Tommy Robinson’s Ramadan While Muslims party at Windsor Castle, a heroic critic of Islam is locked away at Belmarsh prison. by Bruce Bawer

It’s the holiday season again in Britain. The West End of London is bright with lights. Children with lanterns paraded around Leicester Square. At Windsor Castle, more than 360 guests gathered in St. George’s Hall for a celebratory meal sponsored by King Charles III.

Never in the history of Britain has there been such a big, public, official commemoration of the beginning of Ramadan.

On social media, the Royal Family issued a statement: “Wishing all Muslims in the UK, the Commonwealth and around the world a blessed and peaceful Ramadan.”

London’s Muslim mayor, Sadiq Khan, also commented on the start of Ramadan: “London was the first city in the Western world to host a Ramadan Lights display. It’s a powerful symbol of who we are as Londoners.”

Just days later came Ash Wednesday – the start of the Christian season of Lent. As the musician and social commentator Winston Marshall noted, the Royal Family had nothing to say on social media about Lent – even though King Charles is head of the Church of England.

As it happens, Mayor Khan did put out a statement at the beginning of Lent. But oops, this one, too, was about Muslims: “London owes a great debt to Muslims! They have made our community a better, brighter and more prosperous place!”

On March 5, the Sentencing Council for England and Wales came out with what could easily be interpreted as a Ramadan gift for the Muslim community. A new set of guidelines, scheduled to take effect in April, recommended that when just-convicted criminals are evaluated for sentencing, judges should exhibit an extra measure of mercy toward those belonging to “an ethnic minority, cultural minority, and/or faith minority community.”

In other words, as the Shadow Justice Secretary, Robert Jenrick, complained in the House of Commons, members of minority groups would be less likely to be given a term in prison than other offenders. “Why is the Justice Secretary enshrining this double standard, this two-tier approach to sentencing?” asked Jenrick.

But of course a two-tier approach to justice, like a two-tier approach to policing, has already been enshrined as a standard feature of British society. Perversely, Parliament has no authority to overturn the guidelines of the Sentencing Council, which describes itself on its website as “an independent, non-departmental public body” that is “part of the Ministry of Justice family of arm’s-length bodies.”

That wasn’t the British government’s only Ramadan gift for Muslims. On February 28 – the first day of Ramadan – the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government announced the establishment of a “working group” tasked with formulating a new official definition of “Anti-Muslim Hatred” and “Islamophobia.” The ministry’s press release stressed the urgency of the matter: in 2024, it stated, “incidents of anti-Muslim hatred” had reached “the highest number on record.”

The press release did not explain what constitutes an incident of anti-Muslim hatred. Given that thousands of Brits have been harassed (or worse) by police for criticizing Islam online, “anti-Muslim hatred” presumably includes people exercising what they thought was their freedom of speech in order to tell the objective truth about a very problematic ideology masquerading as a religion.

Nor was there any mention of anti-infidel hatred by Muslims. This was curious, seeing that in 2024 this kind of hatred was on display virtually every weekend in Britain, where the streets of major cities were crowded with unruly jihad enthusiasts waving Hamas flags and shouting the vilest of antisemitic slogans.

In connection with the formation of the working group, Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner said: “The rise in anti-Muslim hate crime is unacceptable and has no place in our society.” She made no mention of other phenomena in British society – for example, the rising number of sharia courts across the land. As GB News reported in December, Britain has achieved the dubious distinction of being the “western capital” for such courts, the number of which has now reached 85.

And those courts are a godsend – at least for Muslim men. Deprived by Western laws of the right to more than one wife at a time, they travel to the UK from all over Europe and America to be wed by sharia judges to their second, third, and fourth spouses. To be sure, the courts can be something less than a godsend for many Muslim women, who can be flatly refused divorces by the sharia courts – even while their husbands are able to dissolve one or more of their marriages simply by saying the word “divorce” three times.

Speaking of courts and prisons – and Islam – the UK’s most famous prisoner is continuing to serve his nine-month sentence in solitary confinement at Belmarsh, a high-security penitentiary in London. I’ve written here previously about the purported crimes for which Tommy Robinson is serving time. Suffice it to say that he’s actually a political prisoner and that his offenses are relative trifles – two trumped-up contempt-of-court charges relating to an explosive documentary that he made and one conviction, under the Terrorist Act no less, for refusing to give police access to the contents of his mobile phone, which includes information about confidential sources.

A credentialed BBC reporter, say, would never be incarcerated for such alleged transgressions. But Tommy Robinson is no ordinary reporter. He’s Britain’s public enemy number one, the most fearless and outspoken critic of its systematic whitewashing of Islam, its grotesquely lax immigration policies, its passivity in the face of the relentless Muslim takeover of cities and neighborhoods, and (not least) its decades-long cover-up of the foul activities of Muslim rape gangs.

For millions of ordinary Brits, Tommy is a hero. For British authorities, however, he’s the most potent and prominent threat to the pusillanimous accommodation they’ve made in the face of their kingdom’s steady Islamization. Needless to say, Tommy would not be a problem if the Brits had chosen a nobler, gutsier path – if they’d insisted from the start that Muslim immigrants exchange their poisonously primitive social and cultural values for civilized Enlightenment principles, and backed that up with firm policing of Muslim crime and quick expulsion of convicted Muslim criminals.

But that’s not the path that British authorities have taken. Instead they’ve allowed a parallel Muslim society to develop, complete not only with the above-mentioned sharia courts but with mosques at which hate preachers condemn the West from their pulpits and madrassas at which children are taught to despise the infidel. While Muslims are free to take to the streets at any time they wish to raise the hue and cry for an Islamic Britain, native Brits who dare to utter the truth online about this threat are arrested, tried, and (not infrequently) locked up. Indeed, Muslim rapists have been handled with respect and delicacy by the same police and courts that have treated their victims with condescension and contempt.

And Tommy is the example to be held up to all those Brits who are tempted to speak the truth about these abominations. Hence, even as Muslims were partying it up as honored guests of His Majesty in Windsor, Tommy was into his fifth month as a guest at His Majesty’s Prison Belmarsh. A clinical psychologist sent by his lawyers to evaluate him on February 4 reported that he’s undergoing “mental torture” and suffering from ADHD and PTSD. Tommy told the psychologist: “I’ve lost my head….I can’t sleep, I’m paranoid, helpless and continually panic about my kids.” In a brief video, he seemed broken as never before, upsettingly unlike himself.

Tommy is the bravest of men, and has exhibited colossal endurance over these many years. But everyone has a breaking point. On a recent podcast, Jordan Peterson discussed Tommy’s case with Ezra Levant of Canada’s Rebel Media. Both men are solid supporters of Tommy, and both expressed concern that his life may now be in serious danger. Their fears are shared by British YouTuber Paul Thorpe, who, aware that Elon Musk is footing the bill for Tommy’s legal team, has traveled to the U.S. in hopes that he might persuade Vice President J. D. Vance to lobby British authorities on Tommy’s behalf.

It’s sad to think that the only hope for Tommy at this juncture may be the application of pressure by people at the highest level of the American government on their British counterparts. But that’s just how cowardly and conscienceless Tommy’s jailers are – Labour and Tory alike. Naturally they’re content to let Tommy die on their watch. After all, they’ve already made their peace with the fact that their country, barring some radical change of government, will die on their watch, too.

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