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Ruth King

Muslim Medical Staff Didn’t Save Rabbi Stabbed to Death Next to Clinic Daniel Greenfield

The medical team did not go out to provide treatment to the wounded

The media has tried to emphasize the role of Muslim medical personnel in treating Jewish victims some of the latest Muslim terror attacks.

The reality however is much less politically correct.

Health Minister Ya’akov Litzman (United Torah Judaism) ordered an investigation on Friday to check suspicions that Arab medical staff at a clinic in Jerusalem’s Old City did not go out to help Jewish victims, who were stabbed right next to the clinic.

The incident in question is the brutal murder of Aharon Banita Bennett (21) and Rabbi Nehemia Lavi (41), which took place on Hagai Street on October 3. Bennett’s wife was seriously wounded and his two-year-old son was lightly wounded in the Arab terrorist attack.

While Bennett’s wife’s condition has since improved, it is likely that immediate medical treatment could have lessened the seriousness of her wounds and possibly saved the life of her husband and of Rabbi Lavi, who was stabbed as he came to try and save the young couple and their son.

Human Roaches on the Move by Paul R. Hollrah

Never in our lifetime, not even during World War II, have the people of Planet Earth seen the potential for more human misery than they are now witness to. In Europe, the black peoples of Africa and the Muslims of the Middle East, Pakistan, and Afghanistan… many of them escaping war and starvation, others brutal savages intent upon spreading Islamic extremism… stream across the international frontiers of Britain, France, Germany, and other European countries.

All across the Middle East and Africa, we see daily reports of what passes for justice in their brutal primitive cultures. We see gang rapes administered as punishment; we see ritual beheadings of enemy captives; we see women, some as young as eight or nine years of age, kidnapped and sold into sex slavery; we see rape victims buried up to their necks and stoned to death; we see captured soldiers doused with gasoline and publicly burned to death; and we see prisoners locked in steel cages and submerged in tanks of water. In short, we are now witness to the most unimaginable variety of human cruelty and depravity at the hands of radical Islamists.

In Israel, we see young Palestinian Arabs roaming the streets of Jerusalem, attacking and stabbing Israeli pedestrians at random. We see Palestinians driving automobiles onto sidewalks, running down Israelis waiting at bus stops. And when Israeli police are attacked with knives and are shot to death, Obama administration officials charge the Israelis with “overreacting.”

Will Israel’s Arab sector impose on itself more homemade wretchedness?


The kneejerk response in Israel’s Arab sector is to declare general strikes to underscore what is hyped as “popular anger.”

The latest expression of such “anger” took place last week when throughout Israel’s Arab communities businesses shut down for a day. Doubtless many were forced to do so but the truth is that many others were willingly swept up in the well-orchestrated volatility.

What did they aim to achieve? Whom did they aim to hurt?

Surely they realized that they are only shooting themselves in the foot. Their strikes simply and serially fail to awe the mystified Jewish majority. The only effect strikes have, if any, is to hone even further the already deeply ingrained impression that this country’s Arabs side unequivocally with Israel’s existential and implacable foes.

To resort to extreme understatement, this in no way contributes to the cause of coexistence.

Hot on the heels of a spate attacks against Jewish civilians in nearly every nook of this country, the Arab general strike invariably helped establish an association – whether subliminal or conscious – between Arab businessmen and the recurrent stabbings, shootings, fire-bombings and rock-throwing.

American Bikers United Against Jihad — on The Glazov Gang


This special edition of The Glazov Gang was joined by Rami Lubranicki, an Israeli-born Jewish American and a proud American patriot. He is the creator of the group, American Bikers United Against Jihad.

He came on the show to discuss his group’s pro-American and pro-Israeli message, how it is educating the public about Sharia and Islamic Jihad, and its efforts to wake Americans up about the dire threat we face.


On September 13, 1993, Arafat and Rabin shook hands over the Oslo Accord in the Rose Garden. At the end of this September, the PLO’s Abbas finally officially disavowed the Oslo Accords.

The only reason the 80-year-old dictator of the PLO has a new $13 million palace, even while claiming to be short of funds, a $100 million bank account and a 1,000 member presidential guard is because of the same agreement with Israel that he just disavowed.

The PLO repeatedly violated that agreement by waging war against Israel. Its leaders, Arafat and Abbas, made a mockery of the negotiations. They sabotaged every opportunity to reach an agreement making it clear that they did not want a settlement and they did not want to negotiate.

