Displaying the most recent of 91910 posts written by

Ruth King

The Myth of Muslim Radicalization By Daniel Greenfield

After some of its quarter of a million Muslims headed to join ISIS, Quebec decided the answer was a $2 million anti-radicalization center headed by a specialist in cultural sensitivity. But if you’re about to be beheaded by a masked ISIS Jihadist, a specialist in cultural sensitivity isn’t going to help you much.

Western governments nevertheless keep rolling out their culturally sensitive approaches to fighting ISIS.

The key element in Obama’s strategy for fighting ISIS isn’t the F-15E Strike Eagle, it’s a Twitter account run by a Muslim Brotherhood sympathizer which claims to “Counter Violent Extremism” by presenting moderate Islamists like Al Qaeda as positive role models for the Islamic State’s social media supporters.

So far 75% of planes flown on combat missions against ISIS return without engaging the enemy, but the culturally sensitive State Department Twitter account has racked up over 5,000 tweets and zero kills.

Theft By Deception: The Immigration Con Game By Michael Cutler

A pattern of criminality has been in progress for decades with more Americans falling victim to this crime each day. The crime is “theft by deception.” Because of this, millions of Americans are losing their thin sliver of the American Dream, their security and their peace of mind

In order to understand the crime we first need to know and understand the elements of the crime.

To provide a starting point and specific language, we will use the definition of “theft by deception” as defined in one state in particular: Georgia. However, this crime, of using deception to steal, is codified in virtually every state and city. This crime is defined in the Georgia Code [2], in part, as:

a) A person commits the offense of theft by deception when he obtains property by any deceitful means or artful practice with the intention of depriving the owner of the property.

(b) A person deceives if he intentionally:

(1) Creates or confirms another’s impression of an existing fact or past event which is false and which the accused knows or believes to be false;

(2) Fails to correct a false impression of an existing fact or past event which he has previously created or confirmed;

(3) Prevents another from acquiring information pertinent to the disposition of the property involved

Hillary Wants to Fundamentally Transform American Elections By J. Christian Adams

Hillary Clinton has given Republicans a taste of what is to come. In recent days, she has delivered two speeches laying out an architecture that Democrats will use to retain the White House in 2016. Republicans better pay close attention.

Hillary jettisoned Bill’s triangulation from the 1990’s and aligned with the radical racialist muscle that now dominates the Democrat party of 2015. In Houston [2], she tried to scare racial minorities by conjuring the ghost of Jim Crow. On Welfare Island in New York City, she launched [3] a cultural crusade to pit racial and sexual interest groups against mainstream America.

Hillary is banking on Republicans responding to these attacks the same way they have in the past: shock, then shame, followed by capitulation.

Betrayal of the Jews By Paul Schnee

Students of the University of California, Irvine (UCI) are speaking out against the Jewish Federation and Family Services of Orange County and its history of intimidation of pro-Israel students. Several students have recently come forward to share the challenges they have faced from the organization, including an incident in which a Federation official “blamed” a Jewish student who was assaulted by anti-Israel protesters and objected to her calling the police. In general, students report extreme frustration with ongoing hostility from the Federation, and in light of recent controversy involving the organization head’s public abuse of a pro-Israel student [2], they have chosen to tell their stories.

The pro-Israel UCI organization Anteaters for Israel (AFI), instead of being encouraged and supported by the Federation and its local Hillel, have not only become the focus of the Federation’s ire, but also the victims of its appeasement of demonstrably Jew-hating groups such as the Muslim Student Union (MSU) and Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP). It is no surprise, therefore, that at least three members of AFI, Sharon Shaoulian, Jackie A. and Emily P.*, have become increasingly alarmed and concerned about the Jew-hatred on UCI’s campus and what appears to be the unimpeded growth of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement there.

Alexander Hamilton to Share Image on $10 Bill With a Woman :Carol Lee

The identity of the female will be announced later this year, says Treasury Secretary Jack Lew

For the first time in more than a century, a woman’s face will appear on an American bill.

The Treasury Department announced Wednesday it will replace the main image of its own founder, Alexander Hamilton, on the $10 bill, with a woman as yet to be determined. Mr. Hamilton will remain on the bill in a diminished way.

