We are witness to the most successful propaganda campaign ever waged. Each barbarity inflicted in the name of Islam provokes the political leaders of those killed and maimed to proclaim Islam as the Religion of Peace
“Dear Marje, I have had a very bad experience. Please tell me how I can guard against being beguiled and let down by foreign moustachioed gentlemen. Yours sincerely, Neville”
Dear Neville, There are two rules you must follow. First rule: don’t be taken in by sweet talkers, foreign or not, moustachioed or not. They are sometimes ravenous wolves in sheep’s clothing, if you will pardon me quoting scripture. Second rule: remember the first rule.” [Purportedly, this comes from the UK Daily Mirror files of Marjorie Proops, that doyen of agony aunt columnists]
Even Putin the Powerful recently called Islam “a great world religion.” Now, at the time, he was getting stuck into Erdogan for Islamizing Turkey and aiding terrorists so he isn’t totally off beam. Nonetheless, he is eligible to apply for honorary listing alongside most political leaders in the West who have said that Islam is both a great and a peaceful religion. With so much political clout vouchsafing its exalted status in the spiritual life of mankind, Islam must surely be the very model of a modern major theology. If not, then indeed extremely persuasive agitprop is at work in the theatre of politics and the media. And indeed it is.