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Ruth King

The Last Time Europe Committed Suicide by Refugee By Howard Richman and Raymond Richman

The year was 375. The Roman Empire contained about a fourth of the world’s people stretching across Europe from Brittania in the north to Egypt in the south, from Spain in the west to what is now Bulgaria in the east.

Meanwhile, just east of Bulgaria, the Visigoths (Western Goths), fleeing the depredations of Hun horsemen, wanted to cross the Danube River into the safety of the Roman Empire. The Visigoths were also attracted by the glorious wealth of the Roman Empire.

The story of the refugee crisis is told in the final chapter of Edward Gibbon’s classic The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. About 500,000 Goths, men, women and children, lined the bank of the Danube River for miles, seeking to cross:

With outstretched arms and pathetic lamentations they loudly deplored their past misfortunes and their present danger; acknowledged that their only hope of safety was in the clemency of the Roman government; and most solemnly protested that, if the gracious liberality of the emperor would permit them to cultivate the waste lands of Thrace, they should ever hold themselves bound, by the strongest obligations of duty and gratitude, to obey the laws and to guard the limits of the republic.

The Goths tried to force the mile-wide Danube, but failed and were driven back by Roman soldiers. Many Goths drowned. Perhaps a pathetic child’s body washed ashore. The callous brutality outraged Roman opinion. The Roman soldiers who had fought off the Goths were condemned. Gibbon writes:

Biden Greeted by Calls of ‘You Should Run!’ at Glitzy Gay-Rights Dinner By Brendan Bordelon

Vice President Joe Biden was given a thunderous reception as the keynote speaker at the Human Rights Campaign’s annual dinner on Saturday — particularly after the audience urged him to take a shot at a presidential run.

Biden was interrupted early in his speech before hundreds of gay-rights activists, celebrities, and business leaders assembled in a cavernous, spotlight-studded convention center in Washington, D.C. “A number of you have said to me over the last three or four years — ” he began.

But he was suddenly cut off. “You should run!” one audience member shouted. “Yeah, you should run!” another chimed in from across the room.

“No, they didn’t say that!” Biden laughed. “Oh, anyway. What was I saying?” he continued, as the audience cheered and applauded and the vice president grinned sheepishly.

But though dignitaries from the nation’s premier gay-rights group were happy to encourage Biden’s continued flirtation with a White House run, it’s not clear if the vice president can chip away at Hillary Clinton’s powerful support base in the gay community.

Clerics order Muslim women not to contest Kolhapur polls Samrat Phadnis,

KOLHAPUR: A local committee of Muslim clerics in the city ordered the community not to encourage their women to contest the Kolhapur Municipal Corporation (KMC) election.

The Majlis-e-Shoora-Ulama-e-Shahar Kolhapur is a committee of 40-50 local clerics, which controls mosques in the city. Last week, it distributed a note asking Muslim women not to contest the election, citing it as anti-Islamic; however on Friday, the Hilal Committee, an apex local body of Imams and scholars of the community, denounced this order and said the order is against the Constitution of India and cannot be followed.

Muftir Shad Kanure, the head of the Majlis-e-Shoora associated with the order, was not available for comment but some members of the committee told TOI that the order is not meant to discourage Muslim women. They added that the order had been released as a regular practice of clerics that alert the community on religious behaviour.

The order, issued on September 23 quotes the Sharia and two other collections of laws sacred to Islam and asked the women in the community to refrain from contesting in the election.

Op-Ed: How Islam Creates Sociopaths : Nicolai Sennels

Psychopathic people and behavior are found within all cultures and religions. But one tops them all — by many lengths.

