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Ruth King

Donald Trump and the Fed-Up Crowd Posted By Victor Davis Hanson

Watching Trump’s rise, America’s middle class “fed-up crowd” is enjoying the comeuppance of an elite that never pays for the ramifications of its own ideology.

Yeah, I kind of love this guy —->@unsavoryagents [1] Ha ha #LosAngeles [2] violent crime up 26% wake up! #SanctuaryCity [3] pic.twitter.com/4TtvwVWY5C [4]

— RockPrincess (@Rockprincess818) July 10, 2015 [5]

Donald Trump — a former liberal and benefactor of Democrats — is still surging. But his loud New York lingo, popular put-downs of obnoxious reporters and trashing of the D.C. establishment are symptoms, not the catalyst, of the growing popular outrage of lots of angry Americans who are fed up.

The fed-up crowd likes the payback of watching blood sport in an arena where niceties just don’t apply anymore. At least for a while longer, they enjoy the smug getting their comeuppance, as an uncouth, bullheaded Trump charges about, snorting and spearing liberal pieties and more sober and judicious Republicans at random.

Perhaps they don’t see the abjectly crude Trump as any more crude that Barack Obama calmly in academic tones assuring Americans that they all could keep their doctors and health plans when he knew that was simply untrue or announcing to the nation that his own grandmother was a “typical white person” or advising supporters to “get in their face.”

The Iran Deal: Weimar Days Are Here Again by Roger L Simon

None of my Jewish liberal friends — the few I have left — knows much about the Iran deal. In fact, they know virtually nothing about it. I have not heard one mention it voluntarily and when I have brought it up, keeping it low key to be polite (I have long realized confrontation does no good), they simply ignore what I’m saying or stare blankly as if I never spoke.

I imagine Jewish liberal politicians like Barbara Boxer and Richard Blumenthal are pretty much the same way. Only old Joseph Lieberman seems to have paid any attention and we all know he’s retired.

But then we can hardly blame them. No one seems to know what’s in this deal, not even John Kerry who negotiated it. Or at least they say they don’t.

Geoffrey Luck : Ramadan, It’s All the Rage

On a single day, Islamists blew up the Al Sadaq mosque in Kuwait, killing 28, slaughtered 38 tourists on the beach in Tunisia, and beheaded a man in France. Religion of Peace renegades? No at all, just more of the Prophet’s followers heeding his words and example
How often have we heard our political leaders spring to appease Muslims by asserting that, contrary to an ever-growing body of evidence, Islam is a religion of peace? In attempting to avoid antagonising or alienating that minority and preserve the fiction of multicultural amity, “peace” is the first word that comes to their lips when Muslims’loyalty to the state comes into question after an atrocity. Truth is made subservient to compromise.

Dabiq is the glossy, professionally-produced propaganda magazine of ISIS, the self-styled Islamic State. Regularly, it lauds the heroic sacrifices of its suicide bombers, praying that Allah will accept them. It lambasts the campaigns of the “Crusaders” of the West, calling down imprecations from convenient verses of holy writ. Every so often, it publishes a sermon by the Caliph, to inspire and energise the warriors.

Donald Trump Endorses Amnesty for Illegal Aliens By Daniel Greenfield see note please

Removing all doubt that he is a sham….and a fool….rsk
Disappointing, but not surprising.

The depressing reality though that is that most of the Republican field has endorsed amnesty in one form or another. So this isn’t much of a surprise. Trump is using his own vocabulary, but he’s echoing the same amnesty talking points you could hear from Marco Rubio… or Barack Obama.

During Friday’s interview, Trump said the U.S. should take a two-step approach to the 11 million undocumented immigrants currently living in the country.

“Well, the first thing we do is take the bad ones — of which there are, unfortunately, quite a few,” said Trump, who owns three New Jersey golf courses and once owned three Atlantic City casinos. “We take the bad ones and get ’em the hell out. We get ’em out.”

The Truth About Western ‘Colonialism’ Bruce Thornton

How the misuse of a term legitimizes the jihadist myth of Western guilt.

Language is the first casualty of wars over foreign policy. To paraphrase Thucydides, during ideological conflict, words have to change their ordinary meaning and to take that which is now given them.One word that has been central to our foreign policy for over a century is “colonialism.” Rather than describing a historical phenomenon––with all the complexity, mixture of good and evil, and conflicting motives found on every page of history––“colonialism” is now an ideological artifact that functions as a crude epithet. As a result, our foreign policy decisions are deformed by self-loathing and guilt eagerly exploited by our adversaries.

