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Ruth King

Operation Lost in Translation What do we owe the Iraqi and Afghan ‘terps’ who fought with us in Iraq and Afghanistan? By William McGurn

This Army vet is trying to save their lives.

His Maryland driver’s license lists his name as “FNU Ajmal.” The FNU stands for “first name unknown.” It’s the way all his legal and identification documents appear, because this is what some bureaucrat slapped on the green card he received from Uncle Sam when he came to America.

His real name is Ajmal Faqiri. But the FNU that has become his legal name in America is a metaphor for the bungling that characterizes one of the noblest efforts to come out of our long wars in Afghanistan and Iraq: a 2008 decision by Congress to grant special visas to the Afghan and Iraqi interpreters and translators who put their own lives at risk to serve American troops.

“There are hundreds just like Ajmal who now go by F-N-U,” says Matt Zeller, a 33-year-old Army veteran of Afghanistan who now runs a nonprofit—No One Left Behind—founded to hold America to its promise to resettle interpreters such as Mr. Faqiri here in the U.S.


Secretary Clinton relied on a political crony for backdoor intelligence.

The State Department on Friday published about 848 of the some 55,000 pages of emails that Hillary Clinton personally decided were relevant before erasing the rest of her private server. Yet even this twice cherry-picked dossier—with a focus on the 2011-2012 Libya crisis—is revealing about the kind of operation she was running at Foggy Bottom. All that’s missing is the shoe phone from the “Get Smart” spy farce.
In the pre-Memorial Day weekend news dump, long-time Clinton plumber Sidney Blumenthal plays Maxwell Smart, passing along intel on Benghazi from half a world away. Secret Agent Blumenthal apparently derived this wisdom from his new business associates who were attempting to win contracts from Libyan nationals. Mrs. Clinton often circulates the memos among her top diplomats with comments like “useful insight” and “very interesting,” and they would often then push them down the chain of command, without identifying the source.

Edward Rothstein: Unknown Musicians of a Wandering Race

A remarkable concert reintroduces three Jewish composers who fled fascist Europe to America, where two of them pioneered a new art form—the symphonic film score.

In his program notes to the Pro Musica Hebraica concert at the Kennedy Center in Washington earlier this month, the historian James Loeffler points out that in 1927—just before the period in which the music on the program was written—a Russian-born musician by the name of Gdal Saleski published a “classic, biographical lexicon” under the title Famous Musicians of a Wandering Race.

At the time, this well-worn description of the Jews as a “wandering race” could still be invoked with pride, or innocence. Not for long, however. Loeffler observes that the post-Holocaust edition of the book would refer instead to composers of “Jewish origin,” and by then the book was more of a memorial volume. Still, that earlier phrase remains strangely resonant, evoking bards doomed to migratory journeys, singing of epic pasts, embodying the age-old fate of the disenfranchised Wandering Jew of Western mythology. And there was a certain element of truth in all of that—as the evening’s program bore out.

Shavou’ot (Pentecost) Highlights US-Israel Relations: Amb.(Ret.) Yoram Ettinger

The US-Israel relations have experienced many crises, beginning with the Department of State’s opposition to the establishment of the Jewish State in 1948, the Department of State-inspired 1948/49 military embargo (while the British supplied arms to Egypt, Jordan and Iraq), and Foggy Bottom’s sustained refusal to recognize any part of Jerusalem as an Israeli territory.

However, since 1949, the US-Israel crises have always been “V”-shaped (quick to deteriorate and quick to rebound), not “U”-shaped (quick to deteriorate and prolonged to rebound), due to the healthy foundation of the bilateral relationship – as reflected by the attitudes of the American people and Congress – which transcend the Palestinian issue, the Arab-Israeli conflict, Israel’s bombing of Iraq’s nuclear reactor, Iran, etc..

The foundations of US-Israel relations were forged by the Bible-inspired Pilgrims of the 17th century and the Judeo-Christian-driven Founding Fathers of the 18th century, preceding the evolution of the organized Jewish community, the Holocaust, the establishment of Israel and the appearance of AIPAC on the American scene. These foundations have nurtured a covenant between the American people – and their state and federal representatives – and the Jewish State, which has accorded Israel a unique standing: a foreign, but also a value-driven domestic issue.



