We’re getting to the point where “the dog ate my homework” is going to look better than what the warmists are coming up with to explain why doomsday is a bit late in arriving. But trust them, it will arrive. Err, pretty soon…
You will remember that global warming isn’t absent; it is just in hiding, deep underneath the world’s oceans, just waiting to emerge. And now, to explain the downright embarrassing fact that that the sea level rise isn’t flooding poor island nations the way it was supposed to, we now have – ta-da! – “thirsty continents.” Why, those tricky continents, it turns out, actually absorb water in their soil. Who knew?
Sean Greene explains in the Los Angeles Times:
Despite the accelerated melting of glaciers and ice sheets, sea levels aren’t rising quite as quickly as scientists anticipated. The reason: Continents are absorbing more of the water before it flows into the seas, according to a new study.
Scientists at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory figured this out by measuring changes in Earth’s gravity with twin satellites orbiting the Earth in tandem. Over the past decade, thirsty continents have slowed the rate of sea level rise by about 20%, or about 1 millimeter per year, according to the study published in Science.
Okay, it’s not “the dog ate my global warming,” but it is an attempt to explain away yet another failure of a doomsday scenario that was used to panic the public into uncritically accepting economy-killing measures that would, just coincidentally, vastly increase the power of governments over all economic activity.