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Ruth King

Obama’s Corrupt and Immoral Abuse of the Military By Jonathan Keiler

Barack Obama’s decision to send American special forces to Syria is not only hypocritical, but also a corrupt and immoral abuse of his powers as commander-in-chief.

This is not a comment on his circumvention of Congress, which is something that most modern American presidents have done at one time or another with respect to military engagements abroad. Rather, in Obama’s case – uniquely in American history – we have a president who puts Americans in harm’s way for no evident reason other than personal political calculations.

The insertion of fifty U.S. special-forces troops into Syrian peril, whether to serve as “non-combatant” advisors or something more, has been undertaken without any reasonable hope of meaningful military success or of advancing American interests. It is simply a political ploy, so obvious that no right-thinking American, on the right or the left, ought to countenance it, including the military officers charged with executing the mission.

Were this Obama’s only foray into meaningless and dangerous military policy, it might be excused as a rookie mistake or a well-meaning misapplication of power. But Obama has been president for seven years, and he has consistently abused the American military in ways that violate accepted principles of warfighting and application of power. In Afghanistan, Obama senselessly surged American forces and sent soldiers and Marines into some of the toughest fights of the war, with haphazardly selected force levels and without any plan or commitment to stick it out or produce a victory. The deaths and maiming of thousands of American troops in Afghanistan during Obama’s watch is a stain on his presidency.

Sweden: Sex Change for Children by Ingrid Carlqvist *****

Young Swedes are not allowed to vote until they are 18, and they cannot buy alcohol until they are 20, but plans are now being made to allow children as young as 12 years old to apply to have their legal gender changed.

Yes, the report actually says, “No one should have to go through any kind of medical or psychological treatment…” Nowhere in the report was there any mention of the suicide risk or any other negative aspects of mutilating healthy adolescents. The purpose of the investigation seems to be to pave the way for new legislation, not on the best interests of the children.

Activists are allowed to use the classrooms to propagandize against so-called heteronormativity and to promote all kinds of sexual expressions — except heterosexuality. One cannot but wonder if this school campaign has led to a record number of kids seeking treatment for gender dysphoria.

Studies “show that 70-80% of children who had expressed transgender feelings, over time “spontaneously lost those feelings.” — Paul R. Mc Hugh, Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Maryland, USA

Although Swedes are shocked that many immigrant girls are subjected to female genital mutilation (FGM), the Swedish government plans to allow hospitals to cut away the perfectly healthy genitals of children who believe they belong to the opposite sex. In 2011, a Swedish study done by Karolinska Institutet showed that the suicide rate among post-op transgender people is far higher than that of the general population. Other studies show that 70%-80% of kids suffering from gender dysphoria lose these feelings after a few years.

Germany: “20 Million Muslims by 2020” by Soeren Kern

“We are importing Islamic extremism, Arab anti-Semitism, national and ethnic conflicts of other peoples, as well as a different understanding of society and law.” — From a leaked German intelligence document.

“We need to be clear that there must be limits and quotas for immigration — we cannot save the whole world.” — Markus Söder, Finance Minister of Bavaria.

“The migration crisis has the potential to destabilize governments, countries and the whole European continent. … What we have been facing is not a refugee crisis. This is a migratory movement composed of economic migrants, refugees and also foreign fighters” — Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

“Meanwhile, refugees are still heading into Germany — at a rate of around 10,000 a day. … The decade after Ms. Merkel first came to power in 2005 now looks like a blessed period for Germany, in which the country was able to enjoy peace, prosperity and international respect, while keeping the troubles of the world at a safe distance. That golden era is now over.” — Gideon Rachman, Financial Times.

Germany’s Muslim population is set to nearly quadruple to an astonishing 20 million within the next five years, according to a demographic forecast by Bavarian lawmakers.

The German government expects to receive 1.5 million asylum seekers in 2015, and possibly even more in 2016. After factoring in family reunifications — based on the assumption that individuals whose asylum applications are approved will subsequently bring an average of four additional family members to Germany — that number will swell exponentially. This is in addition to the 5.8 million Muslims already living in Germany

Will Iran Walk Away from Nuclear Deal? by Lawrence A. Franklin

The world powers are now experiencing what it means to negotiate with Persian theocrats. All is negotiable; nothing is ever finally decided. Words never commit one to action.

Iran demands right to implement a phased plan of centrifuge expansion to 150,000 over a period of 15 years.

Iran demands that no sanctions are to be leveled against it because of alleged support for terrorism or human rights violations.

Iran demands that it must be free to explore all future advances in nuclear enrichment technology.

The world powers are now experiencing what it means to negotiate with Persian theocrats. All is negotiable; nothing is ever finally decided. Words never commit one to action. Changing circumstances vitiate the substance of any prior commitment, leaving the door open to additional demands. Although the Islamic Republic insists that it be recognized as a normal member of the international community, it will continue to behave as if it is not bound by global norms.

John O’Sullivan A Remarkable Feat of Fact-Checking

The scathing eye that The Associated Press cast over Hillary Clinton’s latest deceptions will make for an interesting election season if it marks the birth of a trend. Here’s to the hope, a faint one, that the lure of a good story trumps Big Media’s leftist orthodoxy
Only hours after the first Democratic debate closed on October 13, the Associated Press fact-checkers issued their analysis of a random sample of the lies told by the two leading candidates, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. This exercise was charitably described in the headline as “Clinton, Sanders revise history”. But it was weightier than the catalogue of minor errors that usually constitutes media fact-checking.

