Displaying the most recent of 91920 posts written by

Ruth King



Two Israeli inventions can save the lives of stabbing victims.
Israeli ultrasound brain surgery has cured an Israeli of Parkinson’s.
An elite IDF unit is helping Arab-Israeli startups.
A Dubai woman named her son after the IDF officer that helped deliver him.
A new Israeli innovation keeps fruit and vegetables fresh.
Shh… an Israeli company helped the FBI unlock a terrorist’s iPhone.
A sale of $1.5 billion Israeli bonds was five times oversubscribed.
The BBC bought an Israeli story to base its new drama series about autism.

Preventing lung collapse. (TY Dan) Another innovation from Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s BioDesign students. They developed ThoraXS – a one-handed thoracic portal opener that shortens the procedure time of chest-tube insertion from minutes to less than 30 seconds. It is timely for saving victims of terror stabbings.
http://new.huji.ac.il/en/article/29654 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZ3fhZmgyiY

Stopping uncontrolled bleeding. Gallium is a bio-metal currently used to stop bone loss in cancer patients. Moshe Rogosnitzky, a researcher at Israel’s Ariel University, has discovered that Gallium in liquid form (known as gallium nitrate) can rapidly halt bleeding from deep wounds, without causing blood clots.

Leukemia trial results. Latest reports of Phase II trials of BL-8040 from Israel’s Bioline Rx (see Nov newsletter), show that 38% of patients with acute myeloid leukemia, went into complete remission after just two cycles of the treatment. All these patients had previously failed to recover from other leukemia treatments.

How bacteria escape their enemies. A joint team of scientists at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and from the Netherlands have discovered that the common E. coli bacteria plays “hide and seek” to avoid detection from the predatory B. bacteriovorus bacteria. It extends research into combating antibiotic resistant bacteria.
http://new.huji.ac.il/en/article/29284 http://rspb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/283/1824/20152154

Gene enhances insulin production. Researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have discovered that the gene p16 enhanced insulin secretion in beta cells of mice that suffer from diabetes, thereby partly reversing the disease and improving the health of the mice. Similar results in human cells are expected.

Mending hearts again in Tanzania. Surgeons from Israel’s humanitarian organization Save A Child’s Heart returned to Tanzania in March to perform more life-saving operations on African children. (See July newsletter for previous mission) http://www.israel21c.org/healing-childrens-hearts-in-tanzania/

$25 million to fund new blood center. Israel’s emergency service Magen David Adom received its largest ever donation – $25 million – to build a new blood services center in Ramle. The Marcus National Blood Services Center will replace a facility in Tel Hashomer that is vulnerable to rocket attacks from Gaza.

Exercise center for the brain. (TY Jacques) Swiss Ambassador to Israel Andreas Baum inaugurated Israel’s first BrainPath in Neve Eshkol, near Gaza. The fitness parlor, adjoined to the region’s largest senior citizen center, has eleven exercises that stimulate blood-flow to the brain. http://www.neveshkol.org.il/page_50511

China seeks Israeli remote health tech. Renming Zhu of China’s Truth Enterprises is seeking Israeli startups for its new incubator in Shanghai. Of particular interest are solutions to bring medical care out of the doctor’s office and into the field. China’s vast geography and aging population puts a huge strain on its healthcare costs.

Israeli woman cured of Parkinson’s. The focused ultrasound brain surgery of Israel’s Insightec has been used 500 times around the world. In its first procedure in Israel, surgeons at Haifa’s Rambam Medical Center successfully cured an Israeli woman of her uncontrollable shaking. (Video had 570,000 views in 2 days).

You Won’t Believe Why This Conservative University Professor Was Suspended INDEFINITELY By Philip Hodges

John McAdams – a conservative university professor in Wisconsin – has been suspended indefinitely for criticizing a fellow professor for not allowing debate about same-sex marriage in her classroom. McAdams may return to Marquette University as professor in January of 2017, only if he admits that he was “guilty.”

It all started at the Milwaukee, Wisconsin Catholic university in 2014 when a student recorded his encounter with his philosophy professor Cheryl Abbate regarding the issue of same-sex marriage. Abbate had told her class that the issue of “gay rights” was not up for debate, that “everybody agrees on this, and there is no need to discuss it.”

After class, the student discussed the issue with Abbate, but the professor eventually suggested to the student that he drop the course, adding that “some opinions are not appropriate, such as racist opinions, sexist opinions…You don’t have a right in this class to make homophobic comments.” She stated, “In this class, homophobic comments, racist comments, will not be tolerated.”

The conservative university professor John McAdams wrote a post on his blog Marquette Warrior in 2014 exposing the student-professor encounter and criticizing Abbate for her intolerance. He concluded, “Like the rest of academia, Marquette is less and less a real university. And when gay marriage cannot be discussed, certainly not a Catholic university.”

As I see it: Bewildered Britain still doesn’t get it : Melanie Phillips

The British still don’t understand that the UK and Europe have long funded and connived at not just Palestinian terrorism, but the incitement that causes it.What is that unfamiliar rustling in the British cultural undergrowth? It’s the sound of people suddenly acknowledging a problem with anti-Semitism.

For years, anti-Semitism in Britain was the prejudice that dared not speak its name. The hostility toward Israel endemic in educated circles was emphatically declared to have nothing whatever to do with hatred of Jews. Anyone who claimed a connection was denounced as “waving the shroud of the Holocaust” to silence legitimate “criticism” of Israel.

Jewish students have long run the gauntlet of vicious Israel- and Jew-hatred. “Israel apartheid” weeks, BDS motions and campus conferences declaring Israel is a “settler-colonial state” have morphed into intimidation, stigmatization and discrimination against Jews at university.

VIRTUALLY NO ONE outside the Jewish community has paid this any attention.

Now, though, unease has begun to seep into British national consciousness.

The reason is a shift in perspective. Israel is no longer seen as the world’s major flashpoint. The TV news is instead pumping images of Syrian atrocities and floods of displaced migrants into the living rooms of the nation.

Security officials repeatedly warn of the likelihood of coordinated Islamist attacks in Britain. The terrorist atrocities last year in Paris and most recently in Brussels have ratcheted up anxiety levels.


To Turkish President Recip Erdogan’s dismay, Obama did NOT attend today’s opening of the Lanham, Maryland mega-mosque as expected. At the mosque inauguration, the stealth ISIS supporter and arch enemy of the Kurds lambasted “those who are defaming our faith” and singled out U.S. presidential candidates who are exposing the Islamic threat to America as “targeting Muslims.”

Erdogan defended Turkey’s efforts to fight terrorism and pledged to send the “true message of Islam across the globe.” Ironically, the Turkish leader has described his Islamic-supremacist government’s efforts to deliver weapons to Palestinian jihadists and thwart Israel’s blockade of Hamas-controlled Gaza as a “peace flotilla” and had the hubris to demand an apology from Israel for its “aggressive” interception of the operation. Under pressure from Obama, Israel was forced to oblige.

The Lanham, Maryland mosque is reputed to be the largest Islamic campus in the Western Hemisphere. Turkey has been busily building mega-mosques on five continents with planned mosque construction projects in Havana, Cambridge, Budapest, Bucharest, Haiti, and several other cities around the world. It appears that Erdogan, an aspiring Caliph, may be close to attaining his goal of reviving and leading the Neo-Ottoman Empire by 2023.

The Lanham mega-mosque, a $110 million project, housed on 15 acres, comprises a 20,000+ square foot mosque, a cultural center, guest houses, and an underground sports complex. (This begs the question, “Why underground?”)

The Washington, D.C. metropolitan area is reported to have the second largest Muslim population in the U.S. (conveniently located at the heartbeat of the country) with at least 25 mosques a.k.a. potential jihad training centers and weapons depots. With estimates from several studies (including the 2005 expose by Freedom House) claiming that over 80% of U.S. mosques are radicalized, doing the math indicates that 20 such facilities potentially threaten the seat of our government and beyond.

The land for the Lanham mega-mosque was originally purchased by Fetullah Gulen, an exiled Turkish cleric, who with over 150 schools, operates the largest charter school network in the United States. It was recently reported that Gulen is infiltrating the U.S. military by establishing publicly-funded schools to target the children of American service personnel. The radical cleric is currently negotiating with the U.S. Air Force to locate a charter school at Nellis Air Force Base with classes to begin in the 2016-2017 school year. As one of the largest national users of H1B* visas, Gulen is able to recruit Turkish Muslim teachers to staff his many schools. He retains a skilled stable of immigration lawyers to insure favorable visa decisions – 684 H1B visas in 2009 alone.

While Americans are busy focusing on other things – March Madness and Kim Kardashian to name a couple, the stealth jihad of over 60 years duration continues apace. In a relatively short time, the civilizational jihad has advanced to an unfathomable degree. Truly, the enemy within has cleverly achieved enormous success raising minimal awareness and relatively contained violence.

*(Beware: Several presidential candidates have called for increasing the number of H1B visas).


NOTES FROM TOM GROSShttp://www.tomgrossmedia.com/mideastdispatches/


The (London) Sunday Telegraph reports today:

The [British] government has ceased funding a British charity which sponsored events accused of promoting hatred and violence against Jews.

The Department for International Development said that it no longer supported War on Want, which helped pay for “Israeli Apartheid Week” in February this year.

The statement comes as the Telegraph obtained undercover recordings of events where anti-Semitism, demands for the destruction of Israel or naked support for terror were expressed by academics and others at meetings in some of Britain’s most prestigious universities.

One speaker, Max Blumenthal, the son of a close adviser to Bill and Hillary Clinton, praised a massacre by Hamas as sending an “incredible message” and said that taking up arms should be “normal” for Palestinians. He compared Israel to the terrorist group Isil, describing it as “the Jewish State of Israel and the Levant, Jsil”.

At another rally – sponsored by War on Want – a speaker said that British government policy was created by “Zionist and neo-con lobbies”.

