Comprehensive Immigration Reform: what is it?

Tonight, I shall make a comprehensive meal. My wife will eat it to learn what is in it…

When I hear law makers and pundits say “comprehensive” I cringe. There are never details, just the magic word. I think it is a deliberate attempt to hoodwink the people for the benefit of the lawmakers.

So, I have come up with my own set of details on a plan for “comprehensive immigration reform”. Will any lawmaker ever see it? Probably not. Will the lawmakers come up with anything vaguely resembling my plan? Assuredly not. Can the people scream for it? I sure hope so. So, let’s spread this around the internet. Our most pressing problem is the Southern border.

1. Close the border. Station the military along the whole border. Anyone not coming in through a legal crossing point meeting legal requirements should be immediately put back on the Mexican side of the border. Do we want to be humane? Give them some bottles of water and MREs (Meals ready to eat).

Make this Mexico’s problem, not ours. Let it cost Mexico money, not us.

2. Make sanctuary cities illegal. Cut any Federal funds by, say, 25%. Let their actions cost the cities taxpayer’s money, not the rest of us.

3. Any alien accused of a violent crime should be tried in a court. If found guilty, then he/she should serve time in prison and then deported across the border he/she came through.

Any alien convicted of a non-violent felony should be deported along with immediate family members.

All gang member should be deported. Let their home countries deal with them. If they want our help in wiping out gangs, let them ask for it.

Any alien who has illegally voted should be immediately deported along with family members.

4. Since it is not feasible to round up and deport illegal aliens, we should give them green cards allowing them to legally work, pay taxes and receive any benefits available to temporary foreign workers. Any violation per point 3 above should suffer the same penalties. If they wish to become citizens, they get to do it by the legal route and they start at the end of the line.

5. Any human smuggler, drug smuggler or gang member who enters the country should be put in a prison camp for a long time. The penalty has to discourage such people from trying to get into the United States.

To have any success with our lawmakers, this has to become a groundswell movement. Send this around. If yo know a Congressman or Senator, send it to them.

We can make our will known.

Jan Mel Poller]

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