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Ruth King

Hillary Clinton: I Have Been as Transparent as Possible in Covering Up My E-Mail : Daniel Greenfield

Come on. What do you people want from Hillary anyway? She’s been as transparent as possible… for a Clinton.

Speaking with NBC’s Chuck Todd on “Meet the Press,” Clinton said, “Look, I think I have done all that I can to take responsibility, to be as transparent as possible in turning over 55,000 pages in turning over my server.”

Hillary Clinton’s version of “as transparent as possible” involved

1. Setting up a private email server controlled by her and routing her government work through it

2. Claimed to have deleted all her emails and then turned over tens of thousands of print outs of emails while leaving out crucial emails. “Finally, in December, dozens of boxes filled with 50,000 pages of printed emails from Mrs. Clinton’s personal account were delivered to the State Department.”

3. Refused to answer if she wiped her server

4. Attempted to dodge FBI and State Department investigations

5. Lied about the time she began using the email

Obama Frees 20th 9/11 Hijacker :Matthew Vadum

Today it’s Osama bin Laden’s aide; tomorrow it could very well be the Blind Sheikh.

​The Obama administration quietly shipped Osama bin Laden’s bodyguard back to the Wahhabist Kingdom of Saudi Arabia last week despite warnings that the Muslim terrorist remains a serious threat to the United States.

The newly released terrorist detainee is Abdul Shalabi, 39, who trained to be the 20th hijacker for the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Shalabi was set free even though military officials deemed him too dangerous to be unleashed on the world and too valuable as an intelligence asset to be released from U.S. custody.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) said last week that the liberation of Shalabi, whom he referred to as a “dangerous detainee,” is “another example of President Obama playing politics with national security and putting campaign promises ahead of U.S. national security interests.” Shuttering the terrorist detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba has long been a goal of President Obama, going back at least to the campaign trail in 2008.

Anthony Daniels (AKA-Theodore Dalrymple) The Cult of Le Corbusier

For an architect whose abstract ideas were, he assured us, very so important, he wasn’t much of a thinker. His notions were to real thought what doggerel is to genuine poetry — a catalogue of inaccuracy, looseness, laziness and mendacity, all covered in a thick sauce of arrogant self-confidence.
French fascism is alive and well, and its current headquarters (as I write this) are not in the offices of the Front National but, appropriately enough, in the ugliest building in the world in the most beautiful capital city in the world, the Centre Pompidou in Paris. It is here that has been held the completely uncritical exhibition to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Le Corbusier, the fascist architect, under the title Le Corbusier, Mesures de l’homme.

Not a word about his fascism has been allowed to obtrude on the almost religiously respectful thoughts and impressions of the visitors who troop through the exhibition with solemn or pious expressions on their faces, as if regarding something holy, though what is exhibited is often so extremely bad and incompetent in execution that it should evoke derision and laughter rather than the abject mental genuflection that it does in fact evoke. People, especially in France, have long been cowed into veneration by decades of propaganda to the effect that Le Corbusier was a great, possibly the greatest, architect, and that any revulsion from, let along mockery of, his work would reveal their own lack of understanding. It is certainly true that Le Corbusier was a master: but a master of propaganda and self-promotion in a credulous age, not a master of architecture.

The Obama-Xi Cyber Mirage A digital arms deal that is full of promises but no enforcement.

Not long before Xi Jinping’s state visit to Washington last week, the Obama Administration leaked that it might sanction Chinese companies and individuals for digitally plundering U.S. trade secrets and intellectual property. That followed an April executive order that declared “significant malicious cyber-enabled activities” to be a “national emergency” punishable by visa bans, asset freezes and other means.

“We’re not going to just stand by while these threats grow,” one Administration official told the Washington Post at the time. “If you think you can just hide behind borders and leap laws and carry out your activities, that’s just not going to be the case.”


Bill Clinton Blames — Wait for It — the GOP for Hillary’s Email Woes By Rick Moran

The Clintons are, if nothing else, predictable when it comes to defending themselves against scandals.

It’s never their fault and the press always blows whatever it is they’ve done way out of proportion.

So is anyone surprised when Bill Clinton blames Republicans and the press for Hillary’s own actions in using a private server to store classified information?


In an interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria to be aired Sunday, Clinton said of the former first lady and Secretary of State, “The other party doesn’t want to run against her. And if they do, they’d like her as mangled up as possible.”

He likened the controversy over Hillary’s Clinton’s State Department emails to the Whitewater scandal that dogged his own campaign in 1992, in an anecdote about how George H.W. Bush officials contacted him saying, “The press has to have someone every election. We’re going to give them you. You better not run.”

Clash of Civilizations on the Temple Mount Posted By P. David Hornik

This time it’s a seal dating back three thousand years to the time of King David. This latest archaeological find in Jerusalem [1] was made by a ten-year-old boy, a volunteer for the Temple Mount Sifting Project, which sifts through thousands of tons of earth that was illegally removed from the Temple Mount by the Muslim Wakf in 1999.

Archaeologist Gabriel Barkay says this find is “particularly significant” because it originated on the mount itself and “testifies to the administrative activity [that took place there] during those times.” It joins a growing body of evidence—including finds from the Ophel [2] and City of David [3] excavations—that biblical accounts of ancient Jerusalem are accurate.

Unfortunately the news these days from the Temple Mount and its environs doesn’t only concern archaeological finds. The Israeli security cabinet has had to announce stepped-up measures [4] to combat weeks of raging violence on the mount and in parts of Jerusalem.