Now Abbas has made it official. He disavowed the accords and set off a new intifada in which Muslims hack at Rabbis with meat cleavers or sink knives into the necks of teenage girls. Abbas lights the match and then plays the victim. He praises the “martyrs” who shoot toddlers and then his representative demands UN action.

Magnetic brain stimulation ‘reduces belief in God, prejudice toward immigrants’ (Huh? Medical thought control????)

Disabling certain areas of the brain with transcranial magnetic stimulation can reduce a person’s belief in God and negativity toward immigrants, claims a new study published in the journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience.Researchers found that TMS reduced subjects’ belief in God, angels and heaven.

The research is the result of a collaboration between researchers from the University of York in the UK and investigators from the University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA).

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a procedure currently used to treat depression. It works by using magnetic energy to stimulate nerve cells in areas of the brain involved in mood control.

In this latest study, however, Dr. Keise Izuma, of the Department of Psychology at the University of York, and colleagues set out to test TMS on another brain region: the posterior medial frontal cortex, involved in detecting and solving problems.

Refugee Crisis: More Horrors To Come: Paul Johnson

THE REFUGEE ISSUE has deep historical roots that go back to the 14th century. The Black Death killed up to half the population of Europe, but it led to a concentration of efforts to make childbearing safer, which, in due course, gave rise to the first hints of the population explosion to follow.

In the 16th century Europeans began traveling all over the world, and it wasn’t long before they started settling abroad. This colonization process wasn’t prompted merely by a spirit of adventure and the quest for gold, silver and other precious commodities but by the need for Europe’s growing population to find jobs. The trend intensified until the mid-20th century. The whole of the Americas and Australasia, parts of South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa were thus colonized. Argentina’s population doubled within 20 years, thanks mostly to Italian and Spanish immigrants, including the parents of Pope Francis.

Kerry Says Climate Change Made the Syrian Civil War Worse By Rick Moran

Secretary of State John Kerry told an audience at the Milan Expo that while climate change didn’t cause the Syrian civil war, the drought associated with it aggravated the circumstances.

Washington Examiner:

“Make no mistake: The implications here extend well beyond hunger,” Kerry said, according to an Associated Press report. “This isn’t only about global food security; it’s about global security — period.”

Violence in Syria under the regime of President Bashar Assad has resulted in the mass migration of millions of immigrants into Europe, straining resources there. Kerry said that the already-bad situation under the regime was worsened by climate change and the resulting drought and food shortage.

“I’m not suggesting the crisis in Syria was caused by climate change — obviously, it wasn’t,” Kerry said in the speech. “It was caused by a brutal dictator who barrel-bombed, starved, tortured and gassed his own people. But the devastating drought clearly made a bad situation a lot worse.”

Is Obama as Bad as Carter? No, He’s Worse Posted By Tyler O’Neil

Conservatives have long attacked President Barack Obama by comparing him with Jimmy Carter. Obama seemed to be following in Carter’s footsteps, becoming a failure both at home and abroad. That comparison is mistaken, however. Obama is far worse than Carter.

“I think of Jimmy Carter as the good old days,” said former ambassador and American Enterprise Institute senior fellow John Bolton [1].

In the late 1970s, Carter came to represent American weakness abroad and decline at home, from the Iran hostage crisis to the terrifying effects of “stagflation.” The late Obama years have seen the rise of the Islamic State (ISIS), Russia’s posturing in Ukraine and Syria, and a tremendously sluggish “recovery” with low labor participation rates.

In Carter’s last years, however, he changed course — beginning the policies which, under his successor Ronald Reagan, would reinvigorate both the economy and American presence around the world. By this measure, Carter achieved a much better legacy, and Obama would be hard-pressed to catch up.

Hillary deploys her ultimate weapon — her cackle — to deflect serous question on emails By Thomas Lifson

Jake Tapper did not get a chance to question Democrats in their first presidential debate, for some reason, even though he was chosen by CNN for the GOP debate the network broadcast. Perhaps as a consolation prize, he was able to get a one-on-one sit-down interview with Hillary Clinton, and asked her about her email scandal. Before he could even finish his question, she deployed her most feared weapon, the extended cackle-laugh.

It was a remarkably inappropriate response to a serious question about national security. But it served its purpose, which was to evade a serious answer and signal to her supporters that these questions are not worthy of a response.

Will she deploy the cackle when questioned by the House Special Committee on Benghazi next week? My guess is that she will, and I suspect that members of the Committee will have appropriate responses if she does literally laugh in their faces.