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Ruth King

Turkey’s Racism Problem by Uzay Bulut

The U.S. Department of State needs to analyze the Kurdish issue more closely and carefully. When they do, they will see that the problem should not be called “the Kurdish Issue;” it would be more just to call it “the Turkish Racism Problem.”

Kurds in Turkey have always been brutally oppressed, even when there was no organization called the PKK.

Kurds are not the ones who started the war in Kurdistan. Kurdish leaders have openly and frequently made it clear that despite all of the state terror, mass murders and oppression they have been exposed to, they wish to live in peace with their Turkish, Arab and Persian neighbors. There is a war imposed on Kurds.



Success for treatment of back pain. Israel’s Nervomatrix has reported success from independent controlled trials of its hyper-stimulation pulse device for treating lower back pain. The study on 28 patients at Belgian’s Free University of Brussels obtained significant pain relief after 4 treatments compared to a control group.

Protection against future flu strains. Israel’s BiondVax has published independent tests of trials showing that its M-001 Universal Flu vaccinations given 3 years ago have protected patients from flu strains that only came into existence well after the vaccine was administered.

Sealing up after surgery. Israel’s LifeBond has developed LifeSeal (see Aug 2011 newsletter) – a sealant to greatly reduce surgical leaks, which are associated with potential infections and other serious complications, risking the lives of hundreds of thousands every year. LifeBond has just raised $27 million of funding.

2015 WEF Technology Pioneers. Three Israeli companies were chosen by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in its 2015 list of 14 Technology Pioneers in the Life Science and Health category. ElMindA’s Brain Network Activation identifies brain damage. Consumer Physics’s SCIO is a chemical analyzer. Novocure uses electric fields to treat solid tumors.

Robotic needle steering. Israeli startup XACT Robotics developed a robotic system for needle steering, for use in biopsies and ablations, or to inject medications in specific areas of the body. The first application of XACT’s technology will be for biopsies in lung tissue. XACT has just raised $5 million to fund US trials.

Fast track for Muscular Dystrophy treatment. The US FDA has given fast track approval to Israel’s BioBlast for its Cabaletta treatment for two rare and currently untreatable conditions – oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy (OPMD) and spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3).


Vaccines and Dog Sleds

The deadly disease is now entirely preventable — but some people resist.
Diphtheria is a terrible disease. It starts as a bacterial infection, which produces a toxin, which can produce a membrane that coats the inside of your mouth and throat, choking you, keeping you from swallowing or breathing. By the 1990s, it had essentially been eradicated in the West. Now, thanks to the hateful work of anti-vaccine agitators, diphtheria is coming back.

Spain has just reported its first case in 28 years. The parents of a six-year-old boy were persuaded by an activist group not to have their son vaccinated. The diphtheria killed him.

Of course, not too long ago vaccination wasn’t an option: Widespread inoculation against diphtheria didn’t begin until the 1920s. In the ’20s, diphtheria was killing 15,000 Americans every year, mostly children. Without vaccination, the only way to fight off diphtheria was with an antitoxin.

For hospitals, keeping the antitoxin on hand was a matter of life or death. In the summer of 1924, Curtis Welch — the only doctor in Nome, Alaska — noticed that his antitoxin stock was going to expire, so he placed an order for a replacement supply. Nome is just 2 degrees below the Arctic Circle; before the new antitoxin could be delivered, Nome’s harbor froze solid, signaling the start of a long and historically bitter winter.

Opinion: When Obama Adopts the Mullahs’ Style: Amir Taheri

Those who are sucked into big adversarial situations in history always run a number of risks. However, the biggest risk, I believe, is to have an evil adversary and end up looking, behaving and even thinking like them. If that happens to anyone, they could be sure that even if they win many battles, they would end up losing the war. In contrast, one might be lucky enough to end up resembling an adversary that is better than oneself.

The effect that “the other” has on one has been observed throughout history, even at the level of great empires. When ancient Rome and Iran became adversaries each learned a number of things from each other. Rome was a republic in conflict with Iran, a monarchy. When Marcus Licinius Crassus, in his time the greatest of Roman generals, was killed by the Persians in the battle of Harran in 53 BC, the Roman elite started thinking of adopting the monarchic system which they eventually did under Julius Caesar. At the other end of the spectrum, unlike the Romans, Iranians did not have a standing army. In time, however, they decided to imitate their adversary by creating precisely such a war machine.



This new special edition of The Glazov Gang was joined by Nonie Darwish, the author of The Devil We Don’t Know.

Nonie discussed Obama Willfully Supporting Al-Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood, unveiling a Radical-in-Chief’s treachery against the American people.

Don’t miss it!

Robert Conquest, on Cuba- By Ian Tuttle

To mark the reopening of the Cuban Embassy in Washington, D.C. (O frabjous day), The Spectator has reprinted a letter from May 4, 1961, penned by the late historian Robert Conquest (who served as The Spectator’s literary editor from 1962 to 1963, and whom Jay mentions below). Conquest was responding to a letter of protest against the Bay of Pigs invasion, written by a coterie of British “intellectuals” and published in the Times. It is, in both style and substance, devastating. A few excerpts:

The round robin on behalf of some supposedly Leftist cause is a well-established little nuisance which we should all have got used to by this time. . . . [But] in spite of the arguments against paying any attention to such stuff, I feel impelled, just, to give some expression to a distaste which is not only my own. . . .

There is something particularly unpleasant about those who, living in a political democracy, comfortably condone terror elsewhere. Mr. [Kenneth] Tynan [an English theater critic, and one of the Times letter signatories] complains of martyrdom when he was ham-handedly questioned by a senatorial committee in America about his pro-Castro activities; but as a breach of democratic rights it seems rather less dreadful than some of the things he appears to admire in Cuba. And what has Mr. Tynan to say about the democratic rights of Cubans under Castro’s new no-election policy? . . .


