Displaying the most recent of 91920 posts written by

Ruth King

The NY Times’ Israeli-Hating Reporter By Ari Lieberman

On April 25, the New York Times, the paper that placed second [2] as the most dishonest reporter in 2014 and placed first [3] the preceding year, ran the following headline, “Israeli Police Officers Kill Two Palestinian Men [4].” The article was authored by Diaa Hadid; more on her later. Not until one starts reading the article does one understand why the shootings occurred and under what circumstances. In both instances, Israeli security forces came under attack by knife and hatchet wielding Palestinian terrorists and in at least one of those incidents, the attacker succeeded in stabbing an Israeli, though thankfully, his injuries were non-life threatening.

Clearly Hadid has difficulty understanding (or accepting) the concept of cause and effect – terrorist attempts to stab Israeli and Israeli responds by defending himself and shooting terrorist. Consider the manner in which other news outlets covered the event. The Jerusalem Post ran the following headline in connection with precisely the same story; “Terrorist shot dead after stabbing Border Policeman in Hebron [5].” The left-leaning Ha’aretz ran something similar; “Palestinian tries to stab police officers in Jerusalem and is shot dead, police says [6].” And the Boston Herald noted the following; “Israeli police: 2 Palestinians shot dead after knife attacks [7].”

Hadid also used the article to remind readers of an anti-Arab terrorist attack perpetrated by an Israeli that occurred more than 21 years ago and resulted in the deaths of 29. Absent from her reportage of course is the Arab pogrom, massacre and expulsion of the peaceful Jewish community of Hebron in 1929 that resulted in the deaths of 69 civilians. Nor does she bother noting that following the Arab occupation of Hebron in 1948, Arabs embarked on a systematic campaign to eradicate all vestiges of Jewish presence in the city. The ancient Jewish cemetery of Hebron (which incidentally, contained the bodies of some of the victims of the 1929 massacre) was desecrated and synagogues were either destroyed or converted into animal pens.


The ethnically Jewish atheist leader of Britain’s Labour Party (pictured; yes, I’m too kind to post one of those grotesque snaps online showing him making hard work of chomping through a bacon sandwich recently) has vowed to outlaw “Islamophobia” if, by some unhappy mischance, he should end up as Britain’s prime minister next month.

Britain’s “first Jewish prime minister,” according to him, blithely choosing to forget the Tory Benjamin Disraeli, who although baptised in childhood was gloriously conscious of his Jewishness, and dubbed “the Hebrew conjuror”.

Miliband told the editor of the UK-based The Muslim News:

“We are going to make it an aggravated crime. We are going to make sure it is marked on people’s records with the police to make sure they root out Islamophobia as a hate crime.


Bernard Schwartz, chief executive officer of Loral Space &
Communications, tells The New York Times he considers President Clinton
a friend, “but not the kind of friend that you can call upon for
We’re supposed to believe that Schwartz invested $1.3 million in
Clinton’s political campaigns without the expectation of special
treatment. If that’s true, you would expect Loral stockholders to demand
an explanation for such reckless disregard of their interests. I doubt
you’ll see such a move. Because Loral got plenty of bang for its buck.
“I can say absolutely, categorically, I have never spoken with the
president about any Loral business, except on one occasion,” he says.
Notice the careful wording of that statement. Never … except on one
occasion. Furthermore, it’s clear Schwartz and his company did ask the
president and his administration for favors — for special treatment –
on more than one occasion.


Robert B. Young, M.D., is a psychiatrist who also writes for Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership at DRGO.us.
Being disagreeable has become a justification for censorship.

The current notion that we must avoid hurting anyone’s feelings is becoming oppressive. Particularly in academia, deviation from this standard can lead to educational or career consequences. Speaking up for gun rights, for instance, is virtually verboten; even a seven-year-old boy who chewed a Pop-Tart into the vague shape of a gun was punished by school authorities, who suspended him for brandishing the pastry in play.

