Displaying the most recent of 91920 posts written by

Ruth King

Anger Is Making Us Stupid By Andrew Klavan

“Hillary’s a great friend of mine. Her husband is a great friend of mine. They’re fantastic people. I mean, they’re — you know, the thing, they get a bad knock. She’s a very nice woman. People think, tough, tough. And I guess she’s tough, but she’s a very nice woman. And he’s a very nice guy. We know all about the smarts and how smart they are, and all, but they are good people.” Donald Trump

“Fear is the path to the dark side,” said Yoda. “Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”

The glorified muppet had a point. I’ve been watching Republicans cheer for Donald Trump, the pro-amnesty [1], pro-government healthcare [2], friend of Hillary Clinton [3], and all-around Democrat backer [4], who, it seems pretty likely, is running for president to bleed off enough Republican support to ensure the Democrat candidate’s election.

What Is Your Child Really Learning in Middle School? By Eileen F. Toplansky

Educators making kids into white-guilt drones…possibly in a public school near you.
Recently, ION Television cited Oman Frame in their “Everyday Heroes” segment for his work on race, gender, and class. Those last three words caught my attention, since white privilege is a constant meme in the academic world.

Frame teaches 7th and 8th grade in southwest Atlanta. He is a charismatic man who bonds easily with students of either race. Martha Caldwell also works with Oman Frame. She wrote “Inquiry into identity: Teaching critical thinking through a study of race, class, and gender.” Comments about their workshops for middle school students include this from a parent:

To say that these two dynamic teachers caused the scales to fall from the eyes of our white children of privilege would be an understatement. Both our children became increasingly aware of the vastly different lives others live, and the hugely uneven playing field that results when society bases its treatment of people on distinctions like household income, skin color, gender, or sexual orientation. Their concern continues to propel them to act in ways that reject the dehumanizing biases of the status quo. I fully expect this to continue for the rest of their lives.

Obama’s Deal: $150 Billion to Iran to Destroy Israel with Conventional Arms By Rabbi Aryeh Spero

One of the most alarming and catastrophic elements being overlooked in yesterday’s give-away deal to the mullahs is that Iran will soon receive $150 billion dollars. With that money they can immediately go after Israel with tens of billions in horrific conventional weapons, missiles, bombers… way before any nuclear bomb is fully functional. Israel will be overwhelmed as never before, and America will be more vulnerable to Iranian plots financed, bizarrely, by Mr. Obama’s giveaways. The mullahs can now echo Lenin: “The West will supply us the rope to hang them.

There is no reason for President Obama to give Iran that amount of money, which will be used tomorrow to try to destroy Israel, hire tens of thousands of ISIS, Hamas, and Hezb’allah terrorists, and finance terrorism against America and other countries. It will put at risk our Navy in the Persian Gulf, with Obama probably ordering some type of American retreat when challenged by the Iranians so as not to jeopardize our “partnership” with them as well as the hopes he has placed in the mullahs and his sympathy for other Iranian goals. This so-called treaty has been a hoax from the beginning, a ruse and cover-up for Mr. Obama’s plan to resurrect Iran and financially fortify the mullahs and Iran.

Obama’s Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Decree By Paul H. Robinson

Using presidential clemency to override existing policy on criminal sentences sets a dangerous precedent.

On Monday President Obama commuted the sentences of 46 drug offenders, bringing his commutation count to 89, more than the past four presidents combined. Meanwhile, the White House and Justice Department have signaled that this is only the beginning of an enormous clemency initiative by the administration.

Federal sentencing policy for nonviolent drug offenders is seriously misguided, leaving too many behind bars for far too long. But Mr. Obama’s apparent decision to use his clemency power to override existing sentencing policy is also misguided.

Islamic State Is Operating in the Sinai and Threatening Israel: Joanathan Spyer

The Sinai-based Islamic State affiliate Wilayat al-Sina (Sinai Province) claimed responsibility for the firing of three Grad rockets at Israel on July 3. This attack, which caused no casualties, came closely after a large-scale assault by the group against Egyptian security installations in the Sheikh Zuweid area of northern Sinai.

Both events served notice regarding the growing seriousness of the threat represented by the jihadists in northern Sinai.

The Sheikh Zuweid attacks demonstrated a level of tactical proficiency and sophistication hitherto not seen in Sinai’s Islamic State affiliate. The jihadists used sophisticated weapons systems, reportedly including Russian-made Kornet antitank missiles, and antiaircraft missiles. They also deployed suicide bombers as a weapon of war, rather than as terrorism, to telling effect against Egyptian Army positions.

The Mythical Connection Between Immigrants and Crime By Jason L. Riley ****See note please

Jason Riley is absolutely right here. The dangerous immigrants are radical Moslems who encourage jihad and hatred of America and push back on assimilation…..rsk
Newcomers to the U.S. are less likely than the native population to commit violent crimes or be incarcerated.