The daily mass killings, terror, persecutions and family executions committed by the followers of Islam are nauseating, and the ingenuity behind the attacks — always looking for new and more effective ways of killing and terrorizing people — is astonishing: hijacking jumbo jets and flying them into skyscrapers, hunting unarmed and innocent people with grenades and automatic rifles in shopping malls, planting bombs in one’s own body, using model airplanes as drones, attaching large rotating blades to pickup trucks and using them as human lawn movers, killing family members with acid or fire, hanging people publicly from cranes in front of cheering crowds, etc.- in addition to stabbing people in the back, shooting parents in front of their children, slitting throats of sleeping babies, etc.

It makes one ask oneself: what creates such lack of empathy and almost playful and creative attitude towards murdering perceived enemies?

This is a question for psychologists like me.


Senior Fatah Official Confirms: We Murdered the Israeli Couple
Veteran Fatah Central Committee member openly says his faction murdered Henkins in front of their children, as terror praise pours in.

The “armed wing” of Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah faction initially claimed responsibility for Thursday night’s brutal murder of a young couple right in front of their four children, but now a senior Fatah official has confirmed that claim.

Senior Fatah official Mahmoud Al-Aloul, who is a member of the Fatah Central Committee, was revealed by Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) as having announcing responsibility the night before on Facebook for the murder of Rabbi Eitam and Naama Henkin outside Itamar in Samaria.

“The Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian National Liberation Movement Fatah, accepted responsibility for the Itamar operation (i.e. the murder – ed.) carried out against settlers, leading to their deaths,” wrote Al-Aloul in an open admission.

Islam’s Latest Contributions to “Peace”


“Mohammed is Allah’s apostle. Those who follow him are harsh
to the unbelievers but merciful to one another” Quran 48:29

2015.10.03 (Baghdad, Iraq) – Three Shiite bombers attack a city square in a Shiite neighborhood, massacring two dozen people out enjoying the day.
2015.10.03 (Kownia, Bangladesh) – A Japanese sponsor is gunned down by Muslim radicals while visting a humanitarian project.
2015.10.02 (Abuja, Nigeria) – Two suicide bombings, one at a bus stop blow eighteen innocents to bits.
2015.10.02 (Es Sider, Libya) – A guard is left dead after Islamic extremists attack an oil port.
2015.10.01 (Kirchinga, Nigeria) – Religion of Peace proponents slit the throats of seven villagers in an early morning attack, including three women.
2015.09.30 (Liaquatabad, Pakistan) – A 55-year-old rickshaw driver is shot dead for being a member of the wrong Islamic sect.

Turkish Press’s New Normal “We Could Crush You Like a Fly” by Burak Bekdil

Turkey’s “Muslim Brothers” are behaving just like Muslim Brothers elsewhere. They came to power through democratic elections. They are making every sign that they have no intention of surrendering power through democratic elections.

Last year, after a pro-government columnist tweeted news about this author, referring to him as “A Disgrace to Humanity,” several others joined the lynching on social media. “A sperm of Israel,” someone wrote. Another said: “Enmity to Islam spills from his face.” Someone else wished that I would travel to Gaza so that “the al-Qassam [Brigade] could shoot him right in the middle of his forehead.” Another campaigner invited “this ignoble, inglorious Zionist leftover to leave for Israel.” Someone else wished, “May he and his family be bombed.” And yet another offered a DNA analysis from a photograph: “He must be either Armenian or Jewish.”

All that was the new normal in Turkey’s increasingly militant, pro-Islamist media. Things are getting worse.

Palestinians: Why Our Leaders Are Hypocrites and Liars by Bassam Tawil

We contaminate our mosques with our own hands and feet, and then blame Jews for desecrating Islamic holy sites. If anyone is desecrating Islamic holy sites, it is those who bring explosives, stones and firebombs into Al-Aqsa Mosque. The Jews who visit the Temple Mount do not bring with them stones, bombs or clubs. It is young Muslim men who are desecrating our holy sites with their “filthy feet.”

These leaders, including Abbas himself, are not willing to send their own children and grandchildren to participate in the “popular struggle.” They are fully responsible for sending the children of others to throw stones and firebombs at Jews. Sitting in their luxurious offices and villas in Ramallah, they demand that Israel be held responsible for cracking down on “innocent” Palestinians. Their main goal is to embarrass Israel and depict it as a state that takes tough measures against Palestinian teenagers.

These youths are not taking to the streets to fight “occupation.” Their main goal is to kill or cause grievous bodily harm to Jews. When someone tosses a firebomb at a house or a car, his intention is to burn civilians alive.

It is as if our leaders are saying that throwing stones and firebombs at Jews in their cars and homes is a basic right of Palestinians. Our leaders believe Israel has no right to defend itself against those who seek to burn Jews driving in their vehicles or sleeping inside their homes.

Hillary Clinton pledges to defend LGBT rights- By Philip Elliott see note please

Forget North Korea, Russia, Syria, ISIS, Unenployment…those are all on reset….Does she know this? In Aceh,Indonesia, where two lesbians have been “detained” the criminal code, which went into effect in September 2014, prohibits lesbianism and sodomy. The Acehnese by-laws extend Sharia, or Islamic law, to non-Muslims, and the criminal code permits punishments of 100 lashes and 100 months in prison for consensual same-sex sex acts. rsk

In one of the strongest statements ever from a presidential hopeful, Hillary Clinton on Saturday pledged to defend gay and lesbian Americans against efforts to deny them of their rights.

Speaking to the nation’s largest gay rights group, the New York Democrat told an enthusiastic audience of activists, donors and operatives that, if elected President, she would link arms with them. The former Secretary of State’s remarks to the Human Rights Campaign were remarkable for their intensity and for their tone.

“Our work is not finished until every single person is treated with equal rights and dignity that they deserve, no matter how old they are, no matter where they live, whether it is New York or Wyoming or anywhere else,” Clinton said.

Carly Fiorina as a boss: The disappointing truth by Jeffrey Sonnenfeld

Jeffrey Sonnenfeld is Senior Associate Dean for Leadership Studies at the Yale School of Management and Lester Crown Professor of Management Practice and co-author of FIRING BACK (Harvard Business School Press).

She’s running for President on her track record as CEO of HP, but if that’s the case, Fiorina might want to rethink her strategy.

Fresh from strong debate quips, Carly Fiorina has improbably raced from 14th to fifth place in the New Hampshire Republican primary polls and now enjoys a 70% favorability rating in Iowa, ahead of such career politicians as Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Rand Paul, Chris Christie, Rick Perry, George Pataki, and Lindsay Graham.

It is time to take her candidacy seriously and examine her leadership record. Having never held elected office, she has staked her reputation on her business career.

Fiorina is eager to be seen as the answer to Democratic slogans of a Republican war on women. She’s often been erroneously referred to as the first woman to lead a Fortune 500 firm, Hewlett-Packard HPQ 2.84% . That title actually belongs to The Washington Post Company’s Katharine Graham. Then there are the many other trailblazing women leaders preceding Fiorina, including Beechcraft’s Olive Ann Beech, Mattel’s Ruth Handler, Beatrice Food’s Loida Nicolas-Lewis, the Body Shop’s Anita Roddick, Martha Stewart, and Oprah Winfrey.

Still, with a scant 5% of Fortune 500 firms employing women CEOs, her leadership of a huge global enterprise in the macho field of IT is impressive. But how did she do?

The answer in short is: Pretty badly.

In 1999, a dysfunctional HP board committee, filled with its own poisoned politics, hired her with no CEO experience, nor interviews with the full board. Fired in 2005, after six years in office, several leading publications titled her one of the worst technology CEOs of all time. In fact, the stock popped 10% on the news of her firing and closed the day up 7%.

Arianna Packard, the granddaughter of HP’s founder, commented when discouraging voters from supporting Fiorina in her 2010 senatorial run, “I know a little bit about Carly Fiorina, having watched her almost destroy the company my grandfather founded.”