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“The Jewish Undergrounds Part 1: LEHI” describes the rise of the first underground to fight the British. Founded by Avraham “Yair” Stern, a poet and classical scholar, LEHI will carry out its war against the British chiefly through high-profile assassinations.

Something Missing from Iraq War Debate (As Usual): Diana West

The Iraq debate that has erupted three, seven, eight, twelve years too late may end up disproving the old adage, “Better late than never.” Why? Too many glaring omissions from the conversation.

Let’s start with Numero Uno: Islam.

Once again, Islam is not part of the discussion.

This omission, as readers of the website know, is nothing new in discourse about American wars in the Islamic world. Many’s the time over the past dozen years when I attended Washington confabs where the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan were discussed at length by experts, military officers and elected officials, but Islam was not even mentioned — and certainly not as as a cultural-legal-political-religious roadblock against the US policy of “nation-building” through “hearts and minds” “counterinsurgency.” This is a failed policy, as we have seen.

Or have we? I think not.

So long as the discussion of Islam — its collectivist laws of supremacism and inequality, just for instance — is not part of the “what went wrong in Iraq and Afghanistan?” conversation, the answers will continue to elude us.

Michael Bastasch:Former UN Lead Author: Global Warming Caused By ‘Natural Variations’ In Climate

Global temperature change observed over the last hundred years or so is well within the natural variability of the last 8,000 years, according to a new paper by a former Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change (IPCC) lead author.

Dr. Philip Lloyd, a South Africa-based physicist and climate researcher, examined ice core-based temperature data going back 8,000 years to gain perspective on the magnitude of global temperature changes over the 20th Century.

What Lloyd found was that the standard deviation of the temperature over the last 8,000 years was about 0.98 degrees Celsius– higher than the 0.85 degrees climate scientists say the world has warmed over the last century.

Flying as Close to the Flame as Hillary Clinton Dares: Wesley Pruden

Everything about the Clintons, both Hillary and Bubba, is a lie, including (to steal a memorable line from the author Mary McCarthy) the “a,” the “and,” and the “the.” Neither Bubba nor Hillary know how to tell the truth, but both of them are masters at spinning the lie.

The dump of some of Hillary’s official emails this week reveals just how she operated as the secretary of State, employing an old courtier to help her deceive and distort the facts about her role in hanging an American ambassador out to die in Benghazi.

Mrs. Clinton not only set up her own private communications network when she was the secretary of State, but established her own intelligence network, relying on Sidney Blumenthal, the old courtier and Clinton family field hand, a character assassin well known in Washington as “Sid Vicious.”

Richard Baehr : Obama Has a War Worth Fighting

Pretty much everywhere one looks around the globe, American foreign policy in ‎the Obama administration appears to have produced a disaster area. As Bret ‎Stephens summarized this week in “Everything is awesome, Mideast edition,” Saudi Arabia has concluded it is now on its own versus Iran, the Islamic State group is doing a fine ‎job overrunning both Syria, Iraq, and Libya, and Iran is spitting in America’s face ‎with every announcement it makes. Of course, American officials say this is all for ‎show, and a new Iran will soon burst onto the scene, a full member of “the ‎community of nations,” say, like the new Cuba. Today, Iran announced than ‎inspections of any nuclear facilities would require 24 days advance notice. Of ‎course, no inspections will be allowed of military sites. When all its cash is freed ‎up from the end of virtually all sanctions, Iran presumably will have no reason not ‎to cheat on its nuclear program, but if they do, U.S. President Barack Obama tells us, sanctions will ‎be snapped back quickly. However, Iran will not be returning any of the money, ‎and Russia has made clear that international sanctions will not automatically ‎snapback in any case. So what exactly are the safeguards for our side in this ‎transaction?‎


I didn’t quite believe it when I heard that America’s commander-in-chief had addressed the graduating class of the Coast Guard Academy and delivered a speech about climate change. But it’s true:

This brings me to the challenge I want to focus on today — one where our Coast Guardsmen are already on the front lines, and that, perhaps more than any other, will shape your entire careers — and that’s the urgent need to combat and adapt to climate change.

What a bore this time of year is. There seems to be only a couple of topics the ever shrinking list of approved speakers get to talk about to America’s youth. So Obama droned on about climate change and Mann-boosting hack Bill Nye the Science Guy discoursed on race. Maybe someone switched their speeches.

Over at The Washington Free Beacon, Aaron MacLean kept a cool head about the President’s Warmageddon scenario: