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Ruth King

I am embarrassed to be an Arab By Fred Maroun

I have long resisted saying this, but the ongoing Arab violence in Jerusalem has pushed Arab idiocy beyond my capacity for tolerance. I now need to say it and to say it publicly: I am embarrassed to be an Arab.

From the start, we have refused to accept the existence of one tiny Jewish state. We fought that state tooth and nail using all the venom and anti-Semitism that we could muster. We isolated and mistreated our own Palestinian siblings so we could use them as tools against the Jews. We have not relented. We have not shown an ounce of compassion, humanity, or even smarts. We made the destruction of the Jewish home our signature cause. We made hate our religion. When will this nonsense stop?

Even some of us Arabs who have the privilege of also being Israeli have not learned to behave like civilized people. We dismissed, threatened, and silenced Mohammad Zoabi, one of our own, because he dared profess love for his country and revulsion towards terrorists. We have demonstrated in support, not of our own state, Israel, but in support of the terrorists who want her destroyed.


2015.10.10 (Baga Sola, Chad) – Two suicide bombings by female devotees leave forty dead at a busy market and refugee camp.
2015.10.08 (Peshawar, Pakistan) – Radical Sunnis murder a Shiite father in front of his two young daughters.
2015.10.08 (Mosul, Iraq) – Four accused homosexuals are thrown from a rooftop by Religion of Peace activists.
2015.10.08 (Nong Chik, Thailand) – A Buddhist couple selling pork are murdered by Muslim ‘insurgents’.
2015.10.07 (Damaturu, Nigeria) – An entire family is blown up by a Religion of Peace suicide bomber.
2015.10.07 (Bati Kot, Afghanistan) – Religious extremists murder a rival cleric outside his seminary.


Every time Obama issues another public ultimatum to Congress (before doing what he wants to do anyway) he phrases it in terms like “common sense” or “pragmatic”. It’s “non-ideological” he insists. The left’s ideological agenda just happens to be the common sense pragmatic non-ideological solution.Obama may be the most radical political figure to occupy the White House, but he is careful to avoid political labels. His leftist allies calculatingly compare him to Reagan or Roosevelt. He’s not an ideologue. Just another one of those “Great American Leaders” bent on helping ordinary people.

A big part of the left’s latest successes can be attributed to this non-ideological rebranding.

The old left (both old and new) was a political movement that wanted to be understood in terms of its ideology. The post-leftist left wants to be seen as progressive. It emphasizes policies linked to people instead of ideology. The ideology is still there and choking entire university departments to death, but its public face emphasizes an apolitical technocracy of pragmatists and caring social workers.

Frank Pledge The Left’s Unholy Alliance with Islam

Their philosophies are antithetical, but the common ground of their contempt for liberty, free speech and all who disagree has spawned an alliance of convenience. How much longer can a supine West tolerate the erosion of institutions, values and public safety?
Back in January, when Curtis Cheng was still alive to return every night to his family and nobody had heard of Farhad Khalil Mohammad Jabar, Quadrant Online published the essay below. Today, with PM and Opposition Leader alike reacting to the third Islamic terror attack in less than 12 months — Endeavour Hills, Martin Place and, now, Parramatta — by expressing their immediate sympathy for the Muslim community that keeps spawning these monsters, the topic of Islam’s incompatability with democracy is worth re-visiting.


For many years we have been sold the idea of multicultural Australia as a significant and energising factor in our national evolution. Cultural differences are supposed to be gradually absorbed into the mainstream, leaving it enriched and reinvigorated in the process. When multiculturalism means colourful costumes, exotic recipes and unusual music, there may be some truth in this. At least there is little appreciable harm.

But what happens when those imported cultures involve more than mere fancy dress, when they arrive with their own power relationships, their own political ideologies and a parallel legal system, all of which is incompatible with Australian norms and traditions? What happens when new arrivals have no intention of relinquishing these features of their cultures and integrating into the mainstream? What happens when the intent is first to modify the host culture and, ultimately, to replace it? How do multiculturalism’s promoters propose to deal with a scenario in which one or more of its celebrated minorities is fully committed to promoting its own political agenda?


These marvelous times in which we live, what wonders they have brought! A man can be a woman by the simple act of declaring himself as such. An overwhelming preponderance of Old World genes is no bar to undiluted Indigenous authenticity. And, according to our moral instructors in the media, when an Islamic fanatic guns down a random innocent on a Parramatta street while shouting “Alahu Akbar!” the explanation is not self-evident but, like so many similar recent incidents, another great mystery of our age.

The key to stretching the leash that in less enlightened times heeled us more closely to fact is that peculiarly modern capacity to “identify” one thing as something which it is not. Advocate that green is really brown or a duck an ostrich and, if your audience can be persuaded not to note the obvious, all manner of re-classification is possible. Take Sun-Herald columnist Charles Waterstreet, for example, whose inspiration when tossing off today’s column appears to have been a decision to identify as fellow Fairfax columnist Elizabeth Farrelly. Understand that to mean he is channeling a compulsion to say little that is coherent at great and flyblown length.

