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Ruth King



Despite Paris attack, Eagles of Death Metal to return to Israel

US rock band, whose concert was targeted by ISIS in a horrendous massacre Friday night, performed in Tel Aviv last July after defying BDS pressure and has promised to come back again this summer. During the Israel concert, frontman Jesse Hughes told the audience that the band had got a letter from former Pink Floyd frontman Roger Waters, asking them not to perform in the country. “And you wanna know what I wrote back? Two words: ‘F**k you. Ain’t nobody gonna keep me from my people here in Tel Aviv,” Hughes said.

Was Paris an Act of War? Yes, No, or Duck the Issue? By Bing West

In terms of population size, the 129 persons murdered in Paris were equivalent to losing 1,000 Americans in our nation’s capital. With echoes of 9/11, President Hollande declared the massacre an “act of war,” pledging to fight with “all the necessary means, and on all terrains, inside and outside, in coordination with our allies.” Allies include America. An attack on one member of NATO is an attack on all. France stood with us in Afghanistan. Will the U.S. join with France in going to war? And what does war mean?

President Obama’s Options. A few days ago, President Obama claimed that ISIS had been “contained.” Now the Islamists have called him out. He has no choice; he has to do something. He has three options.

Option 1. Do nothing, with a flourish. Given his track record of the past seven years, the odds are that he will create a fog of rhetoric and a thicket of high-level meetings, while substantive military actions will be slight. There will be an uptick in videos of laser-bomb strikes released by the White House. Public attention will fade after a few months.

Option 2. A defensive no-fly zone. The second option is to create a no-fly zone in northern Syria. To date, he has firmly declared that he will not do this. Our military would need substantial air-related assets, costing in the billions. The odds are overwhelming that both the Russians and Assad’s air force would stay away from the zone, not least because they stand no chance against our air.

However, a no-fly zone by itself is a defensive move that gets us into a war without the resolve or resources to win it. The zone would still be vulnerable to ground-based attacks. To prevent that and to apply pressure against ISIS, the allies would have to turn the zone into a forward operating base, moving in tanks, artillery, helicopter gunships, trainers, logistics, etc. To do that requires a major force numbering more than 10,000. At that point, the no-fly zone has morphed into a ground war.

Option 3. An Arab-NATO ground offensive. That brings us to Obama’s third option: pulling together a NATO-Sunni Arab coalition to prosecute a land campaign. By themselves, the rebels in Syria cannot destroy either the Assad regime or ISIS. A Sunni Arab army composed of forces from Egypt, Jordan, and the Gulf states, backed by American advisers and forward air controllers, is needed.

Democrats’ PC Refusal to Name ‘Radical Islam’ Betrays a Deeper Weakness By John Fund

During Saturday’s debate, all three Democratic presidential candidates refused to say that the U.S. was at war with “radical Islam.” They all bobbed and weaved as they tried to follow the PC line and avoid admitting that obvious fact.

“I don’t think we’re at war with Islam, I don’t think we’re at war with all Muslims, I think we’re at war with jihadists,” Hillary Clinton said. “You can talk about Islamists who clearly are also jihadists.” She went on to urge outreach to Muslim countries — ironically, many of which recognize that perverted strains of Islam are indeed at war with them and modernity itself.

Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley were equally unwilling to say the words “radical Islam,” and Sanders went so far as to claim that climate change was the greatest threat to U.S. security.

The charade led GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee to tweet out a message for the trio: “You’re all grown up now. You can do it. Three words. Ten syllables. Say it with me: ‘Radical Islamic terrorism.’”

After the debate, the Clinton camp stood its ground. Communications director Jennifer Palmieri told Yahoo News, “I think she was really clear that we don’t need to go to war. We don’t need to go to war with Islam. We’re going to war with extremists.” But CBS News debate moderator John Dickerson had made it clear he was not referring to all Muslims in his question, just “radical Islam.”

