The mission statement of the Central Reform Congregation avows community, diversity, and commitment for a vibrant Jewish presence in their city, St. Louis, Missouri, but specific Jewish issues and Israel are not addressed. There is concern for a broad swath of social issues, none to address Jewish survival and the ongoing, increasing threat of anti-Semitism by Islam and the socialist/communist Left. Rather, the congregants reach out to Muslims whose dedication to jihad (religious holy war) threatens Jewish and Christian existence; the Koran dictates jihad for every Muslim and death for every infidel.
Jihad seeks to enforce Sharia worldwide, which includes curtailing our speech (for starters), revising our educational system (strongly underway with history textbooks that whitewash Islam and relegate America, Judaism and Christianity to a few insignificant pages); killing the infidels and harshly treating their own, and much more. Why does the rabbi deem these crucial issues so unimportant to the people she purports to represent, and why is there no platform to protect minorities and women from this xenophobic ideology? The Jews, with their 100% literacy rate and 78% idiocy rate at the ballot box, advocate for their own destruction when they ignore Islamic totalitarianism and its ambition to establish a global caliphate. Jews are kept so severely uninformed, that they facilitate our transition to a totalitarian regime.