Is the conversation that Republicans want to have about immigration any more serious than the one Democrats want to have about race?

The Republican presidential field sports no shortage of individuals capable of speaking intelligently about America’s broken immigration system. Sens. Marco Rubio and Lindsey Graham have drafted legislation on the issue. Jeb Bush co-wrote an entire book on the subject. And Rick Perry ran a border state with the nation’s second-largest immigrant population for 14 years. So why is Donald Trump, whose comments about immigrants and crime are as ugly as they are uninformed, doing all the talking?

Tehran’s Nuclear Triumph The Deal Leaves Tehran on the Cusp of a Bomb While Sanctions Vanish.

President Obama was right on Tuesday to hail his nuclear agreement with Iran as historic, though not because of his claim that it will “prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.” The agreement all but guarantees that Tehran will eventually become a nuclear power, while limiting the ability of a future President to prevent it.

We say this after reading the 159-page text, complete with five annexes, which offers a clearer view than the President’s broad and happy description. “We give up nothing by testing whether or not this problem can be solved peacefully,” Mr. Obama said. “If, in a worst-case scenario, Iran violates the deal, the same options will be available to me today will be available to any U.S. President in the future.”

Why the Jews Are the Canary in the Coal Mine by J. P. Golbert

Even in the matter of “slavery,” the Torah works toward the natural and ideal condition of each and every individual person, which is freedom. In the Torah system, if a master strikes his slave and wounds him, the slave goes free. If a master has enough food for only one, he is obligated to give it to the slave. If he has only one blanket, the slave sleeps under it, not the master. This is precisely why the Western ruling classes have always persecuted the Jews and taught ordinary gentiles to hate them, lest ordinary people learn from the Jews that they have a right to live in freedom and equality. The notion of man being “endowed by his Creator with certain unalienable rights” comes from Jewish Scripture, certainly not from Greek or Roman political philosophy.

As long as Jews are around — militating passionately for the ideals of freedom, equality and sanctity of human life — tyrants will never be safe. In their view, both the Jews and their seditious Bible have to be done away with utterly. For tyrants, Islam is the perfect solution, whereas Christianity claims to be fulfillment of what is set forth in the Hebrew Bible, and therefore must proclaim its validity. To Islam, the Hebrew Bible is made by man and not by Allah; it has no validity and therefore there is nothing to confront. Islam is the perfect religion for making the world safe for tyranny.

Ask a “progressive” what it is that they would have us “progress” toward. The response will usually be a blank stare. Is it any wonder that “progressive” Western leaders and establishment journalists consistently cave in to Islamic demands to curtail freedom and have given Islam a special status among religions? They protect it against criticism, vilify its detractors and continually serve as public relations flacks for Islam: they keep explaining that the burgeoning global jihad and its expanding horrors “have nothing to do with Islam.” One could contended, with far greater justification, that the Inquisition had nothing to do with Christianity. One could claim that the Inquisition was actually anti-Christian, perpetrated by people who twisted the doctrines of Christianity. No one says such an inane and ridiculous thing, except in defense of Islam.

When tyrants target the Jews, the real target is everyone’s freedom.

Does this Deal Prevent Iran from Developing a Nuclear Weapon? by Alan M. Dershowitz

Does the proposed deal with Iran actually prevent the Mullahs from ever developing a nuclear weapon? Or does it merely delay them for a period of years? That is the key question that has not yet been clearly answered.

In his statement on the deal, President Obama seemed to suggest that Iran will never be allowed to develop a nuclear weapon. He said that this “long-term deal with Iran… will prevent it from obtaining a nuclear weapon.” He then repeated this assurance: “because of this deal, the international community will be able to verify that the Islamic Republic of Iran will not be able to develop a nuclear weapon.” These seemingly categorical statements were intended to assure the world that President Obama would keep his earlier promise that Iran will never be allowed to develop nuclear weapons.

But is that what the deal itself does? Or, as stated by its critics, does it actually assure that Iran will be allowed to develop a nuclear arsenal after a short delay of several years? That is the key question that the Obama administration has refused to answer directly. It must do so before Congress can be asked to buy a pig in a poke for the American people.

16 Reasons Nuke Deal is an Iranian Victory and a Western Catastrophe: David Horovitz

Op-Ed: Has Iran agreed to ‘anywhere, anytime’ inspections, an end to R&D on faster centrifuges, and the dismantling of its key nuclear sites? No, no, and no

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani on Tuesday unsurprisingly hailed the nuclear agreement struck with US-led world powers, and derided the “failed” efforts of the “warmongering Zionists.” His delight, Iran’s delight, is readily understandable.

The agreement legitimizes Iran’s nuclear program, allows it to retain core nuclear facilities, permits it to continue research in areas that will dramatically speed its breakout to the bomb should it choose to flout the deal, but also enables it to wait out those restrictions and proceed to become a nuclear threshold state with full international legitimacy. Here’s how.