Displaying the most recent of 91920 posts written by

Ruth King

Death by Lashing: Raif Badawi and the Travesty of Justice in Saudi Arabia by Salim Mansur

Nothing could uplift the universal image of Saudi Arabia and King Salman more than if today he issued a pardon. World leaders, including U.S. President Barack Obama, who has so far been silent on the issue, should immediately speak out — as should the media and human rights groups.

There was no insult of Islam, of the prophet, or of the Quran, in what Badawi wrote; and, truth be told, God, Islam and the prophet are all beyond insults, and beyond the reach of profanity that occasionally spills forth from the bigoted or tortured minds of individuals.

The treatment of Raif Badawi stands out, not merely for its cruelty, but how it has come to symbolize the grotesquely repulsive nature of the Saudi kingdom and what it represents behind the mask of religious austerity.

Tomorrow, Friday, the virtual death sentence by 1000 lashes, delivered “very harshly” according to the flogging order, fifty at a time, might continue for Raif Badawi, a 31-year-old Saudi blogger and father of three, for allegedly “insulting Islam.”

Scott Walker and Academic Tenure By Bruce Walker

Scott Walker is advocating a reform in Wisconsin that could have more profound an impact on America than anything we have seen in a long time. Establishment leftism depends upon institutions that support and promote its philosophy and agenda using our money. The most obnoxious offender is Big Education, especially tenured professors who mock our values even as they rob our pockets.

Tenured professors are impossible to remove, they need do almost no work, and these goons spout Marxist nonsense and abuse conservative students with impunity. Even worse, overpaid professors and bloated state universities not only squeeze the taxpayers in tight state budgets, but also force middle-class families and young adults into debt to purchase the dubious benefits of a college degree.

Walker is proposing to end tenure in the state university system. Predictably, the overpaid and underworked professorial class is screeching about the loss of academic freedom. These are the same clowns who regularly intimidate conservative students in their classes, who exclude qualified conservatives from the very tenure they are defending, and who participate in keeping conservative speakers off campuses.

Forbidden at the University of California: “America Is the Land of Opportunity” By Arnold Ahler

The progressive storm troopers at the University of California are ramping up their PC agenda. A faculty seminar discussing “diversity in the classroom” held at nine of the 10 UC campuses during [2] the 2014-2015 school year came with a worksheet [3] entitled “Tool: Recognizing Microagressions and the Messages They Send.” “Microaggressions are the everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their marginalized group membership,” states the opening sentence. The ultimate cure for such “hurtful” behavior? Tossing free speech on the ash heap of history.

The worksheet is divided into three columns, Themes, Microagression Examples, and Message. In one Theme section, under the subheading of “Ascription of Intelligence,” professors are informed about the potential pain engendered by “Assigning intelligence to a person of color or a woman based on his/her race/gender.”

And just in case professors are insufficiently erudite or “sensitive” enough to figure out exactly what produces such suffering among the student to whom they are tasked with disseminating this newfound wisdom, faculty trainers provide specific Microagression Examples. These include trigger statements such as, “You are a credit to your race,” and “Wow! How do you become so good in math?” Two more examples are apparently for the more obtuse faculty members as they spell out which ethnic group is targeted. “To an Asian person, ‘You must be good in math, can you help me with this problem?’ and “To a woman of color: ‘I would have never guessed you were a scientist.’”

Islamic State at Israel’s Gate By Joseph Klein

Jihadists affiliated with the Islamic State (also known as ISIS or ISIL) are carrying on the rocket war against Israeli civilians from where Hamas left off. Following several rocket attacks in the last several weeks for which the Islamic State has taken credit, rockets launched from Gaza Thursday night exploded in the Ashkelon area.

Israel is still holding Hamas responsible for the attacks as the governing authority in Gaza.

“The IDF understands that Hamas wants quiet and is making an effort to prevent the shooting, but the State of Israel still sees Hamas as responsible for what happens in Gaza,” said Sami Turgeman, head of IDF’s Southern Command.

The Israeli military responded with measured attacks on Hamas facilities, while at the same time trying to avoid setting off a wider war at this time. But Israel’s hand is being forced by the Islamic State, which is evidently working assiduously to supplant Hamas as the authoritative Islamic power in Gaza. The Gaza branch calls itself the Sheikh Omar Hadid Brigade. It is cooperating with another ISIS-affiliated group operating in the Sinai Peninsula, which calls itself Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis.

Is Obama Supporting a Shiite ISIS? By Daniel Greenfield

Staff Sgt. Ahmed Altaie was the last American soldier to come home from Iraq. His body was turned over by Asaib Ahl al-Haq or The League of the Righteous; a Shiite terrorist group funded and trained by Iran.

Altaie had been kidnapped, held for ransom and then killed.

It was not Asaib Ahl al-Haq’s only kidnapping and murder of an American soldier. A year after Altaie’s kidnapping, its terrorists disguised themselves as Americans and abducted five of our soldiers in Karbala. The soldiers were murdered by their Shiite captors after sustained pursuit by American forces made them realize that they wouldn’t be able to escape with their hostages.

Asaib Ahl al-Haq’s obsession with American hostages was a typically Iranian fixation. Iran’s leaders see the roots of their international influence in the Iran hostage crisis. Its terrorist groups in Lebanon had abducted and horrifically tortured [2] Colonel William R. Higgins and William Francis Buckley.


The Wednesday, June 10 Wall Street Journal headline at the top of the page was “Obama Set to Expand Troops in Iraq.” We were 589 days into the two terms Barack Hussein Obama has served in the office of President of the United States and he is as clueless now as he was when he arrived on January 20, 2009.

