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Ruth King

Obama Throws Christian Refugees to Lions by Raymond Ibrahim

Why are Christian minorities, who are the most to suffer from the chaos engulfing the Middle East, the least wanted in the United States?

To the Obama administration, the only “real” refugees are those made so due to the actions of Bashar Assad. As for those who are being raped, slaughtered, and enslaved based on their religious identity by so-called “rebel” forces fighting Assad — including the Islamic State — their status as refugees is evidently considered dubious at best.

The Obama administration never seems to miss an opportunity to display its bias for Muslims against Christians. The State Dept. is in the habit of inviting scores of Muslim representatives but denying visas to solitary Christian representatives. While habitually ignoring the slaughter of Christians at hands of Boko Haram, the administration called for the “human rights” of the jihadi murderers.

In Islamic usage, the “cause of Allah” is synonymous with jihad to empower and enforce Allah’s laws on earth, or Sharia. In this context, immigrating into Western lands is a win-win for Muslims: if they die in the process somehow, paradise is theirs; if they do not, the “locations and abundance” of the West are theirs.

Muslims all around the U.S. are supporting the Islamic State and Muslim clerics are relying on the refugee influx to conquer Western nations, in the Islamic tradition of Hijrah, or jihad by emigration.

Democrats’ Cynical Push to Naturalize Thousands of New Voters By Michelle Malkin


There’s only one time when you can depend on the chronically backlogged, recklessly inefficient Department of Homeland Security to perform smoothly: election season.

While hundreds of thousands of visa overstayers and deportation fugitives remain on the loose, federal bureaucrats at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) are hastily recruiting tens of thousands of foreigners for the Obama administration’s new “U.S. citizenship and immigrant civic integration” campaign.

For the past week, the agency has staged more than 200 naturalization ceremonies for more than 36,000 new citizens. In partnership with the Interior Department (the same one that blocked American veterans from visiting war memorials during the 2013 federal-government standoff over spending), the feds hosted camera-ready events at national parks — and encouraged their new political pawns to post propaganda photos across social media.

Wanted: Terrific, Classy Foreign Workers; Americans Need Not Apply Mark Krikorian-Trump’s Hipocrisy

The CBS affiliate in Miami reports that Donald Trump’s Mar-A-Lago estate & resort in Palm Beach has requested hundreds of foreign worker visas for jobs such as cooks, waitresses, and housekeepers. This would appear to conflict with his boast that “I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created,” and with the assertion in his immigration policy paper that “we need companies to hire from the domestic pool of unemployed.”

I’d guess that Trump’s reply (his people didn’t respond to the TV reporter) would be a version of what he said about bankruptcy laws in the first debate: “I’ve used immigration laws to do a great job for my companies.” The reporter notes that since airing the story, Mar-A-Lago has reached out to a local job-placement service.

Now that we’ve all got that thrill up our leg about Trump’s hypocrisy, it might be worth asking which of his rivals is in a position to call him on it? Cruz? He favors quintupling H-1B visas, which are the same kind of indentured-servitude visas Trump used, but for run-of-the-mill tech workers (not the best-and-brightest workers lobbyists claim) rather than waitresses.

Does the Migrant Crisis Threaten to Disturb Europe’s 70-Year Peace? Victor Davis Hanson

The Three Crucial Factors to Maintaining the Peace in Europe
By Victor Davis Hanson —

The bailed-out Greeks are still broke. Now their islands are flooded with a horde of migrants from the Middle East and Africa.

Spain, Portugal, and Italy are almost in the same boat. Their shared Mediterranean traditions — and vulnerabilities — are far different from those of northern Europe’s more affluent nations.

Given the triad of history, geography and culture, it is no accident that Europe on the Mediterranean is being hit first by Third World immigration heading northward. Southern Europe always seems to owe money to the north.

Eastern Europeans are angry that the EU tries to override their own individual immigration laws. Nearly a million immigrants, most of them young male Muslims, now flock to the borders of Eastern European countries. From the Baltic states to the former Yugoslavia, these nations for 500 years were caught in the meat grinder when East fought West in Eastern Europe, the battered sea wall against which the tsunami of the Islamic Ottoman Empire finally crashed and receded.

Heather Mac Donald: Intolerant of Truth Academic censorship in the name of political correctness at the University of California

Criminologists at the University of California beware: disseminating crime data could put you afoul of university governance. The politically appointed regents of the ten-campus UC system are devising “principles against intolerance” that would regulate university speech and behavior and could threaten a large range of academic inquiry, including crime research. The effort shows how a therapeutic agenda has taken over the traditional educational and research functions of American colleges.

The impetus for the “intolerance” initiative was an alleged rise in anti-Israel and anti-Jewish incidents on UC campuses. In February 2015, some UCLA students questioned whether another student with ties to Jewish organizations could serve impartially on a campus judicial board. In response, the regents asked the UC administration to compose a “statement of principles against intolerance”; the UC provost presented a draft at a regents’ meeting last week at UC Irvine. The regents criticized the principles for not explicitly mentioning anti-Semitism but didn’t object to their substance. Indeed, one regent called them a “nice statement.” While the next version will undoubtedly incorporate a reference to anti-Semitism—which had been omitted out of a desire to be “inclusive,” according to provost Aimee Dorr—the draft’s main ideas and language will almost certainly remain the same.

