Crying for Argentina – But Shed not a Tear for Abdullah: By Edward Cline

Argentina is a lovely country if you forget all the dictators, juntas, strongmen, and assorted socialists, fascists, and communists who have run the country ragged, or that Fidel Castro’s favorite killer, Che Guevara, was an Argentine. It’s a far nicer country than is Saudi Arabia. I have been to Argentina, stayed in Buenos Aires and visited the  Alpine-like resort town of San Carlos de Barilochi on Nahuel Huapi Lake in the west near the Chilean border.

Argentina is a country settled and populated by people from a variety of European countries: Italy, Germany, England, Ireland, Spain, Russia, Scandinavia, and by Jews from the same nations. It is as nearly a “melting pot” as is the U.S.  From the late 19th century until the early 20th Argentina was an industrial nation that rivaled the U.S. and Great Britain in GNP and productivity and wealth. Then, around 1930, it caught the European collectivist/nationalist disease that was half Fascism and half Marxism, spiced with Latin American passion, and it has been in decline ever since.

But then the U.S. caught the same bug just a little earlier than that.

Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, is an arid, hot country. Or is it an inflated tribal fiefdom in thrall to a Wahhabist theocracy? Was the Vito Corleone crime family ever recognized as a nation? Go figure. I would never set foot in Saudi Arabia even had I been forgiven all the critical things I’ve written about Islam. Saudi Arabia is a country that thrives on loot extorted from industrialized nations. It has been doing so since the end of WWI.

Saudi Arabia is not a “melting pot” populated by people from other nations. It is overwhelmingly Arab in population. Immigration to the place is severely limited, if not outright prohibited. Non-Muslim foreign nationals residing there, such as diplomats, engineers, and the like, are there on sufferance, and are restricted in where they can go and what they can do, confined to kaffir ghettoes. Freedom of speech does not exist there.  The slightest squawk about Islam or the slightest infraction of Sharia law earns one horrific punishments. The 1,000 lashes “earned” by Raif Badawi, a Saudi blogger who offended the theocrats on the Internet, is a measure of the utter irrationality and barbarity of Islamic “justice.” It hangs gays, amputates the hands of thieves, and strives to keep women under wraps, literally, not to be seen, nor even heard.

Saudi Arabia is not a “republic,” nor a “democracy,” nor even a “people’s state.” It is Saudi property, lock, stock and barrel.

It is a nominally “socialized” country in which all Saudis are guaranteed an income.  It builds white-elephant skyscrapers and funds terrorism against the West and also mosques and schools around the world that preach the Sunni Wahhabist brand of Islam. There are dozens of such mosques and Muslim “cultural centers” in the U.S. and the U.K., and in Europe.

Last week two men died: King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, on January 23rd, at age 90, with a net worth of $17 billion.  I could introduce some levity here about this paragon of morbid obesity, but the man was such a disgusting, useless, pig of a creature I can’t be bothered composing it.

The other man was Alberto Nisman, age 51, an Argentine prosecutor who had collected and was about to deliver damning evidence of the corruption of the Cristina Kirchner regime in that otherwise wonderful country.

Abdullah was born in Riyadh in 1924, one of the dozens of sons of Saudi Arabia’s founder, King Abdul-Aziz Al Saud. I mention the elder Saud in my detective novel, The Black Stone, set in 1930 San Francisco, and my suspense novel, We Three Kings. It may come as a surprise to most people that the elder Saud, during WWI, did not fight the Ottoman Turks on the Arabian Peninsula, and was not an ally of T.E. “Lawrence of Arabia.” He sat out the war sipping tea with the British. When other Muslim high-muck-a-mucks beat the Turks (with British military aid), he consolidated his power, nudged his rival aside, and claimed all of the Peninsula as his own kingdom. See my column from January 2014, on the true historical background of the epic film, “Lawrence of Arabia.”

However, what is even more disgusting today are the verbal wreaths of praise from Western heads of state on the occasion of the Saudi obscenity’s overdue passing.  Fox News lists several American statements of condolences, to wit:

In a written statement issued shortly after the announcement of Abdullah’s death, President Obama expressed condolences and said, ” I always valued King Abdullah’s perspective and appreciated our genuine and warm friendship. As a leader, he was always candid and had the courage of his convictions….”

