Islam: ‘Religion of all Europe’?

Hostility to immigrants increasing

At a recent meeting with Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi, Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi said Islam should “become the religion of all Europe,” reflecting the reality of increased Islamic immigration and declining European birth rates.

“Tomorrow Europe might no longer be European, as there are millions who want to come in,” Gadhafi said. “We don’t know if Europe will remain an advanced and united continent, or if it will be destroyed, as happened with the barbarian invasion.”

Gadhafi also added a racial analysis to his comments, saying, “Europe runs the risk of turning black from illegal immigration. It could turn into Africa.”

Gadhafi further suggested the European Union should pay Libya at least 5 billion euros ($6.3 billion) a year to stop illegal immigration and to prevent a “black Europe” from forming.

Vatican responds

Father Piero Gheddo, a member of the Vatican’s Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missionaries, spoke up to counter Gadhafi’s views.

“Certainly from a demographic point of view, it is clear to everyone that Italians are declining by 120,000 to 130,000 persons a year because of abortion and broken families, while among the more than 200,000 legal immigrants a year in Italy, more than half are Muslims and Muslim families, that have a much higher level of growth,” Father Gheddo told Zenit News.

“The fact is that, as a people, we are becoming ever more pagan, and the religious vacuum is inevitably filled by other proposals and religious forces,” the priest observed. “No newspaper – except Avvenire, the newspaper of the Italian Episcopal Conference – has seriously taken into consideration how to respond to this challenge of Islam, which sooner or later will conquer the majority in Europe.”

Officially, Archbishop Robert Sarah, acting as a spokesman for the Vatican, dismissed Gadhafi’s comments, labeling them “a non-solicited provocation lacking seriousness,” AFP report reported.

Sarah said the “true danger for Europeans is relativism, the lack of attention to faith, the weakness of religion and indifference to the sacred.”

These, he said are “true enemies of our faith which could create a fertile ground for the eventual future penetration of Islam in all Europe.”

Anti-immigrant hostility sweeps Europe

The Financial Times in London reported that a recently conducted Harris poll showed that about half the people in some of the biggest EU states believe immigrants are damaging the quality of life.

Britons lead on hostility to immigrants, with more than six out of 10 Britons expressing concern that immigration is making their country “a worse place to live,” a higher percentage than recorded in France, Italy, Spain, Germany or the United States.

Debate rages in Germany over anti-immigration book

Last week, Germany’s Bundesbank announced the resignation of a controversial bank board member, Thilo Sarrazin, who has been accused of making racist remarks in a book he published in August, titled “Germany Self-Destructs.”

Sarrazin’s central argument is that Muslim immigration, largely from Africa, and a high birth rate among Turkish immigrants could end up impoverishing Germany, the EU’s largest economy, as summarized by the AFP.

Sarrazin also heated up the controversy after telling a newspaper that “all Jews share a certain gene,” a characteristic he claimed was shared by the Basques – comments that caused Sarrazin to be branded widely as racist and anti-Semitic.

His concern is that in 120 years, 70 percent of the German population will be made up of Muslim African and Middle-Eastern immigrants, both legal and illegal, the Atlantic Wire reported.

While the political elite in the EU and, more specifically, in Germany have predictably excoriated Sarrazin for his politically incorrect views, his book has become a best-seller, widely popular among the German people.

“Thilo Sarrazin’s controversial new book on Muslims in Germany has not only generated opprobrium from the political elite, it has also generated a mass following from the population at large,” Der Spiegel noted last week. “The tome may be full of inaccuracies, but it has struck a nerve.”

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