Monday night’s Paul Murray Live on the Sky News channel treated viewers to footage of Hizb ut-Tahrir’s latest celebration of the endless injustices and indignities visited upon innocent Muslims, a presumptive expectation that they might like to sing the National Anthem the latest amongst them. At that same Muslims-as-victims powwow in Bankstown women were consigned to the purdah of seats at the rear of the auditorium, which prompted Murray to wonder at the lack of outrage from the sorts who cannot spot a sausage in the butcher’s window without being overcome by the urge to rail against the patriarchal phallocracy.
Murray might also have noted other of Hizb ut-Tahrir’s sins against progressive orthodoxy. After all, the Hizbees’ guest list was decidedly short on homosexuals, transsexuals and same-sex marriage activists. It is not as if their invitations were lost in the mail, as the organisation makes no bones about its disdain for anything other than carnality the way Allah prefers it.
Had the screed at the link above been penned by a Christian, much screaming and hissing would have ensued. Why the distinction?
Here’s a clue. Like the left, Hizb ut-Tahrir is none too keen on capitalism: