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Ruth King

Refugee Crisis: More Horrors To Come: Paul Johnson

THE REFUGEE ISSUE has deep historical roots that go back to the 14th century. The Black Death killed up to half the population of Europe, but it led to a concentration of efforts to make childbearing safer, which, in due course, gave rise to the first hints of the population explosion to follow.

In the 16th century Europeans began traveling all over the world, and it wasn’t long before they started settling abroad. This colonization process wasn’t prompted merely by a spirit of adventure and the quest for gold, silver and other precious commodities but by the need for Europe’s growing population to find jobs. The trend intensified until the mid-20th century. The whole of the Americas and Australasia, parts of South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa were thus colonized. Argentina’s population doubled within 20 years, thanks mostly to Italian and Spanish immigrants, including the parents of Pope Francis.

Kerry Says Climate Change Made the Syrian Civil War Worse By Rick Moran

Secretary of State John Kerry told an audience at the Milan Expo that while climate change didn’t cause the Syrian civil war, the drought associated with it aggravated the circumstances.

Washington Examiner:

“Make no mistake: The implications here extend well beyond hunger,” Kerry said, according to an Associated Press report. “This isn’t only about global food security; it’s about global security — period.”

Violence in Syria under the regime of President Bashar Assad has resulted in the mass migration of millions of immigrants into Europe, straining resources there. Kerry said that the already-bad situation under the regime was worsened by climate change and the resulting drought and food shortage.

“I’m not suggesting the crisis in Syria was caused by climate change — obviously, it wasn’t,” Kerry said in the speech. “It was caused by a brutal dictator who barrel-bombed, starved, tortured and gassed his own people. But the devastating drought clearly made a bad situation a lot worse.”

Is Obama as Bad as Carter? No, He’s Worse Posted By Tyler O’Neil

Conservatives have long attacked President Barack Obama by comparing him with Jimmy Carter. Obama seemed to be following in Carter’s footsteps, becoming a failure both at home and abroad. That comparison is mistaken, however. Obama is far worse than Carter.

“I think of Jimmy Carter as the good old days,” said former ambassador and American Enterprise Institute senior fellow John Bolton [1].

In the late 1970s, Carter came to represent American weakness abroad and decline at home, from the Iran hostage crisis to the terrifying effects of “stagflation.” The late Obama years have seen the rise of the Islamic State (ISIS), Russia’s posturing in Ukraine and Syria, and a tremendously sluggish “recovery” with low labor participation rates.

In Carter’s last years, however, he changed course — beginning the policies which, under his successor Ronald Reagan, would reinvigorate both the economy and American presence around the world. By this measure, Carter achieved a much better legacy, and Obama would be hard-pressed to catch up.

Hillary deploys her ultimate weapon — her cackle — to deflect serous question on emails By Thomas Lifson

Jake Tapper did not get a chance to question Democrats in their first presidential debate, for some reason, even though he was chosen by CNN for the GOP debate the network broadcast. Perhaps as a consolation prize, he was able to get a one-on-one sit-down interview with Hillary Clinton, and asked her about her email scandal. Before he could even finish his question, she deployed her most feared weapon, the extended cackle-laugh.

It was a remarkably inappropriate response to a serious question about national security. But it served its purpose, which was to evade a serious answer and signal to her supporters that these questions are not worthy of a response.

Will she deploy the cackle when questioned by the House Special Committee on Benghazi next week? My guess is that she will, and I suspect that members of the Committee will have appropriate responses if she does literally laugh in their faces.

An Islamist Intifada By Jonathan F. Keiler

The current Palestinian Arab “uprising” against Israel appears to be a mostly Islamist offensive, not different in any significant ideological way from radical Islamist movements like ISIS, al-Qaeda, and Hezb’allah. The idea that it is motivated by Israeli policies, the stalled “peace process,” or Palestinian Arab nationalism is nothing but propaganda, and the laziness and bias of the international press and political classes.

The violence is motivated by the Palestinian Authority’s deliberate agitation , which knowingly taps into the Arab masses deep-seated hatred of Jews and other infidels. The Authority has a parochial interest in diverting the attention of the masses from its own corruption and incompetence. It also wants to insulate itself against its Hamas rival in Gaza, which correctly sees the Authority for the hapless and rotten organization it is and would replace it with an incompetent and corrupt Islamist entity in the West Bank.

What neither the Palestinian Authority nor Hamas wants is independence, having rejected every opportunity to create a viable Palestinian Arab state. The Authority, like all Palestinian Arab leadership since the 1930s, has rejected every opportunity to create a Palestinian state, despite claiming that purpose. Correspondingly, Gaza is already a wholly independent Palestinian territory, but Hamas also laughably still claims it is “occupied” by Israel. This patently idiotic assertion is nonetheless accepted as truth by the international left, many governments, and most likely the current occupant of the White House.

Climate Change and Leftist Hypocrisy By Bruce Walker

Nothing exposes the cynical hypocrisy of the left more than its jihadist attitude toward the dubious theory of man-made global warming. The phoniness and selfishness of the left show up in several different ways.

