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Ruth King

#BlackLivesMatter Riot Leader Deray McKesson Promotes Ethics of Looting to Yale Students : Jim Hoft !!!! see note please

If they fail will they be forced to take Remedial Looting????rsk

Deray McKesson and Johnetta Elzie (ShordeeDooWhop) are credited with being the founders of the #BlackLivesMatter movement. The two were the lead agitators at the Ferguson and Baltimore riots.

The two Soros-sponsored leftists leave a wake of destruction behind them: hundreds of businesses looted and burned to the ground – hundreds of arrests – the destruction of minority neighborhoods.

The left rewarded their “accomplishments.”
The left loves their race agitation.
The left believes their work is not done.

The Palestinian Authority’s Spellbinding Spreadsheets by Sarah Honig

…The PA’s own paperwork shows unambiguously that tens of millions of dollars are shelled out every month to imprisoned terrorists and to their relations – at a time in which Abbas moans that Ramallah can’t make ends meet. It’s the same Abbas who poses as a frustrated peace-partner but cannot bring himself to condemn the premeditated stabbings of Israelis by his own incited henchmen. The impression he deliberately imparts is that terror convicts and/or casualties were arbitrarily and unjustly martyred. The latest crop of Abbas’s homegrown killers likewise expects to be officially celebrated as idols instead of castigated as villains.

Here clearly are comprehensive
statistics that illustrate exactly
how the PA uses its resources.

One of the most significant recent scoops came from Israel Radio’s Palestinian affairs correspondent, Gal Berger, who managed to lay his hands on actual Palestinian Authority spreadsheets that show precisely which convicted terrorist behind-Israeli-bars is subsidized and to what tune by the Palestinian Authority.

US aviator who fought for nascent state of Israel, dies at 92

After WWII, torpedo bomber pilot Leon Frankel traveled to Palestine in 1948 and flew 25 missions in the early years of the Israel Air Force.

Leon Frankel, an American aviator whose exploits fighting for the nascent State of Israel were featured in a documentary, has died at age of 92.

Frankel, who died Oct. 7 in his native Minnesota, had his exploits spotlighted in the 2014 film “Above and Beyond,” which describes the beginnings of the Israel Air Force.

Trained as a torpedo bomber pilot during World War II, Frankel took off in February 1945 from the aircraft carrier USS Lexington for the first US Navy raid on Tokyo. In a subsequent raid he was instrumental in sinking a Japanese cruiser and protecting his squadron commander, whose plane was badly damaged.

For his actions, Frankel was recognized with the Navy Cross, two Distinguished Flying Crosses, three Air Medals and two Presidential Citations.

In 1948, with the Jewish state about to declare its independence, Frankel traveled clandestinely to Israel. He joined the country’s first fighter squadron and flew 25 missions, ironically in the Czech version of Nazi Germany’s famed Messerschmidt-109.

He explained his motivation to fight for Israel in a letter last year to the Minneapolis StarTribune, responding to an Op-Ed column that labeled Frankel and his fellow volunteers as “American jihadists.”

“I could not stand idly by, with my experience, while a second Holocaust loomed, with the Arab nations telling the world they were going to destroy the Jewish state,” Frankel wrote.

Frankel later established a car dealership, married and eventually settled in Minnetonka, Minnesota.

Molotov cocktail lobbed at 2 Israeli students in Midtown By Michael Gartland, Amber Sutherland and Daniel Prendergast

A Molotov cocktail was hurled at two Israeli rabbinical students as they walked in Midtown, and cops are investigating the incident as a possible hate crime, said law-enforcement sources and witnesses Sunday.

The unidentified attacker hurled a glass Snapple bottle filled with some type of accelerant at Yosef Rachimi and Yisrael Gadasi, both 19, near the corner of West 37th Street and Ninth Avenue around 1:30 p.m. Friday, sources said.

“I’m in complete shock,” Rachimi told The Post through a translator Sunday. “In 2015, an explosive bottle was thrown at a Jew in the streets of New York.”

Homeland–Once Obama’s Favorite Show–Takes Hard Line on Radical Islam by Wynn Marlow

The fifth season of Showtime’s spy thriller Homeland premiered last Sunday night. Once President Obama’s favorite TV show, this episode is downright contemptuous of U.S. — read Obama’s — foreign policy as regards the Middle East and Syria in particular. For someone who refuses to utter the words “Radical Islam,” Homeland is highly unlikely to be Must See TV.

The scene that would have tipped Obama’s Palace Guard to suggest he join Michelle and the girls for an episode of Modern Family rather than watch the new Homeland involves the character Peter Quinn (Rupert Friend).

The hardened yet haunted CIA black-ops specialist is summoned before a conference table full of Intelligence brass to explain what he’s been up to in Syria the past two years.


From e-pal Sol Sanders…..
A TRUE STORY, NOT KNOWN BY MANY . . .This short video (an ad for an upcoming documentary) holds the key to Israel ‘s survival as a nation back in May 1948. The Arab nations were within 10 miles of Tel Aviv, with a 10,000 man force, ready to totally destroy the new country of Israel
The only FOUR (4) Airplanes Israel had when the War of Independence (May 1948) began were smuggled in from Czech Republic . They were German Messerschmitt bf-109’s. They were assembled overnight in Tel Aviv and were never flight tested.

This is a short video about their pilots. Watch it. You will not be disappointed.


Does the PA have a strategy?‎Richard Baehr

A third intifada has not yet been officially designated by Haaretz or The New York ‎Times or National Public Radio, though it may feel as if one is underway, when ‎over 60% of Israelis in the latest public opinion survey say they now fear for their ‎personal safety. So too, there is no evidence yet that the wave of Palestinian ‎attacks or — new to this current campaign — the attempted mass crossings from Gaza, ‎have peaked. ‎

Certainly, the reporting on the current events in Israel reflects old habits about ‎how most journalists cover stories of Palestinian violence and Israeli responses. ‎Two standbys always work. One if that there is “a cycle of violence” ( a pox on both ‎your houses), always leaving unclear who the original perpetrators were in an ‎individual attack or group of attacks. A second is to keep a daily scorecard of the ‎comparative body counts, especially when there are more Palestinian casualties ‎and fatalities than Israeli, courtesy of Israeli police or soldiers responding to ‎stabbing attacks, not all of which prove lethal before the attacker is neutralized. ‎This narrative leads to the inevitable charge of disproportionality, one that has ‎become the principal media assault on Israeli responses to terror emanating from ‎Gaza in recent years. As in every other instance in recent years, Haaretz is playing ‎its appointed role of feeding the many international journalists in the country with ‎the “truth in English” as it sees it, and as the international media want to receive ‎and see it, confirming all their established biases about Israel behavior.

New book offers more evidence of Clinton criminality : Jerome Corsi

NEW YORK – The Clinton Foundation scandals form a centerpiece of investigative journalist Ed Klein’s new book on Hillary Clinton, “Unlikeable: The Problem with Hillary,” providing additional support to the series of articles published by WND reporting Wall Street analyst and investor Charles Ortel’s research alleging the Clinton Foundation is a “vast criminal conspiracy.”

Klein discloses that an FBI investigation regarding Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server when she was secretary of state also includes a probe into conflicts of interest in the Clinton Foundation’s acceptance of foreign donations while she was secretary of state.

Klein believes Michelle Obama and Valerie Jarrett were behind Obama’s decision to launch the FBI investigation.

“Both Michelle and Val thought that the FBI and the Justice Department should be ordered by the president to investigate the Clintons’ conflict of interest,” Klein wrote. “Valerie argued that Hillary had deliberately lied to the president about not taking foreign donations for the foundation while she was secretary of state, and that she had ignored warnings about the use of her private email account.”

The Palestinian Intifada Turns into a Religious War :Fiamma Nierenstein

Il Giornale

Spurred by a lie, namely that the Al Aqsa Mosque is in danger and that Israel wants to destroy the status quo, violence is escalating in Israel. Fatah’s leadership is capitalizing on such a lie: despite the enormous mess in Syria, the whole Islamic world must set now its sights on the tired Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But this is also a dangerous lie, as it lights the fuse of religious fanaticism and brings the confrontation further away from any political solution. After that dozens of people were hit in a week by stones and knives that made dead and wounded, the stabbings on Friday have been three: a 14 year old boy was injured in Jerusalem, an Israeli Arab woman has been hit in Afula to the north, and a soldier on guard was assaulted in Kiryat Arba.

In turn, a deranged young Jew wounded three Arabs in the city of Dimona out of personal revenge. The act was immediately condemned by Netanyahu. At the border with Gaza, while Ismail Haniyeh recognized the participation of Hamas in the clashes, the army killed seven Palestinians attempting to go into Israel amid a demonstration of four hundred people. Heniyeh asked his people to go and pursue terrorist attacks inside Israel, and some tenths succeeded in entering the border.

The Pope’s new ‘comedic advisor’ is a rabbi By Alison Moore

The Pope has a new comedic advisor… and he’s a rabbi. Rabbi Robert “Bob” Alper was just named as the Pope’s comedic advisor.

Rabbi Robert Alper, who prefers to go by Bob, is 70 years old and lives with his wife in the rural town East Dorset, Vermont. “It used to be Alpert, but we dropped the T at a party in Boston,” the rabbi told PBS NewsHour in a phone interview.Rabbi Alper was one of more than 4,000 people from 47 different countries who submitted jokes through a digital contest organized by the Pontifical Missions Society called Joke With the Pope. The contest was designed to promote engagement with the Pope leading up to his visit to the U.S.