A Most Obvious Lie

While at times it’s been hard to pin down just what Kamala Harris stands for – somehow she’s both a tough prosecutor and an advocate for defunding the police – she is at her core a hard-left progressive. But her campaign team, which includes the mainstream media, is putting in the extra hours to recast her as a centrist.

Don’t fall for the lie.

In the weeks following her party coronation, never-received-a-vote-outside-of-California Harris has been presented to voters as a “sober-minded centrist.” Other media outlets and personalities have eagerly covered her fundamental transition.

She no longer opposes fracking.

She’s doesn’t want to outlaw private health insurance.

She now wants to control the border.

She really doesn’t plan to ban internal-combustion engine automobiles.

Harris has also stolen Donald Trump’s “no tax on tips” proposal, and she’s of course become a supporter of a strong military, swearing she’ll be sure that the U.S. will continue to have the “most lethal” armed forces in the world.

“Kamala seems to trade in her old principles and positions for new ones every few days,” say our friends at the Committee to Unleash Prosperity.

These are obvious flip-flops intended to fool voters once in office. If she ever makes it to the Oval Office as anything other than a visitor, she will be “the most progressive” president in the country’s history.

Those are not our words but the observation of the execrable Michael Moore, who says he’s “over the moon” about the possibility that Harris could be elected. That Moore, who has a Marxist disposition, a Castro fetish and is a Hugo Chavez fangirl in a trucker hat, would be so excited about Harris is telling.

Harris’ running mate Tim Walz is no centrist, either. His dalliances with the Chinese Communist Party that just might have groomed him, his “Maoist to the core” principles that explain why he’s enthralled with China’s communist system, his pandemic management, which was a close second to California’s response in terms of killing liberty, and his woke zealotry all put him on the far left of the far left.

Remember this when watching tonight’s publicity event, sorry, “interview” with CNN and reading the later coverage from the fawning press. Remember that her govtrack.us 2020 ideology score says she voted to the left every senator outside of socialist Democrat Bernie Sanders, and her 2019 score was left of even Sanders. Remember that she’s called herself a radical and insisted that “everybody needs to be woke.”

Remember also that she’s pandering to the center, to independents who haven’t made up their minds yet – and she will go right back to the Democrats’ Obama-dictated leftist agenda the moment she finishes taking the oath of office. That is, unless voters say no, we’re not taking this country any further down the road of decline, division and despair.

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