Featured, Obama keeping it real with a Saturday Night Live quality “Street” voice, shout outs to Jeremiah Wright for providing him with the material and the fake accent. No wonder Wright was angry about being dumped by Obama. Obama’s entire image, pre-election, was a prolonged imitation of Wright, complete with divisive race-baiting.

Disturbing moments. The crowd cheers September 11. Not anything Obama says, just the very mention of September 11 brings a rousing cheer. This really is the Jeremiah Wright crowd.

When Obama isn’t ripping off Jeremiah Wright, he’s ripping off Kanye “Bush don’t care about black people” West.

Obama says Wright introduced him to Jesus. Before that was Obama homies with Mohammed, the way Wright has claimed? And then he easily switches, with the same weight of fake gravitas and passion from talking about religion to talking about highway construction.

What this tape really shows is that there is no Barack Obama. The Obama we see is as fake and artificial as the one on the tape. Neither of them is the real Obama and the odds are that we haven’t seen the real Obama yet. What we can see on both tapes is a consummate con artist who learns his lines and manipulates audiences by projecting what they want to see, whether it’s an angry militant or black JFK.

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