Displaying the most recent of 90433 posts written by

Ruth King

CHAPTER 1: What Is Reality?: Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is


 goudsmit.pundicity.com  and website: lindagoudsmit.com 

Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite themselves. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses psychological, informational, asymmetric warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. The primary target of the globalist predators is America’s children.

What is reality? Objective reality is the world of facts. Subjective reality is the world of feelings. Objective reality is the fulcrum of human sanity, the foundation of ordered liberty in our constitutional republic. Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan famously remarked, “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.” Opinions are based on feelings; facts are based on actuality. Feelings are not facts.

The ideological moorings of ordered liberty require consensus on what is real. This is no small matter. Language is based on such consensus. Laws are based on such consensus. Without agreement on what is real, there is no societal order, only chaos. It is for this reason that globalists support the leftist Culture War on America and its attack strategy to replace factual, objective reality with subjective multiple realities based on feelings.

Examining the Incessant Flow of Qatari Money into American Academia: Unintended Consequences on Campus


Until recently, the issue of foreign donations influencing American academia remained unnoticed. However, a study published in 2022 by the National Association of Academics in the United States sheds light on a significant flow of Qatari money to universities in the country, particularly in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks. According to an in depth report that appeared on the Calcalistech.com web site in October 2023,the study reveals that between 2001 and 2021, Qatar donated a staggering $4.7 billion to American universities, making it the largest foreign donor during this period. What initially seemed like harmless financial support has sparked a series of events, raising concerns about the influence on academic institutions.

The study highlights that a considerable portion of the funds received by American universities from Qatar went unreported, violating legal requirements, according to the Calcalisteceh.com report.  This revelation adds a layer of complexity to the already controversial issue. The Qatari financial support, ostensibly meant to foster academic growth, has now come under scrutiny for potential undisclosed motives.


What could explain his recent posting?  He has been eloquent in denouncing racists, libelers and rioters. Why this abhorrent posting?

Omer Bartov – Israel’s Hard Right Turn

My guest this week is the Israeli-American historian Omer Bartov, who is the Samuel Pisar Professor of Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Brown. Over 20,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza since the outbreak of the war, most of them civilians. Hundreds of thousands have been displaced. Food, water, and adequate medical services are in short supply. Still, grim as those facts are, Omer does not think they amount to genocide. At least not yet. He does worry that, with right-wing hardliners holding sway in Israel’s government, genocide is a distinct possibility.

In this conversation, Omer tells me about some of the history that led up to the current war before delving into the political pressures that he believes are driving the campaign forward. He believes that Benjamin Netanyahu has pieced together a hard right coalition that he protects because, among other reasons, it keeps him in power and out of court, where he is embroiled in an ongoing corruption trial that could lead to jail time. In the meantime, according to Omer, Netanyahu’s coalition functions as a “mirror image of Hamas” that encourages violence against Palestinians and threatens democracy in Israel. Omer believes that Israel’s current government is neither capable of nor interested in addressing humanitarian concerns in Gaza and finding a political solution to the conflict. That will require a US-led international effort.

Omer knows whereof he speaks—he’s a noted scholar in the field and a passionate public advocate. That’s why I wanted to hear from him. You may disagree with his read on the situation, but he can’t simply be shrugged off.

These accusations of ‘genocide’ bring shame on humanity South Africa’s case against Israel is the most absurd and sinister spectacle of the 21st century so far. Brendan O’Neill


The more you think about the genocide case against Israel, the more horrendous it becomes. First there’s the hypocrisy. It is an orgy of cant. Turkey has noisily joined the ranks of shameless governments pointing a collective finger at Israel. This is the same Turkish government that denies that its nation carried out the Armenian Genocide of 1915, when a million people were wiped from the face of the Earth. As part of a programme of tyrannical Islamisation, Armenian Christians were forced on to death marches in the desert during which unimaginable numbers perished. Now the genocide deniers are genocide judges. It would be funny if it were not so repulsive.

Turkey is providing ‘documents’ for South Africa’s genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice this week. ‘I believe that Israel will be convicted’, says Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. This is the same Erdoğan who locks people up for speaking of the Armenian Genocide. Article 301 of Turkey’s penal code, which forbids ‘insulting Turkishness’, has been used to prosecute people who mention 1915. Writers and publishers have been banged up for the sin of saying ‘Armenia’ and ‘genocide’ in the same breath. Now this tyrant who ruthlessly punishes discussion of his own nation’s genocide loudly accuses Israel of genocide. These are Kafkaesque levels of moral fraud.

The Organisation of Islamic Countries has likewise joined the genocide chorus against Israel. This includes Saudi Arabia. Fresh from its slaughter of thousands in Yemen. Surely it will be a cold day in hell before any nation takes lectures on violence from these fanatics who whip and kill their own citizens for such crimes as apostasy, homosexuality and being a woman who wants rights.

