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Ruth King

Hillary Redux Can Cause Acid Reflux : Quinn Hyllier

Clinton’s return is a recipe for disaster. Not being Tammy Wynette. Cattle futures, Red Bone, back-allocating trades. Madison Guaranty. Requested destruction of Madison files at the Rose Law Firm. Whitewater land development. Delinquent Whitewater tax filings. Resolution Trust Corporation criminal referral. Rose Law Firm shenanigans. Bimbo eruptions. Cookie recipes. FDIC inspector-general reports that Hillary “deceived” federal regulators. Travel Office: improper firings, false accusations, lies, cover-ups. Unethical behavior on the Watergate committee. “More ecstatic modes of living.” Alinsky disciple. Clerked for Communist lawyer. Defended child rapist, joked about it. Fulminations about a vast right-wing conspiracy.

“Vacuum Rose law files.” The Lippo Group and its principals and offshoots in the 1980s. Lippo Group in the 1990s. Lippo Group via visa waivers in 2010. John Huang. Charlie Trie. Coffee klatches. Rifling through, and hiding, poor Vince Foster’s files. Missing billing records. Snooping through FBI background checks, or at least surrounding herself with people who did. Improperly secret meetings on health-care reform. Secret desire for a government single-payer system, despite public denials. Profiting from short-sales of pharmaceuticals even as she attacked the pharmaceutical industry. Slandering (Lewinsky as a “narcissistic loony toon”), and perhaps worse, the women with whom her husband had sexual relations.

The Dirty Business of the Billary Machine, Again : John Fund

“Ambitious” is an understatement, and the public is wary.
In the run-up to Hillary Clinton’s presidential announcement, a lot of commentators dismissed criticism of her or suggested it would boomerang against Republicans. Her former consultant James Carville accused MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough of “scandalmongering.” On Sunday, Chuck Todd of NBC’s Meet the Press, speaking to radio talk-show host Hugh Hewitt, expressed his skepticism of Republican efforts against the Clintons: “I look at sort of an obsession on the right of beating Obama and beating Bill Clinton over the years . . . is there a point where you do this too much?” But clearly many voters disagree.

A new Bloomberg poll finds approval of Hillary at 48 percent in the wake of her e-mail scandal. The poll finds 53 percent of Americans believe “she purposely withheld or deleted some relevant e-mails from a private account and home server she used while in office.” Just 29 percent of respondents think she is being truthful. “Voters do think she is a strong leader — a key metric — but unless she can change the honesty perception, running as a competent but dishonest candidate has serious potential problems,” concludes Quinnipiac’s assistant polling director Peter Brown.

Nuclear Iran’s “Spillover Effects” by Vijeta Uniyal

As President Obama tries to sell the world his mysterious nuclear “framework agreement,” India’s defense establishment is just not buying it. The U.S. and Western commentators might be expecting “peace dividends” from Iran, but India cannot afford to harbor such illusions.

The Iranians have already announced that they plan to sell “enriched uranium” in the international marketplace, and will be “hopefully making some money” from it. To whom will they sell?

A nuclear Iran would be able to hold the world hostage by blocking one-third of the world’s oil supply at the Strait of Hormuz. Iranian proxies have also been trying to seize control of the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait, the maritime choke point of the Suez Canal.

The only question is whether the West would rather have an adversary such as Iran before it has nuclear weapons or after.



Natural chemicals that protect against cancer. Scientists working in the Technion laboratory of Israeli Nobel Prize winner Professor Aaron Ciechanover have discovered that high concentrations of the chemical KPC1 and protein p50 suppress malignant growth and protect healthy cells.

Stop cell “spam” to prevent cancer. Scientists at Israel’s Weizmann Institute have identified that cancer can be triggered by an overload of specific messages from the cell membrane to its nucleus. They have also found a molecule that can filter these messages, similar to the way spam emails are blocked.

