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Ruth King

Words of Wisdom from the Edge of a Volcano by Lawrence Kadish


As our great nation begins its countdown to the November 5 presidential election, words of wisdom from three great heroes of history of come to mind.

The first, from America’s Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, reminds us that:

“Government is itself an art, one of the subtlest of the arts. It is neither business, nor technology, nor applied science. It is the art of making men live together in peace and with reasonable happiness.”

While technically we have been living “in peace and with reasonable happiness,” China, Russia, Iran and North Korea have been very much on the warpath, even if our government has been reluctant to admit it. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP), led by President Xi Jinping, with North Korea in tow, has openly been prosecuting a “People’s War” – “the asymmetric challenge from the tactical and military to the strategic and political” — since at least 2019, when, already then, he tried to blame China’s declining economy on America, and not on him.

In addition, Xi has repeatedly lied to America about not building military bases on artificial islands in the South China Sea; about the human-to human transmissibility of the Wuhan virus, Covid-19; and, through the Chinese Embassy spokesman, Liu Pengyu, that the 2023 spy balloon was just a weather balloon. Xi has, in the meantime, been poisoning more than 100,000 in America each year with fentanyl – more than all the soldiers killed in Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam combined.

The Chinese Communist Party has also been buying up US farmland, especially near military bases; genetically engineering rats in a secret laboratory in California to carry deadly bio-warfare viruses; sending thousands of military-aged men through America’s open borders in groups, possibly as future saboteurs; secretly planting surveillance or sabotage equipment in the electrical grid and shipping cranes sent to America, and entrenching TikTok as a “Trojan Horse” to spy on Americans and spread anti-US propaganda. These are just a few of the antics that the CCP has produced, in addition to years of industrial-scale espionage and trillions in intellectual property theft.

Columbia Professor who Spoke Out Against Antisemitism on Campus Now Under Investigation by Administration By Zach Kessel


Shai Davidai, an associate professor of business at Columbia University who has become a leading voice against antisemitism on college campuses, is the target of a university investigation that he believes is politically motivated, he told National Review Friday.

“I received a letter from the Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action several weeks ago, first informing me that there is an investigation,” Davidai said. “Then, later, my legal counsel identified a few glaring holes and omissions in that letter, so they responded. When I received the more detailed letter with more specifics about what is being investigated, it became clear that the entire investigation is about my advocacy on social media.”

Davidai told NR that the university gave him a list of specific social-media posts on specific dates that prompted the investigation, all of which he said were about “student organizations that support Hamas and support the Houthis and that are using antisemitic chants in unauthorized protests.”

He first spoke publicly about the investigation in a Friday morning post on X, writing that it “is a clear act of retaliation and an attempt to silence” him. In the written statement he shared, Davidai wrote that “Jewish students at Columbia have been locking themselves in their dorm rooms to avoid being assaulted.”

What Jews Mean to America Rabbi Meir Soloveichik


In the nation’s response to the explosion of antisemitism since October 7, nothing less than the future of the free world is at stake

‘Some people like Jews, and some do not.” With these words Winston Churchill once divided humanity into two categories. Of these groups, Churchill certainly belonged to the former, so much so that a friend of his once reflected, “Even Winston had a fault; he was too fond of Jews.” Churchill’s own fondness for Jews, and wonder at Jewish history, was linked to his admiration of his predecessor as prime minister. In the same essay, Churchill cited Benjamin Disraeli as having said that “the Lord deals with the nations as the nations deal with the Jews.” Churchill concluded, “We must admit that nothing that has since happened in the history of the world has falsified the truth of Disraeli’s confident assertion.”

Should we seek to summarize our current state of affairs, we could do worse than employ Churchill’s words. Some people, very clearly, do not like Jews. On October 7 — that very day, weeks before Israel even entered Gaza — rallies celebrating Hamas’s massacre of Israelis could be found on the streets of American cities. Today, in my own neighborhood on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, as I walk home from synagogue on the Sabbath, I am confronted by poster after poster of a hostage of Hamas that some fellow New Yorker has chosen to tear at, shred, or deface. As anti-Israeli hate consumed campuses, the blasé way in which the presidents of America’s leading universities commented before Congress about the well-being of their own Jewish students reflected, as John Podhoretz, the editor of Commentary, wrote, “how unimportant the feelings or concerns of Jews are within the sociological landscapes they tend.”