Iran has lined up with South Africa, too. It’s getting ridiculous now. Vastly more people have perished in Iran’s wars of the past 40 years than in the wars Israel has been involved in since 1948. Just last year Iran slaughtered hundreds of its own citizens for the crime of believing women are human beings. Kurds in particular got it in the neck. Masses were murdered. ‘They tried to wipe us out’, said one Kurd. For Iran to sit in judgment on any nation is a nauseating spectacle, an inversion of morality of Orwellian proportions.

Is ‘Trump is Hitler’ the best Biden’s got? Three years into his presidency, Joe Biden has nothing to offer voters apart from anti-Trump hysteria. Sean Collins


With the US presidential election approaching later this year, Joe Biden faces serious headwinds in his attempt to secure a second term.

Most Americans disapprove of his performance, with 54 per cent deeming the 81-year-old too old for the job. Even among Democrats, there is a palpable lack of enthusiasm for his candidacy – 40 per cent don’t even want him to run. Perhaps most damning of all, the current polling shows him consistently trailing Donald Trump, a man accused of 91 felonies.

Biden’s response to Trump’s current lead is now becoming clear. He has decided to frame the 2024 election as a choice between democracy and tyranny. Biden’s rhetoric during this week’s two campaign-launch speeches was end-of-days stuff. ‘Whether democracy is still America’s sacred cause is the most urgent question of our time’, he said in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, ‘and it’s what the 2024 election is all about’. He claimed that Trump is ‘willing to sacrifice our democracy, put himself in power’ and establish a ‘dictatorship’.

Biden is likely to double down on this message in the weeks ahead. His campaign aides told CNN that Biden will be ‘ratcheting up the intensity’ against Trump in the coming months. The only question apparently is when to go ‘full Hitler’ and directly compare Trump to the Nazi leader. Judging by Biden’s Valley Forge speech, he’s pretty much at ‘full Hitler’ already – he accused Trump of ‘echoing the same exact language used in Nazi Germany’.

Biden has been justifying the Nazi analogies by pointing to Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election results, and his involvement in the ‘January 6’ Capitol riot in 2021. At one of his campaign launch speeches, Biden told a largely black audience in the Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina that January 6 was ‘one of the darkest days in American history’, before adding: ‘We saw something on January 6 we’d never seen before, even during the Civil War. Insurrectionists waving Confederate flags inside the halls of Congress built by enslaved Americans.’ In Valley Forge, he called the Capitol riot a day when ‘we nearly lost America – lost it all’.

Good Riddance to Mehdi Hasan By Becket Adams


The MSNBC host’s fact-challenged invective won’t be missed.

MSNBC has bid farewell to yet another anchor whose penchant for insipid demagoguery far outstrips any actual talent.

Mehdi Hasan, who slanders conservatives nearly as much as he slanders “Zionists” (wink, wink), announced last week his intention to quit MSNBC. The news came not long after the network axed his weekend show that nobody watched.

“With this show going away,” Hasan told those who happened to tune in that evening, “I’ve decided that it’s time for me to look for a new challenge.”

Attracting viewers seemed plenty enough of a challenge, but okay.

MSNBC last November announced a weekend reshuffling, citing as chief among its reasons the looming 2024 presidential election. And among those to get the cut was none other than the British-born Al Jazeera English and Intercept alumnus. In response to the news, a member of the House of Representatives famous for her antisemitic remarks demanded that the network reverse its decision, suggesting that Hasan’s loss of his show, which launched in 2021, was somehow an affront to “free expression.”

“Mehdi is one of the most brilliant and most prominent Muslim journalists in the U.S.,” said Minnesota Democrat Ilhan Omar. “It is deeply troubling that MSNBC is canceling his show amid a rampant rise of anti-Muslim bigotry and suppression of Muslim voices. Anyone who cares about free expression should be concerned.”

Pro-Palestinian Protesters Clash with Riot Police as They Breach White House Gate By Caroline Downey


A pro-Palestinian protest in Washington, D.C., got unruly on Saturday night as activists nearly breached an exterior White House gate and clashed with riot police.

Protesters rushed against the reinforced gate, an extra security measure installed in front of the primary White House gate, causing it to shake while some tried to scale the structure. Police and presumably some secret service agents waited on the other side to deter the demonstrators.

“Break it down!!,” one protester bellowed amid the cacophony.

“You support the murdering of children!,” another protester screamed.

Some protesters flew large Palestinian flags and wore keffiyahs.

Objects, such as bottles, are seen being thrown over the fence in footage of the incident. Some staff members and members of the press were evacuated from parts of the White House as the chaos unfolded Saturday night, Fox News reported.

“During the demonstration near the White House complex Jan. 13, a portion of the anti-scale fencing that was erected for the event sustained temporary damage,” the U.S. Secret Service told Fox News in a statement. “The issues were promptly repaired on site by U.S. Secret Service support teams.”

“As a precaution, some members of the media and staff in proximity to Pennsylvania Avenue were temporarily relocated while the issue was being addressed,” the statement added. “The Secret Service made no arrests associated with the march and there was no property damage to the White House or adjacent buildings.”

