A ‘third way’ approach to state-building gets a one-way ticket to trouble.
Salam Fayyad was once seen as a bright hope for peace in the Middle East. By the time he became prime minister of the Palestinian Authority in 2007, Mr. Fayyad had already earned credentials in the West as a World Bank technocrat. During his six years as a reformist prime minister, per capita GDP among Palestinians in the West Bank rose by 222%. Perceptions of Palestinian government corruption, as measured by Transparency International, also dropped dramatically.
No wonder David Welch, a former assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern Affairs, once called Mr. Fayyad’s administration “the best Palestinian Authority government in history.” President Obama praised him as “a true partner.”
In 2013 Mr. Fayyad resigned as prime minister of the Palestinian Authority after a series of policy disagreements with PA President Mahmoud Abbas—who is now serving the 11th year of his elected four-year term. Mr. Fayyad’s anticorruption crusade did not last beyond his tenure. But he has continued to press for reform. That may help explain why he is in legal trouble today, over a development organization he founded.