A second speaker at the same event spoke of a “rumour” that Israelis were harvesting dead Palestinians’ organs.

The meeting was held at London University’s School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)… War on Want has received £260,000 in funding from the British government over the last two years.


[Note by Tom Gross]http://www.tomgrossmedia.com/mideastdispatches/

I attach two pieces below from today’s British newspapers, the Sunday Telegraph and the Mail on Sunday. (I helped advise both newspapers with these pieces.)

The Mail on Sunday (the Sunday edition of the Daily Mail, the world’s most read online newspaper) reports:

You, the British taxpayer, pay two Palestinian terrorists who left this British woman for dead and killed her friend £9,000 each every year – as a ‘REWARD’.

Kay Wilson was left for dead in an orgy of violence in Jerusalem in which Kristine Luken, an American, was killed by two Palestinian terrorists.

Reports revealed the assailants were being paid a monthly stipend equivalent to £750 each effectively from the Palestinian Authority (PA).

The Mail on Sunday exposed how ‘reward’ payments are going via the PA – which UK aid gives more than £24million each year – to terrorists

If you want to end the madness, you can sign the petition HERE [at the link below]




Douglas Murray, Associate Director of The Henry Jackson Society, in The Telegraph: ‘We Must Stop Blaming Ourselves for Islamist Extremism’

“The problem of Islamic extremism is caused – astonishingly enough – by Islamic extremism. As France, Belgium and many other societies can now attest, the larger your Muslim population, the larger your Islamic extremism problem. Not because most Muslims are terrorists. Obviously not. But because that “small minority” we always hear about grows proportionally bigger the larger the community is. What matters is the numbers, the density (thus their ability to hide and be hidden) and the type of Islam that is followed.”


Obama Gives Iran Access to the U.S. Financial System, Flouting the Terms of His Cherished Iran Deal By Andrew C. McCarthy

President Obama and his subordinates blatantly lied to Congress in order win approval — or, more accurately, to escape disapproval — of his Iran nuclear deal. At a time when jihadist mass-murder attacks are surging, and when Syrian-regime war crimes are abetted by Iran’s jihadist armed forces (which include Hezbollah and the Quds Force, both formally designated terrorist organizations), Obama’s deal infuses Iran, the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism and an unapologetic enemy of the United States, with over $100 billion in sanctions relief . . . some slice of which, the Obama administration admits, will be diverted to terrorism.

This is old news, of course. Yet, it is worth repeating, for two reasons.

First, these are impeachable offenses of the first order. As I recounted in Faithless Execution, the Framers of our Constitution counted presidential dishonesty in dealings with Congress and presidential concealment of dealings with foreign powers as among the most egregious high crimes and misdemeanors.

Second, Obama is doing it again.

To persuade the Republican-controlled Congress to refrain from rejecting the Iran deal, even under the shamefully indulgent Corker-Cardin process to which GOP leaders agreed, the Obama administration made two key promises. The first was that, if Congress went along with Obama on dismantling nuclear sanctions (for the purportedly greater good of winning the terror regime’s commitment not to build nuclear weapons), the administration would stand strong on other sanctions — sanctions that punish Iran for its terror promotion, ballistic-missile development, and related aggression. The second promise was that Iran would continue to be banned from the U.S. financial system.

North Korea, Nuclear Safety, and Lessons From the Iran Deal By Robert S. Litwak

Robert S. Litwak is a vice president of the Wilson Center and the author of “Iran’s Nuclear Chess: After the Deal.” He was director for nonproliferation on the National Security Council staff in the Clinton administration.

North Korea’s missile test Friday highlighted the threat discussed by President Barack Obama, Chinese President Xi Jinping, and others gathered at the Nuclear Security Summit.

Since 2010 these meetings have spearheaded progress in securing some 2,000 tons of weapons-grade nuclear material around the world, with the goal of denying terrorist groups such as Islamic State the essential component to build a weapon. Still, much work remains to secure nuclear material in the former Soviet republics, South Africa, and elsewhere. And theft or purchase of a weapon are the more immediately plausible routes of terrorist acquisition.

Concern about these two routes to nuclearization focuses on Pakistan and North Korea. Pakistan has the world’s fastest-growing nuclear arsenal, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. It is developing small, low-yield tactical nuclear weapons potentially for use against India. Their size and portability makes these weapons vulnerable to theft, whether by rogue commanders or other forces. President Obama said in 2009 that the Pakistani nuclear arsenal was secure but administration officials no longer offers such assurances, the New York Times reported this week.

In North Korea, there is more to worry about than the regime’s threats to use weapons. The government in Pyongyang is desperate for funds to maintain the lifestyle of Kim Jong Un and his cronies. The regime needs to raise about $1 billion a year, estimates David Asher of the Center for a New American Security. For the right price, the North Koreans might sell anything to anyone. And Pyongyang’s arsenal of a dozen weapons is poised to surge to as many as 100 weapons by 2020. CONTINUE AT SITE