psychologically damaged misfits who dress up in black hoodies and surgical masks before burning down churches in the name of “fighting fascism” because these yahoos abandoned reason a long time ago.  Case in point: the same sickos who spent two days hopped up on a rage bender after President Trump’s would-be assassin failed to fulfill their dark fantasies turned around and started complaining that conservatives were using “dangerous” language by implying that leftists are complicit.


What did they mean?  They didn’t like that Trump-supporters were saying, “They tried to bankrupt him; they tried to imprison him; and now they tried to kill him.”  “Who is this they,” the loony left collectively shrieked.  “It was totally a lone gunman with bad aim,” they continue to howl.  Democrats and their Antifa shock troops have been calling Donald Trump “Hitler” and demanding that he be “eliminated” for eight long years, and the moment someone listens to them, those verbal hitmen are downright offended that anyone might hold them personally responsible.  Sure, they’d gladly imprison anybody who dared to “mis-gender” a fifty-year-old creeper hanging around little girls, but to point an accusatory finger toward the leftist fifth column encouraging violence against conservatives is beyond the pale.  As I said, cuckoo commies abandoned reason long ago.

It does make you think.  Right now, lawfare assassin Jack Smith is arguing in front of black-robed tyrant Judge Chutkan that the once-and-future President Trump should be tossed in the hoosegow for daring to question the legitimacy of the 2020 election and “inciting” the so-called Capitol “insurrection” on January 6, 2021.  Anybody with a brain knows that there was never an insurrection, that President Trump never encouraged any criminality of any kind, and that trampling on a president’s right to free speech pretty much assures that the rest of us will soon be prosecuted for our political speech, too.


Still, if the Department of (in)Justice is ready to throw away two and a half centuries of democratic norms by criminally prosecuting a president for the words that come out of his mouth, then surely (p)Resident Joe Biden should be held to the same standard.  That brain-dead reprobate has called Donald Trump a “dictator,” a “Nazi,” and a “threat to America” for years.  In speech after speech, the self-described “unifier” has condemned Trump and his hundred million MAGA supporters as “seditionists” and “insurrectionists” and falsely accused them of murdering multiple police officers on January 6 — all outrageous and reprehensible slanders.

To an impressionable young man whose spiking hormones encourage insane risk-taking behaviors, Joe Biden’s words are an invitation for violence.  When the president of the United States compares someone to Hitler, gullible people listen.  When the president of the United States falsely accuses his predecessor of being a murderer and a Russian agent controlled by Vladimir Putin, suggestible minds get angry.  When the president of the United States argues that his political opponent could easily destroy not only America, but also the whole world, angry people hear a call to arms.  What did Joe Biden think would happen if he kept telling Americans that Donald Trump wants to put “kids in cages” and build some kind of KKK “white supremacist” dictatorship?  Biden’s false and inflammatory words were the proximate cause of the attempt on Trump’s life.  He may not have pulled the trigger, but his deranged rhetoric certainly tipped the gunman’s bullets with lethal hate.



I say, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.  If President Trump must sit in the dock for somehow “inciting an insurrection” with his words, then surely Vile Joe Biden should be in the dock for inciting an assassination with his words, too.  After all, Trump merely delivered a peaceful speech regarding the importance of free and fair elections and encouraged lawmakers to redress mail-in ballot fraud and other election irregularities.  Biden has been painting Trump as a deadly threat to American citizens for years.  Inevitably, someone was going to interpret his words (and those of so many other Democrats employing similarly incendiary language) as a demand for violent action.  PINO Joe and his commie coalition have made political assassination look like some twisted form of civil “justice.”

Unfortunately, the compromised DOJ targets only pro-life activists, parents who object to teachers “grooming” their children, patriotic veterans, devout Christians, and other “dangerous” conservatives.  Biden and his family of degenerates can take bribes from hostile foreign powers and still get off scot-free.  And even if someone were to suggest that Angry Joe’s bellicose language rendered him liable for the attempt on President Trump’s life, the DOJ has already adjudged him an “elderly man with a poor memory” — in other words, too mentally incompetent to stand trial.  It seems that the DOJ’s rampant corruption and Joe Biden’s obvious dementia have combined to provide Quid-Pro-Quo Joe with a Get-Out-of-Jail-Free card for life — even if his extreme vitriol induced a political follower to commit murder (RIP, Corey Comperatore).


Consider the left’s rhetorical culpability in the assassination attempt on Trump a glaring reminder of how stupid Jack Smith’s J6 “incitement” case against the president really is.  A strong majority of the American people continue to believe that mail-in ballot fraud orchestrated in Democrat-controlled jurisdictions within crucial battleground states tilted the 2020 election in Joe Biden’s favor.  President Trump and his allies did everything they could to remedy this injustice. They filed lawsuits in state and federal courts, but judges refused to consider those cases on the merits.  Trump’s attorneys spoke publicly about the evidence for electoral misconduct and outright fraud, and for their efforts, they have been indicted on spurious criminal charges, sued for civil damages, and disbarred from the practice of law.  Hundreds of thousands of Trump voters showed up in D.C. on January 6, 2021 to petition the government for a redress of grievances — as is their First Amendment constitutional right — and they have been hunted down and jailed as “domestic terrorists” and “insurrectionists.”  Law-abiding and patriotic Americans who have tried to do the right thing have instead been treated like violent criminals.

Then there’s the nasty political left — whose Antifa foot soldiers burn down cities and endanger lives without fear of prosecution.  Joe Biden and his Democrats call Donald Trump “Hitler” and his supporters “Nazis” who must never be allowed to hold power.  And when a gunman executes their orders — taking one life, injuring two others, and nearly assassinating President Trump — those same leftists pretend that they’ve done nothing wrong.  That’s two-tiered “justice” in a nation void of reason.

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