Now a court has jumped on the bandwagon. On April 27, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals decided Friedman v. City of Highland Park, Illinois, voting two to one to back the city’s banning of certain firearms and magazine capacities, partly based on feelings: “If it has no other effect, Highland Park’s ordinance may increase the public’s sense of safety.#…#If a ban on semiautomatic guns and large-capacity magazines reduces the perceived risk from a mass shooting, and makes the public feel safer as a result, that’s a substantial benefit.” Left unexamined is how anyone’s feelings are more important than actual risk, or how the court can override the Bill of Rights. As the dissenting judge correctly stated, “Both the ordinance and this court’s opinion upholding it are directly at odds with the central holdings of Heller and McDonald.”


Most Republican presidential contenders are trying to woo GOP megadonor Sheldon Adelson, who in 2012 demonstrated his ability to bankroll a campaign almost singlehandedly when he kept former House speaker Newt Gingrich’s presidential prospects alive long after most expected him to bow out of the race. But in the Sheldon primary, according to multiple sources, one top candidate is already a dead man.

That’s former Florida governor Jeb Bush, whose aides have, for the past several months, been making overtures to Adelson in an attempt to get him to open his wallet to a Bush super PAC that is expected to raise record sums. But at this point, it looks like none of that money will come from Adelson. “I think he’s lost the Sheldon primary,” says the leader of a top conservative group. The bad blood between Bush and Adelson is relatively recent, and it deepened with the news that former secretary of state James Baker, a member of Bush’s foreign-policy advisory team, was set to address J Street, a left-wing pro-Israel organization founded to serve as the antithesis to the hawkish American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

Do the Clintons Even Care about How Their Myriad Scandals Affect Their Public Image? Jonah Goldberg

I once had a boss who gave me some great advice, not just for managing people but for judging politicians: You forgive mistakes; you punish patterns. Everybody screws up. But if someone won’t learn from his mistakes and try to correct his behavior, then he either doesn’t think it was a mistake, he just doesn’t care, or he thinks you’re a fool. The one indisputable takeaway from Peter Schweizer’s new book, Clinton Cash, is that Bill and Hillary Clinton fit one or all of those descriptions.

Let us recall Marc Rich, a shady billionaire indicted for tax evasion and defying trade sanctions with Iran during the U.S. hostage crisis. Rich fled to Switzerland to escape prosecution. He hired Jack Quinn, a former Clinton White House counsel, to lobby the administration for a pardon. Quinn sought help from then–deputy attorney general Eric Holder, who advised Quinn to petition the White House directly — advice Holder later regretted. On the last day of his presidency, Bill Clinton pardoned Rich.

Why Is Pakistan More Legitimate than Israel? by Dennis Prager

Consider these facts about the creation of Israel and Pakistan. Whenever I have received a call from a listener to my radio show challenging Israel’s legitimacy, I have asked these people if they ever called a radio show to challenge any other country’s legitimacy. In particular, I ask, have they ever questioned the legitimacy of Pakistan?

The answer, of course, is always “no.”In fact, no caller ever understood why I even mentioned Pakistan. There are two reasons for this.

First, of all the 200-plus countries in the world, only Israel’s legitimacy is challenged. So mentioning any other country seems strange to a caller. Second, almost no one outside of India and Pakistan knows anything about the founding of Pakistan.Only months before the U.N. adopted a proposal to partition Palestine into a Jewish and Arab state in 1947, India was partitioned into a Muslim and Hindu state. The Hindu state was, of course, India. And the Muslim state became known as Pakistan. It comprises 310,000 square miles, about 40,000 square miles larger than Texas.

In both cases, the declaration of an independent state resulted in violence. As soon as the newly established state of Israel was declared in May 1948, it was invaded by six Arab armies. And the partition of India led to terrible violence between Muslims and Hindus.


