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Ruth King


Nick Gray is Director, Christian Middle East Watch, a British organisation dedicated to objective and factual discussion of Middle Eastern issues, especially of the Israel-Palestinian conflict. Nick, who is a regular contributor to The Commentator, blogs at cmewonline.com

The ridiculous and self-destructive Palestinian leadership continues to mourn the entirely just and legitimate re-establishment of Israel. But that’s no excuse for people in the West to indulge this nonsense, especially while carnage engulfs the MidEast

The state of Israel recently celebrated 67 years of independence as the world’s only Jewish state. On Friday, the Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza mourned 67 years of so-called, “Israeli occupation”.

Although tension and conflict between the Jewish and Arab populations of the vague area once known as “Palestine” had already been going on throughout the period of British rule, the events of 1948 (67 years ago!) carry a poignancy and a particular significance for both sides.


After Jeb Bush’s ‘Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week’

So there’s this story going around, surely a piece of fiction from a typically clueless Hollywood writer or something, that there’s a Republican candidate for president who is open to raising taxes, who urged the confirmation of Loretta Lynch as attorney general, and who is not just a supporter of but a prime mover behind the Common Core education mess while blasting opponents for pushing “conspiracy theories.”

This figment of the imagination also has spent years pushing vastly expanded immigration and what can be described only as mass amnesty for illegals. Not only that, but he has repeatedly said or strongly implied that those who don’t agree with him are not merely misguided, but heartless or nativist (and, yes, “un-American”).


When the Vatican joined the chorus and announced it would sign a treaty with the Palestinian political leadership to recognize the ‘State of Palestine’ it was yet another sign that people are so fixed on a desire for ‘peace’ that it makes them shortsighted, if not blind, to realities.

The peace camp is so myopically short on rationale, and the power of reason is so weak, that it doesn’t have the strength to pull the peace train out of the station, let alone allow it to reach its destination.

Allow me to highlight some simple facts that get in the way.

The Palestine envisioned by the Vatican is not the same Palestine envisioned by the Palestinian factions. Of course, the Vatican will say that this can only be the outcome of negotiations with Israel. If this is the case, why are they recognizing an unknown entity now and refusing to face the reality of Palestinian politics and ambitions?

Let me be blunt. The Vatican takes no consideration of the rejectionist anti-Semitism of both Fatah and Hamas or, if it has considered this malevolent and determined opposition to the existence of Israel, has chosen to ignore it.

Israel, I suggest, deserves an answer.

Deportation Process Entering Into the Absurd By Hon. Elizabeth A. Hacker and Hon. Mahlon F. Hanson

In our days at the immigration court, it always was a serious and somber moment when at the conclusion of a hearing we rendered a decision finding an illegal alien inadmissible or deportable, denying all applications for deportation relief, and issuing an order removing that alien back to their home country. The issuance of such an order would immediately be followed by an advisory letter to the alien explaining their rights to appeal and warning them of the criminal consequences of re-entering the country without proper authority. But now, that process is entering into the absurd.

Our former colleagues are now being forced to tell deportable aliens that the final deportation order they’re issuing isn’t actually an impediment to receiving the President’s grants of deferred action. Even though the alien’s violated our immigration laws (and dozens more [2] in some cases), they’re now being advised that they can receive work permits, a social security card, tax benefits, parole, travel documents, and, if the alien is from Central America, the opportunity to bring qualifying family members to the United States at taxpayer expense. And even they’re not eligible for deferred action, they know they should simply sit tight as DHS may issue more policy memoranda expanding eligibility for deferred action and additional benefits.

We’re Still Dumbing Down the Iraq War By Bruce Thornton

Jeb Bush tangled himself up recently when he tried to answer a dumb question on the intelligence failures about Iraq’s WMDs and their role in going to war with Saddam Hussein in 2003. I’m not interested in the media’s usual pointless chatter about the incident, or in the other Republican hopefuls who circled to plunge a spear in Jeb like the Greeks jabbing the dead Hector. More troubling is the continuing dumbing down of the context and circumstances that surrounded the decision to go to war.

Start first with the mood of the country in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. After the shock and grief came the recriminations about the government’s failure to “connect the dots” and anticipate an attack that al Qaeda had telegraphed in word and bloody deed for nearly a decade. And that destruction had been wrought by a mere 19 terrorists, who armed only with box cutters had killed 3000 and injured 6000 Americans, and cost the economy $2 trillion, according to one estimate. No one wanted to find out what havoc terrorists armed with WMDs could wreak.

