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Ruth King

More than 30,000 Immigrants Arrived in Israel in 2015

· Aliyah up 10% compared to 2014, at highest level since 2003
· All-time record for Aliyah from France with the arrival of 7,900 immigrants, the largest group for the second year running
· Aliyah from Ukraine up 15% compared to 2014, up 230% compared to 2013

Chairman of the Executive of The Jewish Agency for Israel Natan Sharansky: “The high number of immigrants, particularly from western countries, attests to the drawing power of the Zionist idea. The fact that immigrants choose to come to Israel is a sign that Israel invests their lives with meaning that they cannot find elsewhere. This choice requires that we make every effort to enable them to become immediately integrated in the workforce and in the education system, so that they, like those who came before them, may put down roots in Israel and enrich Israeli society.”

Minister of Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption Ze’ev Elkin: “We are in a rare window of opportunity. While we are busy with the day-to-day problems of Israel, we did not pay attention to this year’s great development: the number of immigrants exceeded 30,000 for the first time in more than a decade. The number of immigrants rose by 50% in the past two years, and we haven’t heard the last word. It is our duty to do everything necessary to take advantage of this rare opportunity and invest efforts in both immigrant absorption and Aliyah encouragement, so that a figure of 50,000 immigrants in one year does not seem imaginary. If we will it, it is no dream.”

Congress moves to endorse Islamic blasphemy laws By Carol Brown

Creeping sharia no longer creeps.
There is a bill before Congress (HR569) that singles out hate speech against Muslims. And then some. As of this writing, the resolution, which is nothing short of sharia law, has 82 co-sponsors. All of them are Democrats. And while the bill has little to no chance of passing, it is a window into our future if we don’t change the self-destructive course we are on with respect to how we understand and relate to the Quran and those who follow its teachings.

The Gates of Vienna reports on this chilling reality – one we may have called creeping sharia in the not so distant past but is advancing at such a rapid pace and across such a broad spectrum of our society that “creeping” is now an outmoded term. It’s racing, and it’s infecting every nook and cranny of our culture.

HR569 is just one of the latest stabs aimed at the heart of America. It is Islamic supremacy and dhimmitude in action, as it elevates Muslims to a protected class, superior in position to all others.

Here is what the resolution says:

Condemning violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States.

Update on Climate Follies :Rael Jean Isaac

In December Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Emperor’s New Clothes” unfolded on the world stage as the representatives of 190 countries gathered together in Paris solemnly proclaimed they all saw the intricate fabric the climate warriors had woven — the “settled science” of global warming that forecast an uninhabitable planet if man did not scale back his use of fossil fuels to close to zero by the end of this century. Unfortunately there was no little child to prick the bubble. The Heartland Institute was in Paris with an alternate conference designed to do just that, but no one was paying attention. Too much money and hype had been invested in the global warming tailors. “Success” was ecstatically proclaimed far and wide as, by universal agreement, the 190 countries each pledged to sharply cut back carbon emissions and to meet every five years to up their pledges.

There were a couple of clear-cut winners at the conference. One was the rulers of the so-called developing nations who, as their price for signing on, held up the developed nations (notably the U.S. and the EU) for pledges of over $100 billion per year as penance for their historic responsibility in causing the supposed problem in the first place. In a specially absurd feature of the conference, Zimbabwe’s brutal despot Robert Mugabe, officially banned from entering the EU for his human rights record (and who has literally destroyed his once prosperous country), was not only in Paris, but as chairman of the African Union, the chief representative to negotiate Africa’s demands. One of those demands was for channeling those billions directly to African leaders rather than having them supervised by donor countries who might seek to make sure they actually went to the projects for which they were scheduled. To assorted African dictators all that money is a potential grand slush fund for everything from palaces to Maseratis to Hermes handbags (for the multiple ladies in their lives).

Tony Thomas: The Fishy ‘Science’ of Ocean Acidification

With an obstinate atmosphere failing to warm as predicted, another peril was needed to sustain the junk-science industry and keep lazy reporters supplied with bogus scoops. No problem! Conscript a Disney character, garnish with misrepresentations and there you have it: ocean acidification
How scary is “ocean acidification”? Very scary. The previously scary “global warming” stopped 19 years ago, but do stay scared because all that CO2 since 1997 has instead been “acidifying” the oceans. Please imagine baby oysters dissolving in the equivalent of battery acid, and hermit crabs raising a nervous feeler to discover that their protective shells have disappeared. Curse you, horrible human-caused CO2 emissions!

In one celebrated episode involving Climate Science™, a lone oyster farmer in Maine put his oysters into a bucket and then found that the bivalves at the bottom were crunched because their shells were weakened.[1] Can any reasonable person ask for better scientific proof of ocean “acidification”?

“Ocean Acidification”, the evil twin of global warming, is scary because the chemistry is so simple. For example, the Australian Academy of Science in its curriculum for secondary schools, organizes an experiment for 16-year-olds where crushed ocean shells go into a test tube of sea water. You add acid or vinegar or something, and then watch the shells fizz and dissolve!

Palestinians: Save Us from the Good-Hearted Westerners! by Bassam Tawil

Every Palestinian knows in his heart that we do not want a state of our own alongside Israel, but rather instead of Israel. This includes all the land of Palestine and Israel. It means that Jews have no right to exist on even one speck of it.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas claims he wants to reach a peace agreement with Israel. But at the same time he and his henchmen incite the Palestinians to stab, run over and shoot Israelis to death, while he idealizes, glorifies and finances — with the funds he receives from the West — the terrorists and their families.