Pomegranate juice and dates for healthy arteries. Researchers at Israel’s Technion and Haifa’s Rambam hospital have discovered that combining pomegranate juice and dates (with their pits) provides maximum protection against the buildup of plaque on the endothelium of the arteries, and prevents heart attack or stroke.
http://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/Health/Technion-research-Pomegranate-date-combination-a-day-keeps-the-doctor-away-396565 http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2015/fo/c4fo00998c#!divAbstract

Heart muscle re-grown after heart attack. Scientists at Israel’s Weizmann Institute working with Australian scientists have used the hormone neuregulin to re-grow heart tissue damaged by a heart attack or heart disease. See this rare positive report in the normally anti-Israel UK Guardian. Also published in Nature Cell Biology.
http://www.theguardian.com/science/2015/apr/07/heart-muscle-cells-regrown-in-medical-research-breakthrough http://www.nature.com/ncb/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/ncb3149.html

Mobile app approved for hip-replacements. FDA approval has been given to the iPhone / iPad app TraumaCad by Israeli health-tech firm Voyant, which helps doctors plan hip replacement on mobile devices. It allows doctors to import digital implant images from secure hospital networks and visualize the operation.

FDA approves Teva asthma treatment. Israel’s Teva has received FDA approval for ProAir RespiClick – the first and only breath-actuated, dry-powder rescue inhaler to be approved by the FDA for the treatment of acute asthma symptoms. ProAir RespiClick eliminates the need for hand-breath coordination during inhalation.

Auto-immunology – a new specialty of medicine. Professor Yehuda Shoenfeld of the Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer has founded the field of auto-immunology and connected 81 different diseases through the immune system. The latest is narcolepsy from which sufferers fall asleep due to an autoimmune reaction.

AposTherapy marches on. (TY Myer) Good video showing how successful the remedial shoes of Israel’s AposTherapy have become in the US. Its new CEO stopped building clinics and now trains physiotherapists to use AposTherapy shoes on patients suffering back and ligament pain. (Stop the video after the Apos feature.)

Diabetic technology goes global. Israeli medical tech firm DreaMed Diabetes has struck a deal with Medtronic, the world’s biggest medical device company, to use its MD-Logic Artificial Pancreas algorithm in Medtronic’s insulin pumps. The algorithm regulates the insulin released to the diabetic individual.

Medical images for computer diagnosis. (TY Michelle) Israeli startup Zebra Medical Vision is building a database of medical images (X-rays, CT scans and MRI scans) of real patients but without names or IDs. The database provides research data, previously unavailable due to privacy laws.

Support Free Speech and Professor Andrew Pessin Please Read and sign petition

I am writing to you to express my support for Professor Andrew Pessin.

Prof. Pessin is being demonized by students with a very specific and incendiary agenda, the destruction of any person who defends the State of Israel. These students intentionally presented Prof. Pessin’s Facebook post from August 2014 during the Hamas-Israel war, in which he defended the Israeli defensive blockade on Hamas, out of context, to both local and global audiences. They then constructed lie upon lie to misrepresent it as a racist post against Palestinians, in an attempt to intimidate him, silence him, attack his character, and destroy his career. Their actions generated a wave of hate mail and threats directed toward him and his family.

Connecticut College’s Administration has succumbed to this intimidation and completely failed to take action to protect Prof. Pessin from these malicious attacks which violate the appropriate norms of free speech.

Appomattox Through a Glass, Darkly : David Goldman

Fittingly, the 150th anniversary of Lee’s surrender to Grant at Appomattox Courthouse fell on the sixth day of Passover, “the season of our freedom,” when Jews celebrate God’s eruption into human history to free them from Egyptian slavery. Appomattox denoted the end of the American Civil War, which claimed 750,000 lives. The equivalent number proportionate to today’s population would be 7 million. Understandably, Americans remain obsessed with the conflict, by far the bloodiest in our history.

The American Republic which the Civil War renewed, purged with blood of the stain of slavery, arose from a biblical vision of governance in the English Revolution of the 17th century, as Harvard’s Eric Nelson, Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks. Rabbi Meir Soloveichik and others have shown.


The Cuban fiasco

In that simplistic jargon characterizing Pres. Barack Hussein Obama’s worldwide “transformation” of U.S. foreign policy, the chief argument for his Cuban shift has been “[T]hese 50 years have shown that isolation has not worked.”