Same name, same tragic destiny

Baruch Mizrahi, killed on Seder Night in a West Bank terror attack, was named for an Israeli legend – an Arab who converted to Judaism and fought in the pre-state Irgun.

Israel Police Chief Superintendent Baruch Mizrahi was killed in a terrorist shooting attack in the West Bank last year while driving to a Passover Seder with his family. Only after his death did his widow, Hadas, learn that her husband was named after an Irgun fighter who was killed in 1948, chillingly close to the same date.

“Baruch never told me about the origin of his name,” Hadas says of her husband, who served for more than 20 years in the Israel Defense Forces’ Intelligence Corps before being drafted into the police’s Intelligence Department. “His mother decided to tell me only at the funeral that he was named after the Irgun fighter – and that they shared the same destiny.”

On the eve of the War of Independence, one of the pre-state Jewish underground’s most fascinating fighters – an Arab from Safed who converted to Judaism and chose the name Baruch Mizrahi – was murdered near Jenin. Some 19 years later, his former comrade-in-arms, Haim Mizrahi, decided to name his newborn son Baruch, in memory of the fallen Irgun fighter. Baruch Mizrahi the Irgun fighter was killed on ninth of the Hebrew month of Nissan; Chief Superintendent Baruch fell on the fourteenth day of Nissan.

The Sham Candidacy of Hillary Clinton — and What It Means for the Republic :Michael Walsh

The only reason an HRC candidacy is even plausible is the influence of the legacy media, which has simply declared, by fiat, her suitability and her inevitability.

Let us please stipulate that in a rational world, a woman like Hillary Rodham Clinton would have absolutely no chance of being nominated for, much less elected, president of the United States. She has achieved nothing, accomplished nothing (unless you count the four dead Americans at Benghazi, for which she will ultimately be held responsible); she is an exremely poor public speaker, full of annoying verbal and physical tics; she is legendarily dishonest; she is a hard-core Alinskyite; and in general a wretched human being. By rights, she should be laughed off the stage, the same way the smart set laughed at Lurleen Wallace, who succeeded her husband George Wallace, the racist Democrat, as governor of Alabama back in 1967. She has no natural political constituency, except the manufactured “women’s vote,” and no rationale for her candidacy except that it’s “time” for a woman president, just as it was “time” for a part-black African, part-Arab, half-white, paternally cultural Muslim to pass for a traditional African-American Christian and be elected president in 2008.

And yet, even after the comically disastrous and transparently phony launch of her new “campaign,” she’s considered the “inevitable” Democrat nominee for 2016 and, very likely, the next president of the United States. For the sake of democracy in America, she needs to be defeated and politically destroyed. Break Hillary and you have begun to break the power of the Mainstream Media, a fifth column masquerading as the Fourth Estate whose mission it has been for decades to “fundamentally transform” the United States of America.

Why Baltimore: An American Tragedy : Roger Simon

After festering for half a century, we’re witnessing the endgame of LBJ’s Great Society.

Who wasn’t hugely depressed watching the non-stop coverage of the Baltimore riots Monday night? So sad. How has it come to this? We’re back in Watts [1], only it’s five decades later !

Well, it’s not exactly the same. It was white businesses that were trashed in Watts — this time they were black ones. And there was another, even more important, difference…

Commentators were repeatedly asking, where are the parents? Ben Carson — the neurosurgeon, potential Republican presidential candidate and onetime Baltimore resident — urged the city’s parents “Please, take care of your children.” [2]

Great idea, but here’s the problem. They don’t have ‘em. According to liberal CNN’s Don Lemon, 72 percent of African-American children are born out of wedlock. His stats were born out by the Centers for Disease Control [2]. One can only imagine what the stats would be broken down for those Baltimore neighborhoods that were rioting. The presence of a father in the home would be a rarity indeed. And a lot of the moms are probably holding their fatherless homes together for dear life, desperately trying to make a living when their kids are pouring out of school. No one was home.