Metropolitan Police Department Chief Pamela A. Smith, who oversees Washington, D.C., police, rebuked protest activity that devolved into lawlessness in a statement to Fox News.

“The right to peacefully protest is one of the cornerstones of our democracy, and the Metropolitan Police Department has long supported those who visit our city to demonstrate safely,” she told the outlet. “However, violence, destructive behavior, and criminal activities are not tolerated.”

Protesters in front of the White House Saturday Night also chanted, “Yemen, Yemen make us proud / Turn another ship around,” after the U.S. deployed strikes on a radar site controlled by Houthi militants.

The strike consisted of warship-and submarine-launched Tomahawk missiles and fighter jets, U.S. officials said. The U.S. action came in response to a series of drone and missile attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea, which the Houthis boasted had resulted in multiple casualties in addition to trade disruption, the Associated Press reported. The U.S. Navy on Friday cautioned American vessels to avoid areas around Yemen in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden for a period following the initial airstrikes.

“These strikes are in direct response to unprecedented Houthi attacks against international maritime vessels in the Red Sea — including the use of anti-ship ballistic missiles for the first time in history,” President Biden said in statement. “I will not hesitate to direct further measures to protect our people and the free flow of international commerce as necessary.”

Taiwan Voters Just Cut China’s Xi Jinping Down to Size by Gordon G. Chang


The Taiwanese, especially after seeing how Beijing suffocated Hong Kong in the past four years, do not want to be ruled by the Chinese regime.

Xi Jinping at the moment must be fuming. In his 2024 New Year’s message, he signaled he is soon going to annex Taiwan. “China will surely be reunified, and all Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Strait should be bound by a common sense of purpose and share in the glory of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,” the Chinese leader declared in a paragraph that appears to list what will happen this year.

The people of the small island of Taiwan are not afraid of large China. They are an inspiration to free people everywhere.

The results are in. Taiwan’s voters stood up to China and all its war talk of recent weeks.

Vice President Lai Ching-te of the Democratic Progressive Party won the presidency on Saturday in a three-way race with 40.1% of the vote. Hsiao Bi-khim, recently Taipei’s representative in Washington, was elected vice president.

New Taipei City Mayor Hou Yu-ih, of the opposition Kuomintang received 33.5%, and Ko Wen-je of the new Taiwan People’s Party came in third with 26.5%.

The election was historic. For the first time since 1996, when the island republic held its first democratic presidential election, a party has won a third straight presidential term.

Previously, the DPP, as the governing party is known, and the Kuomintang or KMT, traded the presidency every eight years.



Biden administration supercharging controversial “sue and settle” practice to expand environmental rules-and-regs.  

The first full week of the year is in the books, and we’re already off to an action packed start!

Congressional leaders are once again acting on key information uncovered by our auditors at OpenTheBooks.com.
House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer has opened an investigation into the EPA’s controversial “sue and settle” tactic that involves outside groups – frequently environmentalists – suing the agency to expand its work. 
The EPA is settling these lawsuits behind closed doors and reimbursing millions of legal fees to the environmentalists. 
The Biden practice was first highlighted last July in our EPA Oversight Report, and we shared our findings with the Washington Examiner, all cited by the committee in its initial letter to the EPA.

Critics say “sue and settle” creates an end-run around Congress, state governments, and private businesses affected by the new, often costly, rules. 

Worse, there’s concern that ideological bureaucrats are happy for outside organizations to sue for a regulation they already favor creating, effectively inviting the litigation and then paying the plaintiff’s legal fees.

Those fees have cost us, the taxpayers, over $16 MILLION since 2013!

Washington Post Reprints Depraved Claim that Israel Steals Palestinian Organs by Sean Durns


Antisemitism is skyrocketing. And one of the largest newspapers in the United States is helping fuel the fire.

The Washington Post prides itself on “courageous journalism” and speaking “truth to power,” but a recent report promoted an age-old antisemitic canard. The Dec. 26, 2023, dispatch, “The World Wants a Respite for Gaza. Israel Vows to Keep on Fighting,” regurgitatedthe claim that Jews steal organs of non-Jews.

As CAMERA’s Ricki Hollander has documented, such “blood libels and conspiracy theories have played a tragic role in Jewish history” and are responsible for inciting anti-Jewish violence. And now you can find them printed in the pages of The Washington Post.

“Palestinian officials,” the Post wrote, “said Tuesday that Israel had returned the bodies of 80 people it had held during the Gaza War via the Karem Shalom border crossing. The Hamas-run government media office said Israel had not identified the bodies or said where they had been taken from. They had been ‘mutilated,’ the media office said in a statement, and there were ‘clear’ indications that organs had been ‘stolen’ from the corpses.”

“The claims,” the Post added, “could not be independently verified.”

As CAMERA has pointed out, this isn’t the first time that the Post has reprinted claims by Hamas, a US-designated terrorist group that calls for a genocide of Jews and the destruction of Israel. Indeed, the newspaper has made a habit of repeating casualty claims provided by the terrorist group, despite overwhelming evidence of their unreliability.