Everything Obama has ever done in the White House – legally, illegally, criminally, in defiance of Americans and in defiance of his oath of office – with the assistance of Democrats and Republicans alike, has fit into his agenda to fundamentally “transform” this country from a semi-free country into authoritarian slave state, and “transform” it racially, economically, and politically.
I concluded “Raping the Swedish Corpse” on November 13th with this observation:
President Barack Obama has made a statement of consolation that sounds more like a sympathetic, almost congratulatory message to ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, and other Islamic terror groups. He sounded almost regretful that the destruction in Paris wasn’t wider and the casualties higher. That’s worth another column.
And here it is.
Obama could just as well have asked for a Garrison Keillor voice-over to deliver the condolences in Keillor’s trademark Minnesotan funereal voice. His manner was listless, insipid, almost as though he had just been awakened from a sound sleep, but still had to rouse himself to make the formulaic sounds of transparently insouciant grief. He stumbled hesitantly over the pronunciation of liberté, égalité, and fraternité, and often seemed to pause as though he had lost his place on the document he was reading from. But, style aside, let’s take a look at what he said.
Good evening, everybody. I just want to make a few brief comments about the attacks across Paris tonight. Once again, we’ve seen an outrageous attempt to terrorize innocent civilians. This is an attack not just on Paris, it’s an attack not just on the people of France, but this is an attack on all of humanity and the universal values that we share.
Paris was attacked by whom? And which values are “universal”? Those values can’t be so “universal” that the attackers also shared them.
We stand prepared and ready to provide whatever assistance that the government and the people of France need to respond. France is our oldest ally. The French people have stood shoulder to shoulder with the United States time and again. And we want to be very clear that we stand together with them in the fight against terrorism and extremism.
Whose “terrorism” and whose “extremism”? Has Obama’s fight against Islamic terrorism had any effect on ISIS or Al-Qaeda? To put it bluntly, Obama’s foreign policy overall resembles the plot from Ed Wood’s Plan 9 from Outer Space, with Hillary Clinton in the role of the Vampire Girl.