Paris, an atrocity foretold The capital of France was attacked. We are all next.By Adam Kirsch

NEW YORK — News of the terrorist attacks in Paris reached New York around sunset, as people rode home on buses and subways, and began to fill bars and restaurants. But the way such news breaks these days is no longer communal — we no longer have to gather around a ticker in Times Square or even a TV set showing CNN, as so many Americans remember doing on 9/11.

Now, we find out about tragedies first from our cell phones, one by one. The best way to follow the developing story was on Twitter, where eyewitnesses from Paris were being retweeted by journalists in the U.S. On Facebook, New Yorkers who had friends in Paris checked in to make sure they had survived.

There was grief, and horror, and fear — surely it is only a matter of time before the kind of coordinated terrorist attacks that have shaken Madrid and London, Mumbai and Paris, come to New York and Washington as well. What was missing — and this is a part of the horror — was any real sense of surprise.

If ever there was an atrocity foretold, it was these mass murders in Paris, following as they do on the Charlie Hebdo massacre and the Hyper Cacher killings at the beginning of the year.

Geoffrey Luck Slaughter by Koranic Command

It was all of 1400 years ago that Muhammad went to his Maker or some other entity prepared to accept receipt of his warlord’s soul, but the intolerant and expansionists babblings of the man who must surely rank as the world’s worst-ever neighbour draw blood now as then

We infidels are only just beginning to understand the flexibility of the Koran. There is a ready-made verse for every occasion – to prove the peacefulness of Islam or, more frequently, to proclaim the wrath and terrible vengeance of Allah to be visited on idolators and kafirs (despised unbelievers).

Most recently, Islamic State chose Al-Hashr:2, the 59th “exile surah” as the lesson for the day to headline its murderous attacks in Paris:

The Almighty said: “And they thought that their strongholds would defend them from the wrath of Allah! But Allah’s (wrath) reached them from a way whereof they expected it not, and He cast terror into their hearts so that they destroyed their own dwellings with their own hands and the hands of the believers. Then take admonition, O you with eyes to see.”

Merv Bendle Betrayed by Our Craven, Treasonous Elite

What the Paris atrocity reveals yet again is that the people our leaders are most worried about managing is us, not the local and imported jihadist cells and homicidal lone wolves who want nothing more than to achieve martyrdom by murdering infidels in job lots
Our leaders have failed us. Paris confirms it. Make no mistake, at the end of the day their loyalties lie not with the people who elected them, nor with the societies that they govern or the civilisation of the West that has dragged the world out of poverty and barbarism and onto the path of progress. What loyalty they possess is only to their own careers and ambitions and to the special-interest groups they serve.

The latest atrocity in Paris exemplifies this failure. The knee-jerk reaction of Malcolm Turnbull was to follow the lead of the predictably craven Barak Obama and mouth meaningless platitudes about “attacks on humanity” and other abstractions, carefully avoiding any real acknowledgement that the cowardly perpetrators of this latest episode of jihadist mass murder were Muslims and that the hideous ideology they follow is a widely accepted interpretation of Islam. Meanwhile, NSW Premier Mike Baird tried to demonstrate resolve by declaring that NSW was so outraged that authorities would fly a big French flag over the Harbour Bridge and bathe the Sydney Opera House in the Tricolour’s red, white and blue. The leadership of Islamic State must be shaking in their sandals at such a display of defiance and intestinal fortitude!

Christopher Carr Their Black Flag, Our White One

Why shouldn’t Islamists believe that just a few more bloody nudges will see the West teeter, topple and surrender the last of the values it has not already repudiated in the name of “diversity” and non-judgmental amity? If we won’t defend liberty’s core principles the game is as good as over

The shocking events in Paris should come as no surprise. The earlier massacre at the editorial office of Charlie Hebdo achieved strategically all that the Islamic Jihad would have desired. That was the climax of Stage I. Mission accomplished.