Yet in the face of this terrible trend, other events remind us of a striking feature of American life: Some people do like Jews, and in fact some like them a great deal. If one had told a Jew from several centuries ago that, in the year 2023, an antisemitic pogrom would take place and the attack would be celebrated by mobs around the world, this Jew would not have been at all surprised. Yet this Jew would have been astounded to learn that, in response to the celebration of this pogrom, one prominent political party of the most powerful country on earth summoned the presidents of some of the most important universities in the land to publicly admonish them for their failings as academic leaders. Such stories of stalwart, public defenses of Jews against a country’s elites are not abundant in the annals of Jewish history.

‘How the Gaza Ministry of Health Fakes Casualty Numbers’ By Luther Ray Abel


The Jewish publication Tablet has a feature from Abraham Wyner, a professor of statistics and data science at the Wharton School, digging into why the Hamas-compromised Gaza Health Ministry’s casualty numbers are highly suspect. Even for the innumerate English major (such as myself), Wyner’s work is digestible, incrementally working through what data are available. Perhaps best of all, he makes no claims as to what the casualty numbers might be in actuality (Netanyahu’s figures suggest 1–1.5 civilian deaths per Hamas militant killed; for reference, there were 15 million combat casualties and 38 million civilian casualties in WWII) and instead focuses on his area of expertise to enlightening effect.

Wyner writes:

Recently, the Biden administration lent legitimacy to Hamas’ figure. When asked at a House Armed Services Committee hearing last week how many Palestinian women and children have been killed since Oct. 7, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said the number was “over 25,000.” The Pentagon quickly clarified that the secretary “was citing an estimate from the Hamas-controlled Health Ministry.” President Biden himself had earlier cited this figure, asserting that “too many, too many of the over 27,000 Palestinians killed in this conflict have been innocent civilians and children, including thousands of children.” The White House also explained that the president “was referring to publicly available data about the total number of casualties.”

Here’s the problem with this data: The numbers are not real. That much is obvious to anyone who understands how naturally occurring numbers work. The casualties are not overwhelmingly women and children, and the majority may be Hamas fighters.

Glazov Gang: Meet the Terrorists Entering the USA While Biden’s DHS looks the other way. by Glazov Gang


This new Glazov Gang episode features Anni Cyrus being interviewed on The Breanna Morello Show.

Anni discusses Meet the Terrorists Entering the USA, revealing How Biden’s DHS is looking the other way.

Don’t miss it!

The myth of America’s decline As China struggles and the EU stagnates, the US continues to thrive – even despite its dreadful leaders. Joel Kotkin


North America may suffer from some of the world’s poorest political leadership. Yet it seems destined to remain the wealthiest, most dominant place on Earth.

This may come as a surprise to many. After all, generations of pundits have insisted that the future will be forged elsewhere – Europe for some, Japan for others and, more recently, China. But none have the resources, the dynamic population and innovative acumen of North Americans.

Once taken for granted, China’s claim to the future is looking especially wobbly. In 2018, Chinese foreign ministry official Zhao Lijian described efforts to slow China’s dominion as being ‘as stupid as Don Quixote versus the windmills’. He added that ‘China’s win is unstoppable’. Today, China’s triumph looks far from inevitable. Projections that China could surpass the US in terms of aggregate economic output as soon as 2028 are being readjusted to 2036. Some now believe it won’t happen at all.

As for Japan or the EU, neither are likely to ever surpass the US. Each has experienced consistently slower growth. According to International Monetary Fund data, the eurozone economy grew about six per cent over the past 15 years, compared with growth of 82 per cent for the US during the same period. Europe’s once formidable industrial base has eroded in large part due to the ever rising burden of regulation. Germany’s economy, the most powerful economy in the EU, is barely the size of that of California.

Nothing better reflects the tectonic shift in global economic power than investment flows. Between 2012 and 2022, US inbound foreign investment swelled by nearly $100 billion in adjusted dollars, well above the level of investment into China. Levels of inbound investment into the EU and the UK have actually fallen during the same period.

Energy Commentary A Lesson for America: Green Policies Crush German Economy Diana Furchtgott-Roth / Alexander Frei


Germany’s gross domestic product has been falling since the third quarter of 2022, causing fears of the first 2-yearlong recession since the early 2000s. German farmers are openly protesting new climate regulations that would raise the price of diesel fuel, vital for tractors and farm machinery. This discontent is mirrored by the general public, which is opposed to higher energy costs that drag down the economy. Recent polls show a significant shift in public opinion that’s increasingly opposed to the coalition government.

Unlike the U.S. House of Representatives or the Senate, where invariably one party secures a ruling majority, multiple German parties must form a coalition to reach the required 50%+1 majority threshold.

Currently, the Green Party, the Social Democratic Party, and the Free Democratic Party comprise this coalition. The latest polls show all these parties polling far below their 2021 election results while the more right-leaning parties, such as the Christian Democratic Union and the Alternative for Germany, are surging in popularity.

The recent economic slowdown has resulted in widespread political discontent, and the core of the slowdown has been disastrous energy policy.

Biden’s Criminally Fuzzy Tax Math


At one point during his State of the Union speech, President Joe Biden ranted about how billionaires don’t pay enough in taxes and asked the public to envision all the great things that we could do if the super-rich “paid their fair share.”

In doing so, he took lying with statistics to a new, otherworldly level.

Here’s what Biden said:

THE PRESIDENT: You know, there are 1,000 billionaires in America. You know what the average federal tax is for those billionaires?



They’re making great sacrifices — 8.2%.


THE PRESIDENT: That’s far less than the vast majority of Americans pay.

No billionaire should pay a lower federal tax rate than a teacher, a sanitation worker, or a nurse.

I proposed a minimum tax for billionaires of 25%— just 25%. You know what that would raise? That would raise $500 billion over the next 10 years.

And imagine what that could do for America. Imagine a future with affordable childcare, millions of families can get what they need to go to work to help grow the economy.

Imagine a future with paid leave, because no one should have to choose between working and taking care of their sick family member.

Imagine — imagine a future with home care and eldercare, and people living with disabilities so they can stay in their homes and family caregivers can finally get the pay they deserve.

All Biden has is imagination — and no facts to back it up —  when it comes to this issue.

Senator Fetterman blasts Hamas ‘cowards’ hiding behind Ramadan


Pennsylvania Democrat says Hamas ‘must be destroyed,’ gives backing to Israel’s counter-terror campaign.

Hamas terrorists attacked Israel on a Jewish holiday on Oct. 7—50 years and a day after a group of Arab nations launched a surprise attack on the Jewish state during the High Holiday of Yom Kippur.

Many world leaders, including in Washington, are saying that Israel should halt attacks during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) is not one of them.

Sharing a Wall Street Journal article titled “Hamas bets on Ramadan to help it survive Israel’s assault,” Fetterman wrote, “Of course. Hamas cowards hide in tunnels, hospitals, schools and refugee camps. Now, behind a holy time.”

“Hamas must be destroyed, and Sinwar brought to justice or eliminated,” he added, of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar. “I fully support Israel’s campaign to achieve this.”

David McCormick, a Republican candidate for the other Pennsylvania senate seat, agreed with Fetterman. “He’s right,” McCormick wrote. He added of his opponent, “It’s past time for Bob Casey to agree.”

Mark Dubowitz, CEO of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, also responded to Fetterman’s post.

Leading California Hospitals Are Becoming a ‘Battlefield’ as Jewish Patients, Doctors Face Surging Antisemitism ‘The halls of medicine should be to treat humanity,’ one doctor tells the Sun, not fodder for political protest. M.J.Koch


Brazen acts of antisemitism are tearing apart one of the top hospitals in the nation at the University of California San Francisco, with Jewish doctors being bullied, cancer patients encountering antisemitic graffiti, and one pregnant Israeli woman reportedly being refused care. 

The university has seen a surge in antisemitism at its sprawling network of seven Bay Area hospitals and on the social media posts of its most prominent doctors since Hamas’s October 7 attacks on Israel. Jewish doctors tell the Sun that they are “paranoid” about speaking out on the issue despite a growing number of complaints from patients regarding their providers’ views on the Israel-Hamas war.

Most recently, graffiti invoking the language of the Holocaust was found on two signs near UCSF’s cancer center at its Mission Bay campus. The chancellor of UCSF, Sam Hawgood, condemned the incident in a statement on Monday and said that the local police are investigating it.

In another striking instance, a whiteboard was wheeled out and positioned at the entrance to a UCSF cancer building. It bore the words “Free Palestine from Nazi Zionist Schwein,” invoking the German word meaning “pig.”

In a physician lounge was a sign that said “stop bombing hospitals,” one UCSF doctor, who asked for anonymity given the sensitive nature of the situation, tells the Sun. He also noticed that a UCSF resident had a phone case with a Palestinian flag on it and the words, “warning, you are on Palestinian land.”