The left pronounces manmade global warming “settled science” but then insists that we continue to spend billions of dollars in climate change research. If it is truly settled science, then we need to spend no more money at all on research, and if this supposed dire threat requires immediate action by governments, then even research on the best way to contain climate change is unnecessary.

Scientific research has value when there are “schools of thought” in science. If some scientists doubt climate change and others believe that climate change is global cooling and others think that any climate change is natural and not man-made – and if there are others who believe in man-made global warming – then there is a purpose and a value to research.

What climate change research really means is the heavy-handed use of taxpayer-funded leftist totalitarianism in the institutional bureaucracies of academia, whose sole purpose is to propagandize the gullible with specious reasoning, with the heavy stamp of “Official Science.”

Kurds Ask for Peace, Turkey Attacks by Uzay Bulut

Just after the bombing attack in Ankara, Turkish authorities said that the Islamic State (ISIS) was responsible. But in response, Turkish jets did not bomb ISIS; they bombed the Kurdish PKK, who are fighting ISIS.

Where were the special forces and the police, so quick to shoot Kurds but not protect them? The police delayed medical help, and instead attacked with tear gas the people that were helping the wounded, in an effort to disperse them.

“The PKK ceasefire means nothing for us. The operations will continue without a break.” — Senior Turkish security official.

“Ankara is the capital of Turkey. If a bird flies here, the state knows about it. … There was a rally of 100,000 people but no security precautions were taken. Look at their own rallies: the security precautions start 10 streets away.” — Selahattin Demirtas, co-chairman of the Kurdish HDP Party.

Many massacres have been carried out against the Kurds. None of the perpetrators has ever been punished — in those massacres, the planners were the state authorities themselves.

On October 10, the Kurds in Turkey were exposed to yet another massacre – this time a double suicide bombing in Ankara, the capital of Turkey, in the center of town.

This time, two explosions ripped through a peaceful crowd that had gathered outside the entrance to Ankara’s central railway station to proclaim an end to violence in a “Labor, Peace and Democracy” rally.

Together with the Kurds were officials from the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP); supporters of left-wing parties, and members of trade unions in Turkey — all calling for peace and democracy.[1]

Women of Courage Betrayed by U.S. and the Media by George Phillips

Berta Soler, and the other “Ladies in White” have been ignored by the Obama Administration — bypassed year after year. These and and countless other brave women who are also human rights leaders — often falsely accused of crimes, and who are currently suffering in Iranian prisons — should be recognized as Women of Courage, but remain sidelined by the U.S. goverment, the media, and most notably by women’s groups.

Why are we not only failing to help them but instead, washing our hands of them?

Disingenuously, Obama keeps repeating that his deal will “prevent” Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons — when the deal clearly empowers Iran to get them.

Pope Francis, on his recent trip to Cuba, failed to embrace publicly the world famous “Ladies in White” (“Damas de Blanco”) — the wives and relatives of Cuba’s jailed dissidents.

“Ladies in White” was formed by Berta Soler in 2003 after 75 human rights activists and journalists were sent to prison by the Cuban government. The men in their family had been jailed for being activists. The “Ladies in White” were peacefully calling for their release.

Israel’s conquest by Islam: a new attempt that fails (Google translation of column) by Jean Patrick Grumberg

Israel’s conquest by Islam: a new attempt that fails
My title does not say “wave of violence” between Palestinians and Israelis. Neither conflict for the creation of a Palestinian state. Neither third intifada or Palestinian youths despair.
Because it is the invasion of the world by Islam. Feel at home in Europe as a peaceful form. In Israel, the invasion fails.
This morning, the Israeli army fired at a Palestinian who was trying to stab a Jewish citizen in the city of Hebron illegally occupied by the Palestinians. The barbaric terrorist is dead.

Just a few minutes, around 8:30, a Muslim terrorist was killed by a policeman. By the time the officer asked him his ID, the Muslim took out a knife to hit the policeman who fired.

Internationally, Israel raises its voice

Jim Kouri: Edward Snowden to Hillary Clinton: “Your email statements are totally ridiculous “

“Snowden told reporters that it is totally ridiculous for anyone to believe that Clinton’s emails were safe from cyber attacks, and that it’s okay if anyone wishes to use his educated viewpoint in any critique of Hillary Clinton’s email scandal.”

Presidential wannabe Hillary Clinton told an audience during a “staged” town hall in New Hampshire on Friday that the now infamous National Security Agency (NSA) fugitive Edward Snowden should voluntarily come back to the United States and explain his reasons for stealing and then leaking highly classified documents especially while he lived in Russia.

One of the audience members had asked Clinton if she believed Snowden is a “patriot” or a “traitor” for revealing classified government data, but with the skill of a politician she failed to answer but did claim she questioned his motives. I think we need to continue the balance on civil liberties, privacy, and security — it’s always a challenge,” Clinton said, in the midst of being the subject of an FBI investigation into her own alleged breaches of national security.

“Because he took valuable information and went first to China and then is now under the protection of Vladimir Putin, I think that raises a lot of questions about everything else he did. So I do not think he should escape having to return and answer for what he has done,” she told the carefully screened audience.