“President Barack Obama is poised to send hundreds more American advisers to a new base in a strategic Iraqi region to help devise a counterattack against marauding Islamic State militants, U.S. officials said Tuesday, a shift that underscores American concern over recent battlefield losses.” It’s 450 “trainers.”

Hillary Clinton and the Presidency: It’s Not Anyone’s Turn by Claire Kozak ****

Claire Kozak is Editor in Chief of “The Zephyr” a publication of the Brearley School in New York City where she is now in the Senior Class.

I am, without question, a feminist. I have attended an all-girls school for nearly ten years, and I have had the remarkable opportunity to grow up in an environment that is dedicated to educating and empowering women. I believe that we should have a woman president. But when that day comes, I want that woman to be elected because of her accomplishments. Not her gender.
But Hillary Clinton’s popularity seems to be based on her identity as a woman. Since she announced her candidacy in a video where she claimed to be the voice of the “everyday American,” she has answered very few questions on substantial issues.

She’s spoken about a few key issues including campaign reform and immigration – issues where her opinion will be popular among the democratic community. But mainly, her selling point is speaking for the American people – a noble cause, but one that doesn’t tell us much about her plans besides the few she’s discussed. And yet, she continues an unusually silent glide towards the White House. In early February, President Obama’s former campaign manager Jim Messina voiced the phrase that many have now made their own, “It’s Hillary’s Turn.”

This phrase has a complicated history. In past years, it has actually referred to the political tradition of the vice president or vice presidential candidate becoming the party’s nominee. However, the phrase has been appropriated by many of Hillary’s fans to signify her rightful claim to the oval office because it’s time for a woman.

But the fact is, it’s never anyone’s turn to be president. The presidency is one of the most complex and demanding positions in the world, and when someone is chosen to lead the United States of America, it should be because they are the most qualified person for the job. Gender, race, socioeconomic status, or religion should not factor into a presidential election.
Margaret Thatcher did not become Prime Minister of the United Kingdom because of her gender. She earned the votes of the British people with the clarity of her positions. She made it very clear what her policies were, and she won that office three times. Benazir Bhutto did not serve two terms as the Prime Minister of Pakistan because she was a woman – she led her country because voters thought she was the most equipped person to do so at the time. Golda Meir was elected as the fourth Prime Minister of Israel because of her politics and previous experience as the Minister of International Affairs. All of these women leaders were highly qualified and clear in their positions.

If anyone “deserves” to be president, it should be because of his or her policies, promises, plans for the country, and political record. It shouldn’t be because the government needs to diversify. Feminism and gender equality are relevant and highly important issues, without a doubt. But we cannot elect a woman president just because it is time for a woman to be president.

The First “Rotating First Lady” by Mark Steyn

I began by noting the recent debacle at the TSA. Not content with a 96 per cent failure rate when it comes to detecting prohibited items, the TSA was also entirely unaware that 73 persons on the terrorist watch list are currently working at US airports. These are the guys you see at the airport zipping straight past the security line – the baggage handlers and bathroom cleaners and concession-stand employees, the fellows with the security badges that enable them to bypass the downtrodden throng of bedraggled Americans shuffling shoeless past the federal genital-gropers. And 73 of the guys with those security passes are on the terrorist-watch list. They’re the “known wolves” – the ones who, after the atrocity, are revealed to have been in the official databases all along, as with the Boston Marathon bombers and the panty bomber and the fellows who wanted to kill Pamela Geller in Texas. Seventy-three known terror suspects managed to get jobs at US airports. I wonder how many would-be terrorists not known to the watch-list compilers are also gainfully employed at O’Hare and LAX and the rest.

One reason the TSA missed these guys is fairly obvious. As I said on the show:

You set up a lavishly funded agency to prevent terrorists from getting on the plane and the agency is not allowed to look at the terrorist watch list. The United States’ answer to any problem is to create a new acronym and place it in the alphabet soup of the federal government.

Immigration Reform: Behind the Bumper Sticker Slogans By Michael Cutler

Many years ago, back when I was a student at Brooklyn College, a communications professor, whose words of wisdom still reverberate in my mind, stated, “You cannot sell a product, a service or a concept if you use more than ten words.”

Certainly an effective communicator needs to be able to boil down concepts into the simplest terms possible to effectively communicate a fundamental idea.

Advertising campaigns are constructed around pithy slogans that are short enough to fit on a bumper sticker. Most television and radio commercials adhere to this principle.

Politicians have come to understand this approach to marketing ideas, reducing campaigns to a series of slogans that are all but devoid of meaning but create emotional rallying cries.

The Rise and Fall of Al Jazeera America By Daniel Greenfield

When Al Jazeera America was announced, the Qatari propaganda network was riding high. Once known as a dump for Al Qaeda videos, the Arab Spring had allowed the House of Thani to project its power across the region, toppling governments and replacing them with its Muslim Brotherhood allies.

Qatar had been notorious for its ties to Al Qaeda, but those connections had done little for the oil-rich oligarchy. The Muslim Brotherhood however handed Egypt over to Qatar. And Al Jazeera’s propaganda had been widely credited with supplying the images and messaging that made it happen.

Qatar’s key Arab Spring asset however had been in the White House. Mubarak would not have fallen if he had retained the support of the President of the United States. Nor would Gaddafi have been toppled or Assad have come under so much pressure without US military intervention or the expectation of it.