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Ruth King

Europe’s Civil War By Herbert London

Herbert London is President of the London Center for Policy Research

The civil war has begun. This is not a war recognized by European leaders. In fact, they deny it exists. But the evidence is now overwhelming. Europeans want to take their countries back from foreign invaders who are often criminals.

After reports circulated that Muslim gangs had taken over Stockholm Central Station, two hundred Swedish patriots wearing masks descended on the area using force to remove Muslim terrorists. They have decided that men of good faith should fight to take their country back. The police have been instructed to remain silent in the face of evil, handcuffed by politically correct local and national leaders.

The silence is deafening. As one of the vigilantes put it, “enough is enough.” Each day Swedes awaken to reports of murder, robberies and abuse. Sweden is now known as the rape capital of the world. The country has been forced to endure countless crimes in which perpetrators escape punishment through a fear of being labelled Islamophobic or assailants who claim to be underage with no papers to demonstrate otherwise.

There is even the charge that in Mölndal the national chief of police chooses to show greater sympathy for the criminals than the victims. There is an ingrained spinelessness that has affected politicians and the judiciary system and a media that is complicit. When the streets are not safe, it is understandable that a portion of the population will react.

Sweden is not alone. Germans of Russian descent attacked Muslims over the alleged rape of a 13 year old girl which turned out to be a fabricated story. Using baseball bats, they battered Muslim gangs who were thought to be involved in this crime. The Russian Foreign Minister seemingly gave his approval to the vigilantes. But the German police services continued to keep its head in the sand, pretending that these incidents hadn’t occurred.

Two years ago the British Daily Mail reported hundreds of white girls used as prostitutes, rape victims and sex slaves by Muslim men, who government authorities refer to as “Asians.” What has not been reported is the blow-back with home grown British men taking the law into their own hands. A culture of silence and acquiescence may have allowed the criminality, but a large part of the public is in active rebellion, a rebellion across the continent.

Amit Halevy A great god and small knives

A great god and small knives

The “lone-wolf terrorist” phenomenon should not come as a surprise to the defense apparatus. It’s an exact implementation of the obligation of Muslim believers in an age when political Islam is reawakening.

A decade ago, Abu Moussab a-Suri — who would become the strategist for the Islamic State group — wrote “The Call for Global Islamic Resistance,” a 1,600-page document that called on all believers to upgrade their jihad tools to G3.

According to a-Suri, the first generation was resistance organized in specific territory, such as the Taliban in Afghanistan, which despite its partial successes, turned out to be untenable when facing the armies of the West. Even the second generation — organization without territory, like al-Qaida — has had difficulty ever since its cross-border success on 9/11 in combating the technological intelligence methods activated against it. The alternative is a war fought by crowds of individuals motivated solely by commandments and faith. This is G3: Nizam la Tanzim (“The School of Individual Jihad”). Non-organized, and with no territory. Anyone, using any method, at any time.

This is not only a new tactic, it’s the fulfillment of the Islamic dream. The G3 jihad has no organization and no hierarchy, no funds and no international training camps.

But they’re not necessary. The only thing that sets the act in motion is a divine command, which contains three main principles: The first is loyalty to the Islamic nation, rather than to the family or a tribe. This turns every individual into a soldier in the service of the nation. The second principle is universality: the only border recognized in Islam is that between Dar al-Islam (“the House of Islam,” the lands where Islam rules) and Dar al-Harb (“the House of War,” where Islam does not rule). This jihad brings the globe back to its original Muslim definition, “a House of War,” which is destined to continue until Shariah law is applied to all of it. The third principle is an update from the Muslim Brotherhood school — that murderous jihad is not just the obligation of the public as a whole but also of every individual.

In the Muslim world, there is a debate about timing, about the good of the nation. And there is a battle between Sunni and Shiite, between the different groups fighting for local rule or rule of the entire caliphate.

But this religious ideology is a common denominator and what motivates them all, so it’s the enemy we find ourselves facing.

That conclusion makes us uncomfortable. We hoped that we had left ideological wars behind in the last century. We trusted the prophecy of Fukuyama in “The End of History,” but the religiosity of the G3 Muslims is not satisfied with the modern conveniences and individual freedom that prophecy ushered in, and we should acknowledge that. We should treat these aspects of Muslim ideology as we treated other ideologies that threatened the free world not so long ago. We must remove it from the concept of freedom of religion and invalidate all activity related to it and its dissemination — certainly that which condemns the principles of humanism or national sovereignty.

Victory is conditional upon knowing the enemy. When they stop searching for “inciters” in Western terms and reject the ideology itself, we can do it. The public discussion of Balad MKs meeting with the families of “mujahedeen” (“jihadis”) and the fuss about broadcaster Razi Barkai’s sensitivity toward their mothers are the result of the mistaken conception of Islam. A moral society must take action, not out of blood lust or an explosion of nerves, but rather as a justified, vital war against parts of an ideology that threaten all of humanity.

Amit Halevi is the executive director of the Jewish Statesmanship Center in Jerusalem.