She Said What? Ann Coulter, twit. P.J. O’Rourke

Toward Ann Coulter I had always taken a “suffer little children to come unto me” attitude. Not that she ever came on to me or anything. It’s just that she’s a kid. She was born in 1961. I’ve got skinny Brooks Brothers neckties in the back of my closet older than that.
Ann Coulter grew up during the “I-was-conservative-after-conservatism-was-cool” era, helping found the Cornell Review in the early 1980s. She’s noisy and she gives me a headache. But kids are, and kids do. I have several.
She’s from Connecticut and is very upset about immigrants. I am willing to lend a sympathetic ear to people from Connecticut who are very upset about immigrants, if they have a tribal casino.
And I forgive her for supporting Donald Trump. Kids do that stuff. My 17-year-old daughter has wheedled the car keys and right now is out probably behaving at least as stupidly.
Other than that I’ve been, I suppose, to the extent I’ve paid attention, on the same political page as Ann Coulter. Well, in the same political book, several chapters further on, under the subhead “Grumpy Old Farts and the Libertarian/Neocon Conundrum.”

Ahmed and the Art of the Psychodrama By Victor Davis Hanson

During Pope Francis’s parade in Washington, 5-year-old Sophie Cruz suddenly dashed up to the popemobile and handed His Holiness a note about the wretched plight of her illegal-alien parents from Los Angeles, who are apparently terrified of all the recent talk about deportations. The media loved the spontaneity and courage of 5-year-old Sophie.

But that was not quite the whole story. The entire event reportedly had been scripted for about a year by a group called “Full Rights for Immigrants Coalition,” which, in actuality, is not about immigration per se, but rather full rights for illegal immigrants. According to spokesman Juan Jose Gutierrez, the group had carefully planned Sophie’s dash: “We planned to do this from the moment we learned he was coming to the States….We have been working for a while now trying to sensitize the American public that dealing with immigration is not just dealing with the people who came in without proper documents but that we also have … countless children whose parents are undocumented.”

Using a 5-year-old girl under the false pretenses of a spontaneous outburst of emotion seems about as authentic as deliberately conflating legal immigration — the United States accepts more immigrants than does any other nation — with illegal immigrants who deliberately and knowingly break federal law to enter the U.S.

Barack Obama’s ‘Socially Segregated’ State Dinner By Jeannie DeAngelis

In 2013 Pope Francis advocated for the poor when he challenged the world by saying:

When we are generous in welcoming people and sharing something with them — some food, a place in our homes, our time — not only do we no longer remain poor: we are enriched. I am well aware that when someone needing food knocks at your door, you always find a way of sharing food; as the proverb says, one can always ‘add more water to the beans’…demonstrating that true riches consist not in materials things, but in the heart!

Likewise in 2015, besides hammering home dire warnings about what he perceives to be an impending environmental calamity, during his US visit, the Pope implored Americans to take into consideration the needs of the ‘least among us.’ That’s why, in an effort to set an example, rather than dining with members of Congress Francis chose to bless a humble meal hosted by Washington DC’s Catholic Charities.

In response to the standard set by the pope, and in honor of Chinese President Xi Jinping and First Lady Madame Peng Liyuan’s State Visit, Barack and Michelle set quite an example of their own.

While the Pope was in Madison Square Garden citing Jesus walking among “second-class” citizens on the streets of New York City, the first couple was enjoying a post-papal feast that excluded holiness, the homeless, the indigent, and Jesus.

In lieu of the impoverished, in addition to Mr. and Mrs. Xi, the guest list for the Chinese State Dinner included lowly politicians, impoverished Hollywood mega-moguls, underprivileged global investors, modest billionaire CEO’s including Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, destitute liberal journalists, and a part-Chinese Grammy Award-winning entertainer known for his explicit lyrics named Ne-Yo.

Immediately after hearing the Pontiff at the UN directly reference “A selfish and boundless thirst for power and material prosperity,” which Francis maintains “leads both to the misuse of available natural resources and to the exclusion of the weak and disadvantaged,” Michelle showed up in a Vera Wang dress that probably set her old man back a good $15,000.

Hillary and Lena: Ghouls Night Out By Deborah C. Tyler

Hillary Clinton, the world’s most famous rape accomodationist, just sat down for a cozy chat with Lena Dunham, the world’s most famous industrial-grade rape hoaxer. Lena softly purred just the right list of dumb questions. She asked Hillary if she was a feminist, and then played the beaming ingénue when she got a simplistic affirmative answer. Lena Dunham is the perfect interviewer for the much beleaguered Democrat presidential front-runner. Hillary Clinton’s party understands it is essential that future Americans be distracted by moral chaos, depoliticized by sexuality fixations, and just plain too stupid to keep up a constitutional republic.

Here are the highlights of Lena Dunham’s life and accomplishments, which won her the interview with Clinton. They demonstrate why she is a poster child for Hillary Youth. In October 2014 Lena Dunham opened her tour of the Austin Texas Planned Parenthood clinic with her favorite jiggle-shtick, pointing to her breasts and asking coyly, “Do I need to cover my nipples?” Elle magazine reported on Dunham’s abortion clinic grandstand. They noted the irony of Dunham teasing with a bit of what they called “free-boobing,” wryly observing, “Her rack has logged so much screen time, it could be considered the show’s fifth girl.” Elle reported Dunham “works the crowd like a career politician.” In effect, Dunham is a career politician already. Her humor does not reach beyond narcissism and crudity, and her brand of comedy represents the death of laughter.