John McLean The Pontiff Buys a Bridge

No doubt inspired by the loftiest motives, Pope Francis appears poised to emblazon a document of blithering climate-change nonsense with the authority and endorsement of the Vatican seal. If only he had taken a moment to remind himself of those warnings about false prophets.

It’s more than a bit ironic that in the same week we celebrate the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta, the document that took away arbitrary rule by a king, the pope should be announcing an arbitrary ruling on climate change. Worse, it seems the only voices Rome has heeded are those of climate alarmists, led by Hans Joachim (John) Schellnhuber, Alarmist-in-Chief of the notoriously alarmist Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK).

Treasury to Bump Off Hamilton on the $10,00 Bill ???? By Bridget Johnson…see note

Apparently by 2020 they will put a woman…..but the notices keep changing…..stay tuned…rsk
Treasury Secretary Jack Lew is about to become the 21st century Aaron Burr by booting Alexander Hamilton off the $10 bill.Treasury was teasing a big announcement from its engraving office at midnight, until Nancy Lindborg, the president of the U.S. Institute of Peace, broke the embargo by praising Lew’s decision in a tweet.

“Sec Lew announced 2day historic decision to feature a woman on new 10 dollar bill. About time! Share ideas on who to feature #TheNewTen,” Lindborg tweeted. There had been a long-running campaign to put a woman on U.S. currency — but backers were lobbying for Andrew Jackson to be booted off the $20 bill.

“Andrew Jackson was celebrated for his military prowess, for founding the Democratic party and for his simpatico with the common man. But as the seventh president of the United States, he also helped gain Congressional passage of the ‘Indian Removal Act of 1830′ that drove Native American tribes of the Southeastern United States off their resource-rich land and into Oklahoma to make room for white European settlers. Commonly known as the Trail of Tears, the mass relocation of Indians resulted in the deaths of thousands from exposure, disease and starvation during the westward migration. Not okay,” explained the Women on 20s campaign.

Does Harvard Teach Law Anymore? By J. Christian Adams ****

Harvard is to law what Winchester is to bolt actions. Powerful, dependable, well engineered and the mark of a serious craft, at least that’s what I was told.

These days, Harvard graduates probably don’t know much about bolt actions, unless they are a member of the Harvard Law School shooting club. A stroll through the Harvard Law School course catalog also makes you wonder how much they know about the real practice of law.The course catalog from Harvard Law School hints that the answer might be — not as much as we thought.

The Harvard Law School course catalog frequently reads more like an ideological training academy than it does a program for teaching lawyers how to practice law.

Shocking Poll for Hillary By Thomas Lifson

The American Spectator and American Thinker are not the only ones calling out the danger signs popping up for Hillary’s supposedly inevitable nomination. It turns out that if you dig down into the internals of a recent poll in New Hampshire, there’s extremely bad news for Hillary Clinton. Michael Warren reports for the Weekly Standard:

The only female Democratic candidate for president may have a problem with male voters in that party, judging by a new Suffolk University poll of the New Hampshire primary. The poll, which shows former secretary of state Hillary Clinton below 50 percent support and just 10 points ahead of senator Bernie Sanders, reveals an interesting detail about where Clinton is weakest among Granite State Democrats.

While Clinton does better with female Democrats—47 percent to Sanders’s 28 percent—she’s actually losing men to the Vermont senator. Within a relatively small sample of likely male Democratic voters in New Hampshire, Sanders wins 75, or 35 percent, while Clinton wins 69, or 32 percent. See the details of the crosstabs here.

Tests for Teachers Found to Have Too Many White Questions By Newsmachete ????

When I was in school, I was always frustrated by tests where the questions were geared to Asians or blacks or Eskimos; not being in any of these groups, I simply couldn’t answer such questions. For example, while I could easily answer questions about adding or subtracting apples, or pears, whenever a question asked about adding or subtracting igloos, the question would be so alien to me that my mind would draw a blank!

Therefore, it is with great sympathy that I read that blacks and Hispanics are failing teacher tests in disproportionate numbers because there are simply too many white questions on the tests.