All cultures are equal, don’t you know?
Contributor and friend of Quadrant Michael Galak writes:
I do not want my children to be Eloi.
I have not been surprised or shocked by another massacre perpetrated by the Muslim terrorists in Paris. Sickened, disgusted and angered, but not surprised. I do not share “the deep shock” professed by Frau Merkel, Mr.Cameron and Messr. Holland. This trio of Western leaders has created the right atmosphere and conditions for the European jihadis to thrive.
Butchery is what jihadis do, it is their nature. They destroy, they maim and they kill. All in the name of the creed our leaders persist against all evidence in hailing as “the Religion of Peace”. In a sanctimonious rage against their own inability to function in the 21st century, these losers adopted the two most effective weapons of mass destruction: Islam and the Kalashnikov. The new barbarians appear suddenly from their underground, like the Morlocks of H.G. Wells’ Time Machine, to kill their Eloi prey — and then they disappear until the next time.
Why should Western leaders feel genuine shock and dismay? They are intelligent people, and they have long known that the real-world translation of the nostrums they sprout amount to “acquiescence”, “prostration” and “appeasement”. They knew as much for years yet dared not deviate from the pablum of their favoured dogma. It is their silence, their craven silence, that has brought on the Paris attacks and so many other similar calamities. Simply put, they found murder and mayhem preferable to facing a thorny truth.