The Palestinian people are already almost totally radicalized, even in the West Bank. They do not seem concerned about living under an Islamist regime run by Hamas or Islamic State.

Abbas’s goal is now, with the help of the international community, to impose a solution on Israel. The solution he seeks – a full withdrawal to the 1967 lines – would pose an existential threat to Israel. It would also just be a matter of time before the Palestinian state will be run by Hamas or Islamic State.

What can be done with these Americans and Europeans? They always seem pining for a dialogue between the Israelis and the Palestinians that would end in a peace agreement, yet oddly all of them seem aware that the Palestinians have not, in all honestly, met Israel’s most minimal demands: the cessation of incitement (agreed to even under the Oslo accords — and requiring no funding!) and the recognition of Israel as a Jewish State. Many throughout the world still view Israel as potentially the next — and 22nd — Arab state.

At Least 16 Dead in Islamic State Suicide Bombing in Syria Bombers targeted two crowded restaurants in central Qamishli, in the northeast Hasakah province By Dana Ballout and Mohammad Nour Alakraa

BEIRUT—Islamic State claimed responsibility on Thursday for a deadly double suicide bombing in a Kurdish Syrian city, part of the extremist group’s campaign against Kurdish-controlled areas of the country.

The official Syrian Arab News Agency and the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights both reported casualties of at least 16 and no more than 20, and about 30 wounded.

The Sunni Muslim militant group claimed the attacks in a statement distributed online, boasting that it had killed 30 people and wounded hundreds more.

Islamic State bombers targeted two crowded restaurants on Wednesday evening in central Qamishli, in the northeastern province of Hasakah, according to Syria’s state news agency and the Observatory, a U.K.-based opposition monitoring group.

They entered and detonated their explosives as people ate, the Observatory said. The majority of the victims were Christian, it added.

Iran Vows to Speed Up Ballistic-Missile Program, Casting Fresh Doubts on Nuclear Accord Obama administration preparing new sanctions By Asa Fitch and Jay Solomon

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani ordered his defense minister to expedite development of the country’s ballistic missile program in response to new U.S. sanctions set to be imposed on Iranian defense companies.

Mr. Rouhani’s comments, made on his official Twitter account Thursday, cast fresh doubts on the prospects for the U.S. and Iran to successfully implement the landmark nuclear agreement reached last July.

The Obama administration has said it could begin removing sanctions on Tehran as early as January since Iran has begun taking steps to roll back its nuclear program.

But the U.S. is concurrently preparing to impose new sanctions on Iranian defense firms and officials in the wake of two ballistic missile tests staged by Tehran over the past three months, according to senior U.S. officials.

Mr. Rouhani said Thursday such sanctions are illegal and that Tehran will take steps to retaliate, including accelerating the pace of its missile program.

White House Delays Imposing New Sanctions on Iran for Missile Program No timeline for when new penalties may be imposed on TehranBy Jay Solomon

WASHINGTON—The White House has delayed its plan to impose new financial sanctions on Iran for its ballistic missile program, according to U.S. officials, amid growing tensions with Iran over the nuclear deal struck earlier this year.

The officials said the Obama administration remains committed to combating Iran’s missile program and that sanctions being developed by the U.S. Treasury Department remain on the table. They also said imposing such penalties was legal under the landmark nuclear agreement forged between global powers and Iran in July.
U.S. officials offered no definitive timeline for when the sanctions would be imposed after the decision was made Wednesday to delay them. At one point, they were scheduled to be announced Wednesday morning in Washington, according to a notification the White House sent to Congress.

Republican leaders on Thursday accused the Obama administration of losing its will to challenge Iran after Tehran countered on Thursday that it would accelerate the development of its arsenal.

“If the president’s announced sanctions ultimately aren’t executed, it would demonstrate a level of fecklessness that even the president hasn’t shown before,” said Rep. Mike Pompeo (R., Kan.), a leading critic of the nuclear deal, in an interview.


As August ends, from time immemorial, Jews begin to discuss the advent of the Jewish high holidays, which vary because they are always observed on the Jewish calendar. They are either early in September or they go into October.

On the Gregorian calendar holidays are on fixed dates every year, but somehow it increasingly feels as if December 31 comes earlier with every passing year. I wish you all a happy, healthy, successful and safe new year. rsk

Suicidal liberalism will never end Illegal Immigration Heather MacDonald exposes how leftist “justice” will turn us into a banana republic

Heather MacDonald: Today, I’m going to talk about the mass illegal immigration and its effect on American society. This summer the nation experienced a horrible murder in San Francisco. A young woman, Kate Steinle, was fatally shot by an illegal alien who had been deported five times already for various felonies. I wanted to deport him a sixth time, but was foiled in doing so by the San Francisco Sheriff, who alleged that this murderer should be let out.

As the country was trying to digest this information and what it meant for our immigration policies residents of Los Angeles, if they relied exclusively for their information from The Los Angeles Times, would have been largely clueless. Because The Los Angeles Times barely covered it. Only several days after Donald Trump had brought this to the national attention did the LA Times get around reporting what had happened and the underlying policy of sanctuary cities that led to it.

The unwillingness of The Los Angeles Times to report on this murder honestly is emblematic of how mass illegal immigration is distorting our cultural discourse and resulting in a whole series of taboos about what can be said in polite discourse.