The great scholar of Soviet terror, Robert Conquest, noted this linguistic corruption decades ago. Historical terms like “imperialism” and “colonialism,” Conquest wrote, now refer to “a malign force with no program but the subjugation and exploitation of innocent people.” As such, these terms are verbal “mind-blockers and thought-extinguishers,” which serve “mainly to confuse, and of course to replace, the complex and needed process of understanding with the simple and unneeded process of inflammation.” Particularly in the Middle East, “colonialism” has been used to obscure the factual history that accounts for that region’s chronic dysfunctions, and has legitimized policies doomed to fail because they are founded on distortions of that history.

Just in Case Obama Didn’t Get It, Iran’s Supreme Leader Tweeted a Pic of Him Committing Suicide : Daniel Greenfield

The more Obama retreats, the harder Iran punches.

I have said in the past that the Obama-Iran diplomacy resembles a bully seeing how many times he can punch his target in the face. The more Obama retreats, the harder Iran punches.

Once Obama Inc. began celebrating their “good deal”, Iran’s Supreme Leader just had to take it up a notch.

Iran’s Supreme Leader tweeted a warning against any military action against Iran by what he called the “aggressive and criminal US.”

Ta-Nehisi Coates: America’s Next Top Victim You Owe us for Slavery. Now Enslave us all Over Again. by Daniel Greenfield

Recently, Charles Blow, a New York Times commentator, tried to promote his memoir, “Fire Shut Up in My Bones”, by racializing his son’s detention at Yale. “I have no patience for people trying to convince me that the fear these young black men feel isn’t real,” Blow ranted.

The publicity stunt fell apart when it was revealed that the officer who stopped his son was also black.

Now it’s Ta-Nehisi Coates’s turn to audition for America’s Next Top Victim with his latest memoir, “Between the World and Me”.

Ta-Nehisi Coates is younger than Blow, and this is his second memoir, which some might say is two memoirs too many for a man who hasn’t done anything except blog angrily about racism and Spider-Man and has yet to turn forty, but Coates is a professional victim where Blow is only an amateur.

Coates, the son of a Black Panther, has the gift of beginning with any random premise and concluding with his own racial victimhood. Coates blamed “Segregation” for his difficulty learning French. He accused the New Republic of “neo-Dixiecratism” and claimed that he “could never work at TNR”. When a cab in Amsterdam failed to pick him up, it was somehow Paul Ryan’s fault.

Obama Admonishes Africa on Homosexuality By Jeannie DeAngelis

“Son of Kenya,” Barack Obama, proved once again that his patience with people, nations, and world leaders that disagree with his view of the world registers a big fat zero on the liberal Tolerance Meter. When Obama finds out anyone (other than a Muslim) disagrees with his social policy focus, it becomes his personal mission to convince them otherwise.

And if the mere awesomeness of his presence fails to change minds, Obama will attempt to humiliate his ideological adversaries into submission by getting in their face.

For example, after Barack ‘LGBTQ’ Obama was specifically asked by the Evangelical Alliance of Kenya to leave his gay pride light show back at the White House, true to form, the self-important agitator disrespected his hosts and brought up the touchy subject of gay rights in Kenya, where homosexuality is illegal.

Gay rights for Kenya, no human rights for Cuba By Silvio Canto, Jr

Last week, we saw the U.S. flag go up in Havana but more and more dissidents were arrested and subjected to repression, the one thing that the Castro regime does real well. Sunday July 26th was a bad day for dissidents, as Marc Masferrer reported.

No protests from the White House. In fact, the silence is embarassing.

Yesterday, President Obama went to Kenya and lectured his father’s homeland about gay rights, illegal in that country.

The Iran Deal: Ahistorical, Anti-American, Immoral By E. Jeffrey Ludwig

Speaking last week about the newly concluded agreement/treaty of P5+1, Congressman Mike Pompeo (R-Kans.) noted, “This agreement is the worst of backroom deals. In addition to allowing Iran to keep its nuclear program, missile program, American hostages, and terrorist network, the Obama administration has failed to make public separate side deals that have been struck for the ‘inspection’ of one of the most important nuclear sites – the Parchin military complex. Not only does this violate the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act, it is asking Congress to agree to a deal that it cannot review.”

“Secret annexes” are not new in the world of diplomacy. However, in modern history, they are most associated with the failed alliance systems of 19th- and early 20th-century Europe. The Concert of Europe, rife with backroom as well as “front room” deals, was initiated in Europe by Klemens von Metternich, representing Austria, with the collaboration of the brilliant Maurice de Talleyrand of France. The main idea was to bulwark monarchic power in Europe. Later, its successor, called the Alliance System, was jump-started by Otto von Bismarck, a Prussian master manipulator. This system is considered by historians as contributing to the occurrence of WWI.