President Titanic
Arnold Ahlert, Political

Is there anything worse than a president who spent three minutes speechifying at a Dept. of Interior tribal leaders conference before mentioning the massacre of American soldiers at Ft. Hood? Maybe not. But coming in close second is the CBS television network, which decided to edit those first three minutes out of its news presentation in order to spare the president the national embarrassment he so richly deserves.

But it gets “better.” On their Thursday night national newscasts, both NBC and CBS decided not to mention that the alleged mass murderer, Major Nidal Malik Hasan, was a Muslim. And then there was the latest gaffe arising from the media’s unspoken First Commandment, aka “get it first, even if it’s wrong:” despite widespread reports that the shooter was killed, he is still alive.

Is there a bottom for this bunch?

Several months ago I wrote a column in which I stated that a hopelessly biased media was “all in” with this president and the Democratic party. I said if Democrats and the president tank, they take the MSM down with them. Anyone examining the ratings of three-out-of-the-four national networks knows it’s already happening. The lone exception is Fox News, which, according to the president and his odious enablers, isn’t a “legitimate” news source.

So what’s legitimate about covering for the president by editing his remarks, refraining to mention that alleged shooter Hasan is a Muslim, or saying he was killed when he’s still alive?

Beats me. But each time I think the Fourth Estate can’t stoop any lower, they prove me wrong. And I’ll stand by what I said yesterday: the presidency of Barack Obama is effectively over. His true colors have been revealed: he is so completely out of touch with the ethos of America, it never even occurred to him that the murder of twelve and the wounding of thirty-one American servicemen made everything else he wanted to talk about irrelevant by comparison.

And all the media spin in the world won’t change that reality.

Americans know a watershed moment when they see one, and what they saw can be reduced to six words: he is not one of us.

Barack Obama is a “citizen of the world” for whom America is just another country that must be re-shaped in accordance with the new reality of global governance. He is the latest member of an historical lineup of leftist megalomaniacs who brook no dissent with their “vision.” American soldiers? Cogs in a military machine he has little use for. Troops left twisting in the wind, even as the promise of making a troop level decision once the election in Afghanistan was concluded remains unfulfilled.

Barack Obama is now President Titanic. The iceberg has been hit. The sinking, however long and drawn out, inevitable. The MSM? Going down with the ship.

Shame on all of them.

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