In the facts of history, in this as in so many other instances, Obama is wrong.

The fact is that U.S. policy toward Cuba, with its ups and downs, has been generally successful.

First, of course, the outcome of the Cuban Missiles Crisis of October 1962 prevented the Soviet Union from obtaining an advanced offensive weapons base just off the U.S. southern coast. The confrontation was a turning point in the Cold War. Moscow’s victorious march through control of Central and Eastern Europe and its threat to Western Europe began to be reversed when JFK back off Nikita Khrushchev’s gamble.

Secondly, the Soviet Union’s Cold War effort, using the Castros’ regime, to infiltrate and create other Communist states in Latin America was beaten back – in Costa Rica, Haiti, Nicaragua, Panama, Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Colombia. Indeed almost every Latin American government at one time or another was a target, if unsuccessfully.

That is not to say, of course, that American policy toward Havana was a string of unbroken successes, or that, in fact, it was always clear-headed.


What would you do if you read a book that predicted the end of your country…and, in effect, the end of your life and those you love? You’d probably cry a bit…I did. You’d probably reject it…I do.

But you’ll think about what the author wrote…I am.

You’ll want to dismiss it as nonsense…I wish…more, I believe he is wrong.

Tuvia Tenenbom has written a book, “Catch the Jew”. He’s a fantastic writer – more, he’s a journalist…and I can tell you I say that about very few people today. Most so-called journalists, certainly the ones who work for BBC, CNN, and sad to admit, even the “friendly” media like Fox News, are more interested in shaping the news, rather than reporting it. They “frame” it, they will tell you, but the frame is faulty because it comes with a predetermined conclusion. Tenenbom’s book doesn’t. You aren’t quite sure where he’s going to end up – at varying points, you wonder whether someone else will be finishing it because he ended up getting murdered upon discovery that he isn’t the Aryan Christian he pretends to be. He goes among the right and laughs at them; he meets with the left and finds them moronic. He meets with Druze, Bedouin, Muslim, Christian and Jew…and pretty much every denomination among them. I wish I could have met with him because what he considers the “center” of Israel, really isn’t; what he calls the “extreme right”, isn’t either. There are two things I think he got wrong. Considering how long the book took, how much time he spent in Israel…that’s really not too bad. What he got right is placed before you with sharp, insightful and even sarcastic sentences thrown out there for you, the reader. As he meets with some politician, it is as if he turns his head and speaks to you, explaining that you, like he, should not be fooled by the hot air in the room.

NY Times Caught Red-Handed on Iran: Jack Engelhard

Oy vey when Ayatollahs are more reliable than the Gray Lady.
I can’t imagine what it’s like when the top editors at The New York Times get together to further glorify Obama at the expense of Israel, only to find themselves a laughingstock. Or maybe I can:

Tom Friedman: “We made a mistake.”

“Mistake? We’re Liberals. We never make mistakes. Friedman, you’re fired.”

If only…

What happened? On Wednesday the wizards at the Times’ “editorial board” sought ways to put lipstick on a pig to sell it as kosher. The editorial, written under the spell of gobbledygook, declared that the Iran Nuke agreements were a win for the United States over the ayatollahs and that Israel ought to know better than to second-guess President Obama.

So shut up, the Times explained. We know what’s good. Iran has agreed to everything, even the gradual lifting of sanctions.

Fifty Shades of Obama DiplomacyHumberto Fontova

Too bad Barack Obama didn’t spend less time in Chicago with Bill Ayres and Bernardine Dohrn and more with typical South Side “homeys.” The future president of the world’s most powerful nation might have learned about real- world diplomacy.

Community organizers indeed! Those gentlemen really know how to “organize a community” in their favor. Any of these gang leaders (and even members) could teach Obama that earning real-world respect and defending your turf is a cinch. And it’s not by emulating Anastasia Steele at the hands of Christian Grey.

Obama arrived in Panama City On April 10th for the Summit of the Americas wearing the usual sign on his back for such events, a big bold one reading: “KICK ME!” The “dissing” by Latin American leaders started much earlier, however.