Several efforts ago, Ms Farrelly endorsed the need for a new religion, a melange of green-tinted feminism that more than one reader must have been left suspecting would revere in its chief temple an effigy bearing a striking resemblance to someone, well, very much like the column’s author. Today, her male doppelganger nominates another prospective deity to preside over a rival cult: Saint Malcolm of Wentworth.

At last we have a leader who can bring Muslims into the fold of our Western World, gushes Waterstreet, and it won’t even require any of those difficult, interfaith discussions about women as second-class creatures, let alone the ongoing validity of Koranic admonitions to strike at the necks of infidels and other problematic neighbours.

Clinton Email Names Top CIA Source in Libya By Rick Moran

In one of the more appalling breaches of security to date coming from the release of Hillary Clinton’s emails stored or sent through her private server, the name of the top CIA intelligence asset in Libya was named. The email revealing the source was sent by Clinton crony Sidney Blumenthal to her account, and then forwarded to others in the State Department by Clinton.

The emails also show Blumenthal’s blatant influence-peddling as he tried to use his relationship with Hillary to advance his business interests.

Daily Caller:

“She is exposing the name of a guy who has a clandestine relationship with the CIA on her private, unprotected server,” John Maguire, a former CIA officer who worked in the Mideast, told Yahoo Politics.

Gowdy highlighted the email in a recent letter to Maryland U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings. In the 13-page document, he also provides excerpts of emails which indicate that Blumenthal was advancing his own business interests in a private defense contractor called Osprey Global Solutions.

The minority of Muslim invaders: women and children By Carol Brown

Women and children are in the minority among the invaders of Europe. But don’t be fooled into thinking they are not dangerous.
Much has been written on conservative news sites about the large percentage of young males invading Europe. There is a great deal to be concerned about regarding this demographic. But the women and children should not be ignored, as they bring their own kind of threat. Because while Muslim men are far more likely to be physically aggressive, Muslim women are not without responsibility for the myriad ways hate against us is nurtured and expressed – hate that is codified in the Quran.

And while Muslim males are more likely to inflict physical harm, it would be dangerous to underestimate the potential of Muslim women to do the same, because increasing numbers of them do, as was the case with this Muslim teenage girl whose greatest desire was to be a martyr for Allah. And so she set out to achieve her dream. And stabbed an Israeli man in the back.

How 200,000 invaders turns into 2,000,000 in the blink of an eye By Carol Brown

If you think 200,000 invaders imported into the United States is appalling, consider this: Once they settle here, they bring their family. The Australian reported on a leaked document that reveals how this results in the base number of invaders expanding almost overnight. Although the article is about the situation in Germany, the point applies to the United States (or any country accepting these conquerors).

Chancellor Angela Mer­kel is facing open dissent from members of her coalition government amid predictions that the number of migrants arriving in Germany this year could reach 1.5 million. (snip)

The new estimate of 1.5 million came in a confidential government paper leaked to the newspaper Bild. It is widely believed the source of the leak was the interior ministry.

The secret document said each refugee had a “family factor” of four to eight people, meaning they could be expected to arrange for up to eight relatives to join them once settled in….

The “family factor.”

Cruz and Rubio: Here Come the Cubans By Fritz Pettyjohn

I’ve noticed something about Rubio and Cruz. They’re white guys.

They’re sons of Cuban immigrants, and their ethnic background is Hispanic, in that their ancestors were from Spain. Spaniards are genetically just as white as Finns, only with a dark complexion. Many Hispanics, in Cuba and elsewhere, intermarried with Native Americans, and to a certain extent with black Africans. The ancestors of Cruz and Rubio did not, to any appreciable extent. You can tell by looking at them.

Since they’re Cuban-American, they are not Mexican-Americans. Their language skills will help them a bit, but the large majority of Hispanic-Americans do not identify with them. They’re Cubans.They’re white.

The Republican presidential candidate can prevail by increasing his share of the Hispanic vote, or the white vote. The problem with concentrating on Hispanics is that they’re mainly in the wrong states. Apart from Florida and Colorado, the battleground states cannot be won by a shift to the Republicans by Hispanics. The key to a Republican victory is in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Iowa. These are not blue states. Look at their state legislatures. A lot of working class whites in these states stayed home rather than vote for Romney. If Cruz or Rubio can appeal to them in a way that Romney did not, they’ll turn out and give the Electoral College to the Republicans.

Germany: Migrant Crime Wave, Police Capitulate by Soeren Kern

According to a classified document, the German government now estimates that Germany will receive as many as 1.5 million asylum seekers in 2015, including 920,000 in the last quarter of 2015 alone. With family reunifications, the actual number of asylum seekers could swell to more than 7 million. Separately, German authorities now estimate that at least 290,000 migrants and refugees have entered the country without being registered.

“The behavior of these highly delinquent youths towards police officers can be characterized as aggressive, disrespectful and condescending. … When they are arrested, they resist and assault [police officers]. The youths have no respect for state institutions.” — Confidential report, leaked to Die Welt.

In Berlin, a classified police report revealed that a dozen Arab clans hold reign over the city’s criminal underworld. The report says the clans, which are dedicated to dealing drugs, robbing banks and burglarizing department stores, run a “parallel justice system” in which they resolve disputes among themselves with mediators from other crime families. If the state gets involved, the clans use cash payments or threats of violence to influence witnesses.