Le Figaro story on Charlie Hebdo– Will the Orthodox Jews riot, burn cars and storm the Bastille?….rsk


Charlie Hebdo Mohammed cartoon again”

The satirical weekly is published in its issue of Wednesday cartoons of the Prophet in daring positions. The government feared further violence.

A little less than a year after the publication of a cartoon of Muhammad that led to the arson of his local recurrence Charlie Hebdo. The new issue of the satirical newspaper, on newsstands Wednesday, contains new caricatures that might make about them. The one stage is indeed an imam pushed in his wheelchair by a rabbi with the title “Untouchables 2: do not laugh!”. The traditional heading “The one that you have escaped”, located on the last page, has two naked cartoons of the Prophet, including one particularly daring. The news channel i-Télé continuous decided not to publish on its antenna, unlike BFMTV.
The government is worried

The publication of this issue concerns the government, which feared further violence after a few days of Salafis protest near the U.S. Embassy. Security will be strengthened around the newspaper to avoid any incident.

“I am against all provocations, especially in a period as sensitive as this one,” said the Foreign Minister, Laurent Fabius. Jean-Marc Ayrault said Tuesday evening, “his disapproval of excess” and calls for “the spirit of individual responsibility.”

Rector of the Great Mosque of Paris, Boubakeur, said “learn with much astonishment, sadness and concern that a publication could exacerbate outcry in the Muslim world.” Boubakeur regret that “incitement to religious hatred is not punishable by law is as incitement to racial hatred.” The Rector called “calm and peace,” but feared “the excesses that may occur during Saturday demonstrations in several cities of France, to protest against the screening of the film Innocence of Muslims.

The French Council of the Muslim Faith said he was “deeply shocked” by the publication of these drawings and “urges Muslims to France not to yield to the provocation.”
“I do not call Muslims legalistic reading Charlie Hebdo”

Charlie Hebdo highlights freedom of expression to explain their editorial decision. “If you begin to question whether we have the right to draw Muhammad or not, if it is dangerous or not to do, the question will be based on” is it possible to represent Muslims in the newspaper? “and” is it possible to represent human beings in the newspaper? ‘”says RTL Charb, the managing editor of the journal. “At the end we will represent nothing more, and the handful of extremists who stir in the world and France will win.”

“I do not call Muslims legalistic reading Charlie Hebdo, as I would not go to a mosque to listen to speeches that violate what I think,” again said Charb. “If we receive insults, it’s because Charlie Hebdo is out of context” kiosk “and was shown on the Internet and it reaches a wider audience than usual.”

The premises of Charlie Hebdo were burned in November 2011 after the publication of a number called Sharia Hebdo “Muhammad editor.” The newspaper has lost everything in the fire equipment and had to move to new premises protected by the police. The arsonists have still not been found.




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