Secretary of State John Kerry, who was in London for a meeting of the coalition fighting Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria, called Abdullah “a brave partner in fighting violent extremism who proved just as important as a proponent of peace.”

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel called the king “a powerful voice for tolerance, moderation and peace — in the Islamic world and across the globe.”

Read the other tawdry, off-the-shelf statements at your own risk. In the past George W. Bush held hands with Abdullah in Texas, and he was praised by Bush’s Secretaries of State and Defense. There are more of these testaments to Abdullah’s alleged wisdom and deceitful friendship on the Fox News link. Ronald Reagan, GW’s father HW, Jimmy Carter, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and many other politicos in the past lavished Abdullah with adulation . See the link here for all the Americans who have held Abdullah in high esteem.

The mainstream media also shed tears for the passing of the caricature of this allegedly benevolent despot. For example, S. Rob Sobhani  of The Washington Times, in his article, “Why Saudi King Abdullah Mattered, aspirated  this wildly craven encomium and vomitus about the late king:

The world lost a leader of consequence this past Friday. King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia was unique among world leaders. He was a pious man whose word was his bond. The sixth king of this long-time American ally held the keys to the world’s largest oil reserves but never used this enormous power as a weapon against others. He was the custodian of Islam’s two holiest sites, Mecca and Medina, but preached moderation, tolerance and interfaith dialogue among peoples of faith. He stood up against religious extremists and called them out for what they are. This past Friday the people of Saudi Arabia lost their father-figure and the world lost one of the main pillars of global stability.

I first met King Abdullah five years ago in Riyadh. Beyond his gentle smile and fatherly presence, what caught my attention was the twinkle in his eyes when he spoke of the love he had for his people. Our meeting was brief but he captured the essence of his vision for Saudi Arabia and the world by quoting from the Koran: “God cannot change a nation unless they change themselves.”

Concerning the settlements in Europe (and also in America) by Muslims in large numbers and at the invitation of Europe’s governments (and of our own), one argument I’ve heard is too bizarre to even credit: That these governments will eventually persecute Muslims and put them in concentration camps.

I counter that at the rate that European governments are surrendering to Islam and requiring their non-Muslim populations to surrender and defer to Islam, too, and at  the rate by which Muslims are accruing political power, i.e., getting elected or appointed to office, winning concessions from government, building mosques, and by factoring in the rate of immigration into Europe, and the expanding demographics and birth rates of Muslims throughout the continent, it’s more likely that it will be Muslims who’ll adopt some form of fascism, and they won’t be building concentration camps for Muslims. Europe may resemble in the near future, in many particulars, Weimar Germany when the Nazis and other fascists and communists waged ongoing urban warfare under the  nose of an anemic, helpless government, except that the warfare will be between Muslim gangs and non-Muslim gangs.

This is why I have a jaundiced view of organizations such as Germany’s PEGIDA. Do its movers and shakers have a wider perspective on the crisis? Do they in France? The Swedish government has given Muslims carte blanche to do whatever they want. Denmark and Norway aren’t far behind. Britain is practically lost, as well, with the least criticism of Islam and Muslims automatically branded as “hate speech” and inviting one to an “interview” with the authorities. Finland one doesn’t hear much about, but Muslims have settled there, too.

So, I don’t see European  Muslims imprisoning other Muslims, not even Muslims from rival sects (e.g., Sunnis vs. Shi’ites).

On that note, and in apparent acknowledgement that the true monarch of Great Britain is not Elizabeth II, but any Saudi royal who happens to succeed a deceased one, the British government ordered British flags lowered to half-mast to mark King Abdullah’s passing.

The second man, Alberto Nisman, was an Argentine prosecutor who claimed he found evidence of a Buenos Aires-Tehran deal to cover up responsibility for the Hezbollah bombing of a Jewish community center in 1994. He died on January 17th (or perhaps after midnight on the 18th), allegedly by a self-inflicted gunshot wound, but now apparently was murdered by someone’s bunglers. Cristina Elisabet Fernández de Kirchner, president of Argentina and widow and successor of the late president, Néstor Kirchner, at first claimed that Nisman had committed suicide, but then, when the evidence indicated murder, back-pedaled and claimed that his murder was an attempt by “right-wingers” to “defame” and discredit her and her administration.

Daniel Greenfield has written extensively on FrontPage about the growing transparency of a plot to silence Nisman, one incompetently executed by either Iran, by Kirchner, or by a partnership of both. In three probing FrontPage articles he excoriates Kirchner and her Obama-style administration. On January 17th article, “Prosecutor in Iran Bombing Found Dead Before Testifying Against Argentine President,” he wrote:

President Cristina Kirchner’s regime always looked dirty, but now it suddenly looks like a whole other kind of dirty.

The Argentinean prosecutor investigating the 1994 bombing of a Jewish center in Buenos Aires was found dead in his apartment on Sunday night with a gunshot wound to the head, hours before he was set to testify before lawmakers on his accusations of a cover-up by his country’s president in the case.

Argentinian media reported early Monday that Alberto Nisman, 51, was found in a pool of blood in the bathroom of his home in the capital’s Puerto Madero district. Police were investigating and Argentinian media reported that they had initially ruled the death a likely suicide.

Sure. Like those suicides that keep happening in Russia.

And then the plot thickens. On January 22nd, in his article “Argentina Gov Plotted to Blame Islamic Terror Attack on Jews on ‘Right Wing’,” Greenfield wrote:

That would be the transcripts cited by the prosecutor who “committed suicide” without leaving any gunpowder on his hands hours before he was supposed to testify against the president and her apparatchiks. Intercepted conversations between representatives of the Iranian and Argentine governments point to a long pattern of secret negotiations to reach a deal in which Argentina would receive oil in exchange for shielding Iranian officials from charges that they orchestrated the bombing of a Jewish community center in 1994….

The transcripts were made public by an Argentine judge on Tuesday night, as part of a 289-page criminal complaint written by Alberto Nisman, the special prosecutor investigating the attack. Mr. Nisman was found dead in his luxury apartment on Sunday, the night before he was to present his findings to Congress….

The attempt to exonerate Hezbollah and Iran of any responsibility for the bombing, in which 85 people died, was hush-hush but apparently not hush enough.  Nisman charged that:

….the effort seemed to begin with a secret meeting in Aleppo, Syria, in January 2011 between Héctor Timerman, Argentina’s foreign minister, and Ali Akbar Salehi, Iran’s former foreign minister. At the meeting, the complaint contends, Mr. Timerman informed his Iranian counterpart that Argentina was no longer interested in supporting the investigation into Iran’s possible role in the attack. Instead, Argentina initiated steps toward a détente, with an eye on improving trade between the two countries….

Mr. Nisman said the negotiators, including intelligence agents, were given the task of “constructing a false hypothesis, based on invented evidence, to incriminate new authors” of the 1994 bomb attack.

Greenfield concludes this article with: “The rock has been lifted and the bugs are scurrying.”


In his article of January 23rd, “Murdered Prosecutor: ‘In Case Someone Murders Me, All the Data is Saved’,” Greenfield begins with:


It’s always awkward when you murder a prosecutor, fake his suicide, just before he was supposed to testify, and not only did he back up the data, but you didn’t even bother putting his hands on the gun to leave gunpowder residue.


No wonder President Kirchner’s government is going bankrupt. It’s not only evil. It’s also incompetent.


Greenfield quotes The Jewish Press:


Just days before Argentine prosecutor Alberto Nisman was found dead in his Buenos Aires apartment on Jan. 19, 2015, he took measures to make sure his research into the Jewish Center bombing and high-level conspiracy didn’t disappear with him, according to a Makor Rishon report. Nisman sent an email to three friends with a backup of his research and report.


It was the last email that Israeli-Argentine writer and educator, Gustavo Daniel Perednik, received from Nisman. A few days later Nisman was found with a bullet in his head. A month before, Perednik met with Nisman in a cafe, where Nisman told him about what he was working on. Nisman told Perednik, “In case someone murders me, all the data is saved.”


And President Kirchner? She first put her foot in her mouth claiming that Nisman committed suicide, then, when the evidence indicated a botched fake suicide and murder, she made like Porky Pig:


Kirchner, after flip-flopping on the suicide theory, is now trying to convince the public that Nisman was duped by people whom he wrongfully thought were intelligence agents and who gave him false information.


That’s all, folks! said Kirchner. Nisman participated in his own murder just to make her look bad. Who’s aspirating vomitus now?

Shed no tears for the passing of a useless parasite, King Abdullah. But spare a few for a man who sought justice and who was murdered by  los parásitos inútiles of Argentina and Iran.



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