Reports Showing Obama’s Failed War Against ISIS Deleted — on The Glazov Gang


This special edition of The Glazov Gang was joined by Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center who writes the blog The Point at Frontpagemag.com.

Daniel discussed Reports Showing Obama’s Failed War Against ISIS Deleted, exposing yet another cover-up of a cover-up.

Don’t miss it!


“The radical transformation of America continues thank to all of you who voted for me, but above all, I want to thank the befuddled voters who abetted, enabled, and supported Donald Trump. I could not have won without you.”

BDS: The movement to destroy Israel: Dr. Alex Grobman

Alex Grobman, a Hebrew University-trained historian, has written three new books on Israel: BDS: The Movement to Destroy Israel; Erosion: Undermining Israel through Lies and Deception; and Cultivating Canaan: Who Owns the Holy Land?

Having failed to destroy Israel on the battlefield, the Palestinian Arabs are determined to use Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) to delegitimize and dehumanize the Jewish state. By positioning Israel as racist and apartheid state, Israel can be denounced as an illegitimate entity that has neither a moral right to exist nor a raison d’être. This is the primary and unifying belief of the BDS movement.

The only solution is to abolish Israel and replace her with an Arab Palestinian state under a Muslim majority. There is no pretense of resolving the Arab/Israeli conflict through compromise or a two state-solution. Destroying Israel has been a primary objective of the Palestinian Liberation Movement (PLO) from the outset.

In a Radio PLO broadcast in Hebrew on October 31, 1967, Ahmad Al-Shuqayri, who founded the PLO in May 1964, announced “Filastin is the homeland of the Palestinian people.” They and the Arab nation will never relinquish their patrimony. “We will fight until Israel is destroyed …One hundred thousand Arabs surround you; they will not leave Israel alone and allow it [to] exist.” He urged Jews to leave Israel to other countries so they will enjoy peace, prosperity and stability. The Balfour Declaration precipitated the calamity and only Jewish emigration from Palestine will end the catastrophe. [1]

Article 15 of the Hamas Covenant of August 1988, explains why the destruction of Israel is not negotiable; it is a religious imperative: “The day that enemies usurp part of Moslem land, Jihad becomes the individual duty of every Moslem. In face of the Jews’ usurpation of Palestine, it is compulsory that the banner of Jihad be raised.”

The Obama Administration Wants to Make Sure Non-Citizens Vote in the Upcoming Election By Hans A. von Spakovsky

Several well-funded organizations — including the League of Women Voters and the NAACP — are fighting efforts to prevent non-citizens from voting illegally in the upcoming presidential election. And the United States Department of Justice, under the direction of Attorney General Loretta Lynch, is helping them.

On February 12, these groups filed a lawsuit in D.C. federal court seeking to reverse a recent decision by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC). The Commission’s decision allows Kansas and other states, including Arizona and Georgia, to enforce state laws ensuring that only citizens register to vote when they use a federally designed registration form. An initial hearing in the case is set for Monday afternoon, February 22.

Under federal law, the EAC is responsible for designing the federal voter-registration form required by the National Voter Registration Act, or Motor Voter, as it is commonly called. While states must register voters who use the federal form, states can ask the EAC to include instructions with the federal form about additional state registration requirements. Some states are now requiring satisfactory proof of citizenship to ensure that only citizens register to vote.

Under Article I, Secion 2 and the Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution, states have the power to set the “Qualification requisite for electors.” As with many issues, the Left disdains the balance the Framers adopted in the Constitution and objects to this delegation of power to the states. They prefer to see power over elector eligibility centralized in Washington, D.C.

Trump Is a Global Bully By Ian Tuttle

Donald Trump is not content to bully the residents of just one continent, it seems.

In the mid 1990s, there was Vera Coking, the septuagenarian widow whom Donald Trump tried to squeeze out of her Atlantic City apartment to make room for a limousine parking lot for his nearby casino. Ten years later, in Scotland, trying to foist a golf course and resort onto a stretch of Scottish coastline, Trump encountered a set of equally incorrigible homeowners — and did his best to run them out of their homes, too.

In March 2006, Trump visited Scotland and proposed to build a 36-hole golf course — “the greatest golf course anywhere in the world,” as he would reiterate time and again — along with a 450-room hotel with a conference center and spa, 950 time-share apartments, 36 golf villas, and 500 for-sale houses, and accommodations for hundreds of full-time employees, in Balmedie, Aberdeenshire. He billed it as an economic boon to the country and, in his usual theatrical fashion, as a “homecoming,” waxing poetic about his immigrant mother, who departed Scotland’s Western Isles for the U.S. as a young woman. In reality, it was a vanity project.

“I always wanted to do a golf course in Europe, and of the 211 sites we have looked at, we have seen some incredible places,” said Trump. “But this was something special.” Indeed — more than Trump understood. The Menie Links, north of Aberdeen, is home to the Foveran Links, a designated Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). The Foveran Links – which is a dynamic dune system that moves several meters annually, giving rise to a unique collection of plants and wildlife — is unique in the United Kingdom.