What Obama is pursing in Iran and Cuba isn’t peace.
Republicans don’t talk about peace as much as they used to, or as much as they should. President Dwight Eisenhower, whose unflashy élan masked the difficulty and danger of the serial crises he managed, put “waging peace” at the center of his agenda, even as circumstances obliged him to wage war. President Reagan famously described his agenda as “peace through strength,” a formulation that goes back at least as far as Hadrian. Since then, Republicans have been relatively good on the “strength” part — they have rarely encountered a line item on the military budget that did not enrapture them — but, with the notable exception of Senator Rand Paul, the “peace” side of the equation is something of a stepchild for the Right.

Democratic presidents have more enthusiastically embraced the role of “peacemaker,” and by “role” I mean just that: Democratic peacemaking has amounted to very little more than political theater. From Carter to Clinton to Obama, the Democrats have not been peace-makers but peace-fakers.

America and the Holocaust: The Past as Prologue By Jeff Lipkes

There are two kinds of evil-doers: those who kill, rape, beat, and brutalize others, and those who let this happen.

The story of American and British indifference to the fate of Jews during the Second World War still makes for disturbing reading. It’s worth revisiting the subject for three reasons:

1) The abandonment of the Jews — the title of David Wyman’s comprehensive study — is the ultimate rationale for the creation of the state of Israel. There will be no second Hitler in Europe — though he has many apprentices in the Middle East. But when the West turned its back on Hitler’s victims (with exceptions discussed below), many Jews who were not committed Zionists were persuaded that the survival of their people depended on its having a state of its own, and an army to defend it. “There are two sorts of countries in the world,” Chaim Weizmann had concluded in the late ‘30s, “those that want to expel the Jews and those that don’t want to admit them.”

2) America’s response to the Holocaust helps explain the seemingly perverse attachment of American Jews to open borders — a policy that permits an influx of immigrants who are considerably more antisemitic than European-Americans, apart from other consequences that negatively impact all Americans. (Even second-generation Hispanics are twice as likely as whites to have strong Judeophobic beliefs.) It helps explain also the seemingly irrational attachment of Jews to a party with a significantly less favorable attitude toward them and which is far less supportive of Israel than its rival. Fully 83% of Republicans sympathize more with Israel than the Palestinians; only 48% of Democrats do so.

3) The most important reason, though, has to do with the Iran nuclear agreement. A lot of things were taken off the table at Geneva: a renunciation of terrorism (responsible for 1,100 American combat deaths in Iraq), an effective means of verifying Tehran’s compliance, even the return of four American hostages — a token gesture on the mullahs’ part. Never on the table was regime’s determination to annihilate Israel, its chief objective in acquiring a nuclear arsenal. The fact that the administration’s new Middle Eastern ally is bent on genocide was irrelevant. The Obama administration’s abandonment of the Jewish state in 2015 was prefigured by the abandonment of European Jews in the ‘40s.

The Changing Patterns Of U.S. Immigration: What The Presidential Field Should Know : Joel Kotkin

Public concern about illegal immigration, particularly among older native-born Americans, as well as the the rising voting power of Latinos, all but guarantees that immigration is an issue that will remain at the forefront in the run-up to the 2016 elections. Nor is this merely a right-wing issue, as evidenced in the controversy over “sanctuary cities”; even the progressive Bernie Sanders has expressed concern that massive uncontrolled immigration could “make everybody in America poorer.”

Yet despite the political heat, there is precious little dispassionate examination of exactly where immigrants are coming from, and where in the U.S. they are headed. To answer these questions, we turned to demographer Wendell Cox, who analyzed the immigration data between 2010 and 2013 for the 52 metropolitan statistical areas with populations over a million.

One would think listening to the likes of Donald Trump that the country is awash with hordes of unwanted newcomers from Mexico and Central America. But sorry, Donald, the numbers show a changing picture in terms of who is coming, as well as the places that they choose to settle.

EPA’s Toxic Spill Shows It’s Still The Worst Regulatory Agency In History (But Perhaps I Understate): Henry Miller *****

“EPA’s science is shoddy, and its scientists and administrators routinely manipulate it to fit their radical policy agendas. Moreover, transparency is less important in government regulation than the content of decisions. Putting it another way, transparency is desirable, but arriving at the right decisions about public health and environmental protection is what is paramount.The EPA has long been intellectually, scientifically and ethically bankrupt, arguably the worst regulatory agency in the history of the world. But perhaps I understate.”

An EPA cleanup crew on August 5 accidentally caused a breach in an abandoned gold mine in the southwestern part of Colorado, spilling three million gallons of highly toxic mining waste that contaminated waterways in Colorado and New Mexico. Then the agency failed to notify downstream jurisdictions whose drinking water and recreational waterways were threatened.

To veteran EPA watchers, such monumental screw-ups are not surprising.

When I began my fifteen-year tenure at the FDA during the Carter Administration, I had been a lab scientist and had little knowledge of government. I soon discovered that there were foibles of various kinds at the numerous regulatory agencies I interacted with, but EPA made by far the biggest impression. Their bureaucrats regarded science not as the basis for policy and decisions on individual products, but as a tool to be tortured to achieve ideological ends.

To my astonishment, I found that there were entire groups within EPA whose function it was to lie to the Office of Management and Budget and to Congress about the rationale for and impacts of their proposed regulations. And over the years, I discovered that there is a kind underground railway that conveys the most incompetent, disaffected and anti-industry employees from other regulatory agencies to EPA, creating a miasma of flawed governance.