Hillary Clinton settled on Virginia Senator Tim Kaine to be her running mate. Senator Kaine’s self-effacing description of himself is “boring,” a trait that Hillary appears to relish. “I love that about him,” she told CBS News. Hillary also was looking for someone with knowledge of national security issues. Senator Kaine serves on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and Arms Services Committee. What she really found in Senator Kaine is a running mate who epitomizes the Democratic Party’s increased willingness to turn on our close ally Israel and give the benefit of the doubt to Iran and the Islamists.
“Boring” is not the first trait that comes to mind when describing Senator Kaine. His moral cowardice and faulty judgment were on full display as he supported the disastrous nuclear deal with Iran. Kaine obsequiously followed the direction of President Obama and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid in supporting a filibuster to block the Senate majority opposed to the deal from conducting an up-or-down vote on Obama’s appeasement pact. Bipartisan majorities in both houses of Congress opposed the deal. Senator Kaine himself admitted to having reservations in light of Iran’s past record of cheating and state sponsorship of terrorism. Yet he gave the thuggish Iranian regime the benefit of the doubt.
When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had previously accepted an invitation to address a joint session of Congress regarding his concerns about the path the negotiations leading to the final deal was taking, Senator Kaine joined seven other Senate Democrats in boycotting Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech.
During an interview with the Forward in March 2015, Kaine claimed that “I’m a strongly pro-Israel Democrat.” If Kaine were such a “strongly pro-Israel Democrat,” he would not have been one of only 12 senators whom, as the New York Sun recounted, “refused to sign a letter to President Obama warning of legislated legal constraints on funding the Palestinian Arab authority after it struck its alliance with Hamas.”
By elevating Senator Kaine as her choice for vice president, Hillary Clinton demonstrated how the Democratic Party she aspires to lead is moving towards breaking the decades-long bipartisan support for the Jewish State of Israel. However, it gets even worse than that. Hillary’s running mate exemplifies the Democratic Party’s willingness to risk the security of the American people by opening the door to admit large numbers of Islamist “refugees” from Syria. Hillary Clinton herself has called for a 500 percent increase of admissions over Obama’s irresponsible target of 10,000 Syrians to be admitted by the end of this fiscal year. Kaine appears to agree with those who do not think that the Obama administration has been processing the applications for asylum fast enough. And he opposed a bill passed by the House of Representatives that would have required more careful vetting of Syrians and Iraqis before they can be admitted to the United States as “refugees.”
“These refugees are people who are terrorized, not terrorists,” Kaine said in an interview conducted by Vox Media following the ISIS attack in Paris last November. Kaine made this statement even though he has no way of knowing whom the “refugees” from jihadi terrorist-plagued parts of the Middle East seeking to enter our country really are. Top U.S. intelligence and law enforcement officials have acknowledged that they have no real way of determining whether jihadist groups are infiltrating their fighters into the flow of refugees, as ISIS indicated it had every intention of doing. In particular, there is no reliable database to use in vetting Syrian refugees. Yet Kaine thinks he knows better, just like the top of his ticket thinks she does. He claimed that “the refugee vetting process is one of the safest areas that we have.” And he is willing to put American lives at risk to test his unfounded assumption.