Anne in Petah Tikva is an Israeli likely none of us know or have ever heard of. But she has a story to tell about life in Israel these days. And her ultimate message is one that should resonate with every American.
Writing for Legal Insurrection, Anne reports that she, like many Israelis, is feeling “furious, angry, frightened and frustrated.” She railed against the government, the Arabs in the Knesset, and about the refusal to recognize that this is a war with Islam. She also talked about the struggle to balance one’s fears with the need to go about living a normal life, as she recalls life during the second Intifada.
She also wrote of shock and disgust at the ceaseless brainwashing of generation after generation of “Palestinians” to hate Jews.
I find it profoundly depressing, almost nauseating, to realize that with the indoctrination by the Palestinian education system. Their accommodating media pushes yet another generation of Palestinian children into vicious and unreasonable Jew-hatred, there is not a chance in hell of us ever reaching any kind of workable way for the two nations to live in an armed truce if not peace in our little country.