It pointed first to shameless and serious denials of the truth, such as Mrs Clinton’s claims that she had not reversed herself on the Trans-Pacific Partnership. For some years she has been praising the trade agreement (which she helped to negotiate) as “the gold standard” of such deals. In the debate before a highly-partisan and unionised Democrat audience, however, she switched, claiming with a straight face merely that she had “hoped” it would be the gold standard but that, alas and alack …

The Slow-Motion Implosion of ObamaCare I see firsthand in my company why not enough people are signing up and premiums are rising. By Andy Puzder

Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell announced recently that she expects 10 million people to be enrolled in health-care coverage through ObamaCare’s exchanges by the end of next year. What she didn’t mention was that in March of last year the Congressional Budget Office predicted that 21 million people would be enrolled in 2016—more than double the new estimate.

The administration says the difference can be explained away: For instance, fewer companies dropped coverage than expected, thus fewer employees are migrating from employer-sponsored plans to the exchanges. “We haven’t seen much of a shift at all,” Richard Frank, a health and human services assistant secretary, told USA Today.

But the question isn’t where Americans are getting health insurance. It is whether ObamaCare will provide more Americans with affordable insurance for decades to come.

Supporters credit ObamaCare with helping nine million uninsured Americans find coverage in 2014. But a new paper from the Heritage Foundation, however, suggests that nearly all of the increase came from adding nearly nine million people to the Medicaid rolls.

Obama hampering investigation of Hillary Clinton until after Election Day : Jim Kouri

The White House is conducting a full-court press to stop the releasing of emails between President Barack Obama and his former Secretary of State , and now the Democratic Party’s presidential heir apparent, Hillary Clinton. According to reports in Washington, D.C., news outlets, the White House is claiming they are required to keep presidential communications confidential at least until a president exits the White House at the end of his or her term.

While the majority of print and broadcast news media all but ignore the information emanating from the drip-by-drip release of Clinton emails, on Friday the State Department released another batch of Hillary Clinton’s emails from her tenure as top diplomat. However, the White House will not allow the release of emails between Obama and Clinton even if some are communications between the two regarding the Benghazi terrorist attack in 2012.

Merkel, Mugabe, and Me :: Posted by Edward Cline

“Me” being President Barack Obama.

Gates of Vienna ran a perceptive piece by an anonymous Norwegian blogger, The Observer, on the ongoing and deliberate destruction of Europe. In “Zimbabwe on the Rhine” he compares the conscious dismantling of a nation by German Chancellor Angela Merkel with the conscious and blatantly racist dismantling of Rhodesia-Zimbabwe by Robert Mugabe, its sole “president,” “head of state,” and dictator since 1987.

He contends that what Mugabe did to Zimbabwe was treason, and what Merkel is doing to Germany is likewise treason. He offers a definition of treason, writing:

Because we have to be honest and call things by their proper names, and what is going on in Europe at the moment can only be referred to as cold hard treason. There is no other way to describe it and still expect to be taken seriously by any rational individual. If you do a quick Google search of the “The legal definition of treason” you get this:

“The betrayal of one’s own country by waging war against it or by consciously or purposely acting to aid its enemies”.

As the above example shows, the term “treason” isn’t difficult to explain, nor is it hard to put into words. One doesn’t have to be a lawyer or well-versed in the legal jargon of the judicial system to understand its significance. It is very straightforward, and it can be condensed down into a sentence of merely twenty-one words, which of course means that no individual can justify their treason by maintaining that they didn’t fully comprehend the legal definition of their crime.


One of the first things that comes to mind when observing current events in Europe today — and especially since Angela Merkel and the rest of the top echelon of the EU decided to go all out and demolish the already leaking floodgates that were originally put in place to keep Europe safe from aggressive third world Lebensraum jihad — is this: how far is a leader allowed to go in destroying his or her country before someone finally steps in and says “Enough is enough”? Are there any limits as to what they can and cannot do?

Judging by the mass insanity that seems to have gripped the continent and the daily destruction and irreparable damage caused to nations and societies that date back several thousands years the answer has to be a resounding NO! There are no limits, only the leader’s imagination or the lack thereof determines the degree of destruction and treason that he or she is allowed to inflict upon their nations.

Hillary Clinton’s rogue agenda: Why Sid Blumenthal matters By Micah Morrison

After the media inexplicably dubbed Hillary Rodham Clinton the “winner” of the Benghazi hearings, her apologists dismissed a line of questioning into her unofficial adviser, Sidney Blumenthal.

So he was sending her e-mail offering advice on Libya and other matters of state. In the immortal words of Clinton at an earlier Benghazi hearing, “What difference does it make?”

It matters because Clinton flouted President Obama’s authority, secretly employing a man the administration had banned — then Clinton and Blumenthal pursued a rogue agenda often motivated by political favors and payoffs for friends.

Blumenthal was an aide to President Bill Clinton from 1997 to 2001 and one of his most reliable hatchet men. Luca Brasi without the charm, Blumenthal had smeared Monica Lewinsky, Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, Republicans — and, when the time came, presidential candidate Barack Obama himself. His nickname: “Sid Vicious.”

E-mails show Hillary Clinton wanted him hired at State. But still smarting from Blumenthal’s attacks during the campaign, the administration nixed the appointment.