Obama Skips Scalia Funeral -–Will Visit Cuba to Honor the Castro Brothers The president’s romance with tyranny on full display. Humberto Fontova

I ask on behalf of Raul Castro–because Barack Obama seems infatuated with him. Seems that every time the Stalinist terror-sponsoring dictator (who craved to nuke the U.S.) looks over his shoulder, there’s the President of the U.S. making goo-goo eyes at him.

“People characterized as stalkers,” explains Wikipedia, “may be accused of having a mistaken belief that another person loves them (erotomania) or that they need rescuing.”

As announced just yesterday by his spokespersons, the possible “erotomaniac” twice elected U.S. President even found a way to get himself invited to his stalk victim’s fiefdom. Yes, President Obama will visit Cuba next month. The meet-up is scheduled for March 21st.

There’s a famous scene in the movie Scarface where the late actor Robert Loggia makes an urgent request of Cuban gangster Tony “Scarface” Montana. I’m betting that Robert Loggia will look gallant, powerful and dignified in front of the Cuban shown in that scene compared to Obama in front of the Cuban he’ll visit next month. See here for details.

I say “stalker” because Obama’s meet-up and handshake (warm abrazos too, perhaps?) with Raul Castro next month will mark the fourth such meet-up between Obama and Castro in 26 months. FDR and Churchill certainly matched this frequency and timeline for chummy handshakes. But have any other U.S. Presidents matched it with foreign “leaders”?

“Funnier” still, when Benjamin Netanyahu−president of a “close U.S. ally”−supposedly visited Capitol Hill, in Feb. 2015, Obama pointedly snubbed him. But when it came to the terror-sponsor who craved to nuke his nation, who burglarized, tortured and murdered U.S. citizens without the slightest remorse–when it comes to the unrepentant Stalinist Raul Castro−U.S. president Obama somehow found a way to buttonhole and shake hands with him, everyplace, from Johannesburg South Africa, to Panama City, Panama, to New York City. Film clips of this “bromance” here.

Iranian Rockers Face Execution The Mullahs embark on a mad killing spree. Ari Lieberman

The news out of Iran these days travels exclusively in one direction: from bad to worse. The latest abomination from the Islamic Republic involves the seizure and arrest of members of an Iranian heavy metal band, Confess, on such charges as “blasphemy,” writing “satanic” lyrics and meeting with forbidden foreign radio stations.

Two of the band’s leaders, Nikan Siyanor Khosravi, 23 and Khosravi Arash Ilkhani, 21 were arrested by the intelligence wing of Iranian Revolutionary Guard on November 10, 2015 and were held in Iran’s notorious Evin prison in solitary confinement until their release on February 5. They are currently free on $30,000 bond, a fortune in Iran and face the prospect of execution if convicted of the most serious offense.

The seizure of the duo comes on the heels of a major crack down by government goons acting on orders of Iran’s religious authorities. At least 170 people were arrested by regime forces in November. A leading member of an Iranian human rights group described the arrests as “abductions” because the Iranian judiciary has stated that they know nothing of the arrests.

Arrests were made without warrants and those arrested were transferred to unknown locations without ever seeing a judge. That is the norm in the Islamic Republic where human rights are trounced upon with banal regularity and due process is virtually non-existent.

The depravity of Iran’s mullahs knows no bounds. On January 27, Iran executed Hashem Shaabani, a poet whose only weapon was his pen. The Iranians murdered him with the approval of President Hassan Rouhani for “waging war on God.” Rouhani is the same sordid character that some myopic Western lackeys often describe as a “moderate” and a “reformer.”

Will Black Voters Leave Hillary’s Plantation? Keeping them on the plantation is the only way she can win. Daniel Greenfield

In her desperate scramble to the top every Hillary victory is accompanied by a setback. The corrupt Democratic machine that has kept her going this far eked out a victory in Nevada, but took down her minority firewall.

In earlier primaries, Hillary had lost women and young voters. In Nevada, she lost Latinos.

The last and only element of the Obama coalition that she has retained are black voters. Black voters helped Hillary in Nevada. While Latinos defected to Sandernistan, black voters remained loyally behind on Hillary’s Happy Plantation. If the black voters, primarily women who powered the Obama campaign, wave goodbye to life on the Clinton Tara, then Hillary’s path to the White House ends with Sanders’ Socialist march to the Potomac.

Despite her victory in Nevada, the Clinton crisis is now real. Hillary Clinton has lost nearly every demographic of what was supposed to be her base. She has become a purely political machine candidate with no supporters, only staffers, no appeal, only strategy, and no way forward except increasingly grotesque forms of electoral fraud that risk alienating Democrats until she becomes unelectable in a general election as the voters who saw their efforts to vote for Bernie Sanders thwarted resentfully decide to stay home.

A similar stolen nomination in which Hillary Clinton was the victim led to a crisis in ’08 which was only resolved with a deal between Obama and Clintonworld that allowed her to use his administration as the platform for her own future presidential campaign. But Hillary may not be able to buy the elderly Bernie Sanders, who would be 82 in time for Hillary’s two terms to end, and his supporters off in the same way.