Hang on there, you may object. Yes, the massacre was awful, but then Charlie Hebdo had overstepped the bounds of polite discourse. Maybe those cartoonists and writers provoked the attack? This, so the reasoning goes, was a warning to others not to engage in “hate speech”, whatever that is supposed to mean. In Western countries, supposedly the bastions of free speech, the definition has been left in the hands of un-elected quasi-judicial bodies, which are ever-so-sensitive to the hurt feelings of Muslims. As we should recall, the staged march of solidarity on a Paris street by world leaders in the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo massacre included not only representatives from Islamic states committed to the advance of Sharia and the elimination of free speech, but also Western leaders, who despite their hypocritical protestations for the occasion had presided over a shrinkage of Western freedoms and values — curtailments of traditional liberties inflicted in the interests of appeasing a vocal and permanently aggrieved minority.

Latest Palestinian Innovations: The Grandmother-Terrorist, the Lone-Wolf Child While Israelis stand firm as ever against the barbarity. By David Hornik

Earlier this month a Palestinian tried to run over an Israeli soldier at a roadblock near Hebron in the West Bank. Other soldiers fired at the driver, who was wounded, taken to hospital, and died there.

It turns out that the Palestinian, Tharwat Ibrahim al-Sha’rawi, was a 72-year-old woman. The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC), in a report on the incident, says she was a mother of five, and it can safely be assumed that she was a grandmother as well.

Tharwat al-Sha’rawi was the widow of a terrorist killed by Israeli fire near Hebron in 1988, and a son-in-law of hers is a Hamas member now imprisoned in Israel. A knife was found in a bag inside the car she drove. And “two weeks before her death,” the ITIC notes,

Tharwat al-Sha’rawi wrote a will and spoke with her daughter Ihlam. She said the following: “I think I am going to die soon.… If I die, oh, Allah, let me die as a shaheeda and not in my bed” (Shasha.ps, November 8, 2015).

Even in the world of today’s terrorism, now very much in the spotlight after the Paris massacres, Tharwat al-Sha’rawi’s age and personal status would appear to make her unique.

Mizzou Black Studies Dept. Co-Sponsors Speaker Who Compares Israeli Jews to Nazis Daniel Swindell

Campus leftists promote bigotry and hate the same day the university president resigns.

On the same day that Missouri University (MU) President Timothy M. Wolfe resigned over “racism,” the MU Black Studies Department co-sponsored a lecture by David Sheen, a journalist who regularly compares Israelis to Nazis. The lecture was called “Racism in Israel.” The event was hosted by the MU Socialists, who posted the following description: “Remember the systematic racism experienced at Mizzou is part of the violent global system of white supremacy. Come to our event tomorrow night to learn more about connections between racism in Israel & racism on campus.” David Sheen is an anti-Zionist Israeli and an associate of Max Blumenthal, a notorious anti-Israel radical who has made comparing Israeli Jews to Nazis his career. The two were involved in an incident dubbed “Toiletgate” earlier this year when they chased a left-wing German politician into a toilet stall after he canceled a presentation they were slated to give in the German parliament. The MU Socialists have a history of anti-Israel events, and the lecture was sponsored by multiple groups. But, when I saw that the flyer read, “Sponsors: … Black Studies Dept,” I assumed the Black Studies Department was not fully informed about David Sheen.

Hillary Clinton 2014: We Must “Empathize” With Islamic Terrorists “Empathize with their perspective and point of view” Daniel Greenfield

At the Democratic debate, Hillary Clinton was asked about her outrageous comment from 2014 that Americans must empathize with the perspective of Islamic terrorists. Her answer was rambling and incoherent.

John Dickerson: The reason I ask is that you gave a speech at Georgetown University in which you said that it was important to show– quote– respect even for one’s enemy. Trying to understand and in so far as psychologically possible empathize with their perspective and point of view. Can you explain what that means in the context of this kind of barbarism?

Hillary Clinton: I think with this kind of barbarism and nihilism– it’s very hard to understand other than the lust for power, the rejection of (UNINTEL), the total disregard for human life– freedom or any other value that we know and– respect.

Gibberish, but here’s what Dickerson was asking about.

In a Georgetown talk in 2014, Hillary Clinton used the example of negotiations with the Islamic Moro Liberation Front, a vicious Islamic terrorist group allied with Al Qaeda that practices beheading, as an example of empathizing with the enemy.