The current “intolerance” draft opens by announcing the regents’ commitment to protecting UC’s core principles of “respect, inclusion, and academic freedom.” Only recently would “inclusion” have been considered a core academic principle. Universities exist to preserve culture and generate knowledge. Any university run as a meritocracy will be naturally inclusive of anyone who brings intellectual talent and rigor to the institution. To make “inclusion” an end in itself goes beyond traditional academic values into social-justice territory. Even “respect,” however salutary a virtue, is a recent arrival in the pantheon of affirmative academic principles. Respect is ordinarily earned by intellectually solid research. The UC intolerance principles, by contrast, mean “respect” as validation of self-worth: “University of California students, faculty, and staff must respect the dignity of each person within the UC community.” Such an injunction might seem anodyne. But to state it as an affirmative mandate implies that the university is otherwise at risk of systematically “disrespecting” or “excluding” certain persons “within the UC community.” This belief, focused on a favored list of alleged victims, is the foundation of the “diversity” takeover of the academy.

Sydney M. Williams Should STEM Be Our First Priority?

The short answer is ‘no.’ At least, that is my opinion. We all agree that STEM courses (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) are vital to the world we live in. But today’s emphasis on those four disciplines presumes knowledge about the future that is impossible to know. New industries will start up in the next fifteen to twenty years. Students who have specialized in STEM subjects may have an advantage today, but who among us knows what jobs will be in demand ten or twenty years from now? Some businesses will produce products and provide services we cannot envision today. Twenty-five years ago, did most educators anticipate the revolution in marketing that was a consequence of the internet? Was it more important that Jeff Bezos understood differential calculus, or was his success a product of being able to conceive of and conceptualize a form of selling to consumers that had never before existed?

Dr. Bruce Thornton on “Europe’s Muslim Refugee Fiasco” On the Glazov Gang


This special edition of The Glazov Gang was joined by Dr. Bruce Thornton, a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center who is a columnist for Frontpagemag.com.

Dr. Thornton discussed Europe’s Muslim Refugee Fiasco, unveiling how the catastrophe was completely predictable — and all the reasons why.

Don’t miss it!

The Refugee Crisis and Sweden’s Perfect Storm The disaster on the horizon is there for all to see.By Nima Gholam Ali Pour

In these days I am very worried about Sweden. Never before has the disastrous immigration policy that Sweden implements been so obvious in its failure, as it is these days, when Europe is in the middle of a refugee crisis. Each week, Sweden receives thousands of asylum seekers from the Middle East. At the same time, there are three important questions that the Swedish government cannot answer. The Swedish government does not know where these tens of thousands of asylum seekers will live, how they will be working and how this new wave of immigration will be financed.

Sweden is today going through its worst housing crisis in 50 years. The figures are frightening. According to Boverket, the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning, Sweden needs to build half a million homes by 2020. But the government’s costly housing initiative that will cost $387 million annually will only lead to 250,000 new homes by 2020. That is the situation today. How the situation will be after the refugee crisis, and how many homes will be needed by then, no one knows. But a whole generation of Swedes will grow up in a society where homelessness will become part of everyday life.

FBI Carries Hillary’s Water in Email Scandal Since when does the FBI refuse to cooperate in an investigation? Matthew Vadum

The FBI’s bizarre and shocking refusal earlier this week to cooperate with legal efforts to force the public release of emails from former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s hacker-friendly private Internet server is yet more proof that the Obama administration is continuing to provide political cover for the 2016 presidential hopeful.

This strange behavior comes as Republican lawmakers escalate their criticism of Mrs. Clinton’s unusual emailing habits. Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-Texas) is demanding that U.S. Attorney General and Obama lackey Loretta Lynch appoint a special counsel to investigate the case. Other lawmakers want hearings to consider compelling testimony from Bryan Pagliano, a former Clinton staffer who installed the server in her private residence.

The Department of State is also dragging its heels in processing the electronic correspondence, Citizens United President David Bossie said. The agency is “slow walking” the Freedom of Information Act requests for the almost-certainly damning emails to prevent their release before key Democratic primary elections next year, he said.

Why Ben Carson Is Right Dispelling the myth that Sharia is as American as apple pie. Nonie Darwish

The leftist media’s uproar against Ben Carson’s personal opinion against electing a Muslim U.S. president must be met with a much stronger and direct response from mature and informed Americans.

Dr. Carson’s opinion about Islam is correct, but the lack of a supportive counter-uproar by Americans is giving power to the leftist mainstream media. The Left cannot or will not accurately and objectively determine the dangers of an Islamic president, while there are also those leftists who just don’t want to know the truth.

The media claim that the majority of Muslims are “moderate,” but they ignore that fact that in the Muslim world, the “moderates” are out of power and always will be. The reason is not because they represent the true peaceful Islam, but because Islamic guides and books are not on their side. Islamic books, including the Quran, don’t support the concept of “moderation,” peace or forgiveness, but support the concepts of vengeance, retaliation and jihad. It is a fact that Islamic books have always sided with radicals, with no exceptions.