The Pope, Liberation Theology, Palestine and Castro… By Lionel Chetwynd

It is famously said the great 13th century philosopher Thomas Aquinas baptized Aristotle by reexamining faith’s relationship to reason; likewise it’s fair to say the “Liberation Theologists” ordained, elevated, beatified, and finally deified Karl Marx by asserting (Roman Catholic) Christianity can only be understood by interpreting faith through the suffering of the poor, their struggle, and their hopes. First described in A Theology of Liberation [1] by Peruvian Priest Gustavo Gutiérrez [2], liberation theology’s message that truth, justice — and thus the true vision of the Catholic Church — can only be seen through the eyes of the poor was immediately understood by the Left as a break in the Church’s historic sense of right and wrong, good and evil. It was also a perfect vehicle for persuading the increasingly secular western elites, bored with the burdens of traditional faith, that voting for a particular party was tantamount to praying; it even took care of the obligation to “aid the poor,” and freed them of “all that mumbo-jumbo superstition of which we smart young moderns have no need.” The doctrine spread quickly throughout Latin America and its open door to cafeteria religiosity quickly found friends in Asia, Africa — and, of course, Arab Palestine, where moral relativism is a constitutional necessity.

Israel Warns: Hezbollah Makes Lebanon a Human Shield By P. David Hornik

Anonymous Israeli “military officials” have been handing out warnings that Hezbollah is turning southern Lebanon into a giant human shield for Hezbollah’s next war with Israel. These officials say that, while Israel will try to minimize civilian casualties, it can’t promise anything and can’t roll over and play dead before a barrage of Hezbollah missiles.

A New York Times report [1] indicates that these officials particularly targeted the Gray Lady with information. Other reports, such as this one from Agence France-Presse [2], tell of a more general briefing for foreign journalists at the Israeli Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv.

The Times report tells of a tiny southern Lebanese Shiite village, Muhaybib, where the Israeli military sees, “nine arms depots, five rocket-launching sites, four infantry positions, signs of three underground tunnels, three antitank positions and, in the very center of the village, a Hezbollah [3] command post.”

Legitimizing the Groups that Hate You Is the Anne Frank Trust too Trusting? by Samuel Westrop

In 2014, the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain published a report on the iERA. The report concluded that the iERA should be classified as a “hate group.”

Unfortunately, providing extremists with a platform only serves to legitimize “anti-racism” and interfaith initiatives that openly promote illiberal and anti-democratic agendas.

If anti-racism activists and representatives of the Anne Frank Trust choose to attend the iERA’s event and share a platform with Abdurraheem Green, they will simply be handing a powerful cover of undeserved legitimacy to one of Britain’s most intolerant groups.

On May 21, a representative of a prominent British Jewish charity, the Anne Frank Trust, will share a platform with one of Britain’s most notorious anti-Semitic extremists: the Salafist preacher, Abdurraheem Green.

The event, organized by the Islamic Diversity Centre, is named “Against Racism Against Hatred: Tackling Anti-Semitism & Islamophobia.”

Why Is Britain Missing in Action? by Peter Martino

“Britain has taken leave from the world stage in an extraordinary and depressing way. It’s marginalized itself in Europe, and it’s absented itself from most of the great issues on the world stage.” — Timothy Garton Ash, professor of European Studies, Oxford University.

Ten years ago, Britain was still playing a major role in Iraq and Afghanistan, but today, Britain has ceased to be a global leader. It seems even to have lost its ambition to be one.

Britain has a long international tradition. Breaking with this tradition would be an irreparable loss.

I Don’t Need No Daddy By Eileen F. Toplansky

It’s been a troubling semester, but not because many of my students passively and/or actively resist the knowledge that I try to pass on to them. It’s been frustrating not merely because government regulations and mandates have made me into a secretary filling out a myriad of online forms. It’s been disheartening not only because leftist propaganda surrounds me and I am but one small voice in the academic desert trying to teach true American core values.

No, it’s been a sad and sometimes heartbreaking semester because many college students’ assorted troubles are related to the fact that they are bereft of wholesome father figures. The combination of resentment, hurt, anger, and defiant pride run through their writings. It affects everything they do, from having trust issues with the opposite sex to taking direction from anyone they view as an authority figure. Most carry an enormous chip on their shoulders and take offense at the slightest thing.